I need to detect a specific version (2008 R2) and a specific instance of
SQL Express as a dependency.

According to some blog I found a few days ago, the correct way to do
this type of detection is via WMI.  As it turns out, the detection code
in .NET if very simple and clean.  My employer is adamant that we do not
write this detection code in C++.  Of course, we cannot use the MS
provided bootstrapper to run the check if .NET Framework has not be
installed.  I even went so far as to create 2 bootstrappers and chain
them together.  Utter failure.  Looks like 3 might do things correctly,
but at this point, I am not sure. :-(

This problem became an excuse to learn about
ManagedBootstrapperApplicaions in Burn 3.6.  I have spent the day
uncovering the documentation in Burn etc., and think I have handle on
this problem except for ONE BIG ISSUE.

Is there a mechanism to employ a custom detection in the Burn
ManagedBootstrapperApplication that would affect the install/no install
status of an ExePackage?

Of course if anyone wants to chime in on a reliable method of detecting
a specific version and instance of SQL that does not require WMI, I am
listening.  Currently our rule is as follows.  If there is no SQL
installed install the instance or if there is a SQL 2008 R2 installed
but not the correct instance, install the instance.  The idea of mixing
versions of SQL or forcing an upgrade on the user is being deferred till

Roy Chastain

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