I'm trying to use wix to build an installer for distributing and setting up an 
automated test environment. This is really made up of 3 parts, the application 
code (which is installed via its own installer), the test code which I'm using 
wix for, and some databases that contain the data used during test. The 
Databases are where I run into trouble, I was hoping to package them up in my 
installer I've built for the test code but it takes forever to put them into a 
cab file, like an hour for the 500Mb of database files.  This is really 
unacceptable to me because I want to use this as part of an automated build 
process - thus began my search for an optimization.
First I found the -cc and -reusecab options and tried them but because the test 
code files are changing with each compile the cab gets rebuilt.
Next I tried using -reusecab but separating out the Database files into a 
separate cab, still it gets rebuilt.

So my question boils down to this:
Should -reusecab regenerate 'all' the cab files if any single one of them is 
out of date, or should it be regenerating only the out of date cab files?
Is there a better solution?

I think ideally if your wix project generates multiple cab files then -reusecab 
should check each one individually and only rebuild those that don't match the 
current files.

Brian Abbott
Software Quality Engineer

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