Hi All,


I'm using Wix and Burn to install my application, along with .Net 4.0 if
needed.  Both are included with the installer (nothing downloaded from the
web).  This all works fine on our computers (Windows 8.1, 7 & XP).


But we've deployed a handful of these and two people have already given us a
log reporting the same error


[01CC:10F8][2015-02-01T09:39:17]i336: Acquiring container:
WixAttachedContainer, copy from:

[01CC:10F8][2015-02-01T09:39:17]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLastUsedSource' to value 'C:\Programas\'

[01CC:08FC][2015-02-01T09:39:17]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to extract
all files from container, erf: 1:4:0

[01CC:10F8][2015-02-01T09:39:17]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to begin and
wait for operation.

[01CC:10F8][2015-02-01T09:39:17]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to extract
payload: a0 from container: WixAttachedContainer

[01CC:10F8][2015-02-01T09:39:17]e312: Failed to extract payloads from
container: WixAttachedContainer to working path:
BF363D3539B111EA2D21C78FA210F667D524, error: 0x80070570.


On the other hand, we've had several successful installs, so obviously only
some set-ups have this problem.  It's enough to be a serious concern for us,
as we're a low-volume business.


I've read a lot online about bad signing causing this problem, so I've
checked this.   I've double-signed properly with insignia, and I've checked
on my own computer that the engine is still signed when it's extracted to
Package Cache.  It is.


Basically I have no idea.  The closest post I've found was this one - 




. this same error, but fixed by moving the installer to the desktop.  One of
our users was installing from their desktop and they still get this error,
so I guess it's not quite the same.


Any help would be very greatly appreciated!



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