Mac equivalents: 

1.) option-click on the Airport icon in the menu bar to see instantaneous 
detailed information on the current connection.

2.) Another command-line Mac tool is available at:


This will give you all sorts of other info.  Exploring the options is left as 
an exercise to the reader.  :)

> On Nov 29, 2016, at 09:13 , Hector J Rios <> wrote:
> The first thing I do when I notice WiFi issues on my Windows laptop is to 
> bring up the WiFi Status window on my wireless adapter. This tells me the 
> signal quality, the speed, and the SSID I'm connected to. If I select details 
> (Network Connection Details) I then get more info like IP address and my MAC 
> address. 
> But sometimes we need to know more, right? For that I use the netsh commands. 
> If I open up my command prompt and type "netsh WLAN show interfaces", I now 
> have more pieces of information to work with. Of special importance is the 
> BSSID. This is the MAC address of the WAP I'm connected to. I also get Radio 
> Type, which indicates which 802.11 protocol my adapter is using for the 
> current connection. 
> If you like this command and want to take it an extra step, you can write the 
> following script into your favorite text editor:
> :loop
> netsh WLAN show interfaces
> timeout /t 5
> goto loop
> Save this file as a .bat. When you run it, a command prompt will pop up and 
> the command will run and refresh every 5 seconds. Now you have a pretty cool 
> and useful tool to monitor your WLAN adapter. 
> Regards, 
> Hector
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Julian Y. Koh
Associate Director, Telecommunications and Network Services
Northwestern Information Technology

2001 Sheridan Road #G-166
Evanston, IL 60208
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