[WiX-users] Mailing list search on sourceforge broken?

2010-05-19 Thread Wix Mailing List
I'm trying to search the archived mailing lists at
https://sourceforge.net/search/?group_id=105970type_of_search=mlists, but
no matter what search term I enter (and using wix-users) I don't get any
results back.  Who might I contact about this?






WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Upgrade installation

2010-05-18 Thread Wix Mailing List
The install of my app includes a large file that I don't want to include in
the subsequent updates.  So I have an install project and an upgrade
project.  I have the Product-UpgradeCode, and the Component-GUID Guids the
same in the install and the upgrade.  I use AutoGen for the Product and
Package ID's.


I run the install, then the update.  Everything works OK, except there are
now two entries in the Add/Remove program list.  When I did this using the
.NET install, it only kept the latest in the list.


Any hints on how I would go about doing this?








WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade installation

2010-05-18 Thread Wix Mailing List
If you have two separate MSI files then you'll have two entries in
Add/Remove Programs. There's no magic merge that makes them become one

 But I did the same type of thing using the .NET setup (which produces MSI
files) and it did as I expected.  The upgrade recognized that it was the
same product as the initial install, and I only ended up with the one entry
in Add/Remove Programs.

Why exactly don't you want to include the file in subsequent updates? If
it's a static file then patches and upgrades won't try to update it anyway
if it hasn't changed. Otherwise don't use an MSI package to install it. Pack
it in the Binary table of the first install, or as a resource in an exe so
that Windows doesn't directly install and control it. You'll have to remove
it at uninstall time. 

 I don't want the user to have to download the larger MSI file (actually I
turn it into an exe) that contains the static file when they do an upgrade,
since there's no utility in doing so.  I'm not sure what you mean by Pack
it in the Binary table of the first install.  I'm not that knowledgeable
about MSI's in general, have always used the .NET setup until I started
using Wix.

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
From: Wix Mailing List [mailto:w...@danhinsley.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:41 AM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: [WiX-users] Upgrade installation

The install of my app includes a large file that I don't want to include in
the subsequent updates.  So I have an install project and an upgrade
project.  I have the Product-UpgradeCode, and the Component-GUID Guids the
same in the install and the upgrade.  I use AutoGen for the Product and
Package ID's.


I run the install, then the update.  Everything works OK, except there are
now two entries in the Add/Remove program list.  When I did this using the
.NET install, it only kept the latest in the list.


Any hints on how I would go about doing this?








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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade installation

2010-05-18 Thread Wix Mailing List
First, thanks for taking the time to explain all of this, as I said this is
all new to me.

I'm using VS 2008, and for whatever reason it didn't delete the file as part
of the update.  I've also got it set to not do so using Wix by not
specifying a GUID for that component (a user can put a lot of work into
updating this file, and I don't want them to lose it if they don't' want to.
I'm hoping to make this an option at some point, but reading about what it
takes to get in the middle of the uninstall process pushes this way down the

What I'm trying to do is just upgrade the executables, but not include the
data files or modify the registry keys or shortcuts that I create in an
install, but update the version number that Add/Remove knows about and just
have the one entry in Add/Remove.  The major upgrade in setup seems to leave
the shortcuts and registry data and data files alone, but does update the
version number in Add/Remove and just keeps the one entry (exactly what I
want).  Is there a way to do this in Wix?  I even tried setting the
UpgradeCode the same in the Wix install and the .NET setup upgrade, but no

When I install, change version#, update, change version #, update again,
then the two updates seem to work the way I want, the second one just
updates the version # in Add/Remove without adding another entry.  I know
I'm missing something basic here, but I don't know what.


-Original Message-
From: Wilson, Phil [mailto:phil.wil...@invensys.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 3:41 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Upgrade installation

What you're describing is a major upgrade. You didn't mention this, but
Visual Studio setup projects typically have RemovePreviousVersions set true,
that would cause an upgrade where the old version of the product would be
uninstalled. That's what incrementing ProductVersion, changing the
ProductCode and keeping UpgradeCode the same results in. Yes, that would be
an upgrade, and it removes the older product (which is why you see only one
entry in Add/Remove Programs). But it is a Windows Installer major upgrade
that uninstalls the old product and installs the new one, so it should have
removed that large file that you want to keep. If it did not remove it then
that was a happy accident because that's not the way it works. If your setup
project was built with VS 2005 or prior, RemovePreviousVersions
(RemoveExistingProducts in MSI-speak) runs at the start of the upgrade,
removing all the old files and the product, and then installing the new one.
It is an upgrade in the sense of uninstall of the old then install the new,
not in the sense of I'm adding something to this already installed

So I can well believe you got a major upgrade to work using
RemovePreviousVersions, that's not the issue. The issue is that you can't
keep that large file (from the first install) on the system if you do a
major upgrade and do not include it in the second upgrade install. 

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
From: Wix Mailing List [mailto:w...@danhinsley.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:39 PM
To: Wilson, Phil
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Upgrade installation

Using the .NET Visual Studio Setup Project, I set the UpgradeCode of both
the Install setup project and the Update setup project to be the same.  I
build and run Install.  I look in Add/Remove and I have one entry with the
version number I used to build Install. Then I change the version # and the
ProductCode in the Update project and build and run it.  I end up with just
one entry in Add/Remove, with the newer version # (if I don't change the
version # and productcode, then I go into maintenance mode).

So I am changing the product code, the Upgrade code is what stays the same.
So I know this can be done (as the .NET setup project does it).  But there
must be something I need to do with Wix to end up with the same result.

Make sense?

-Original Message-
From: Wilson, Phil [mailto:phil.wil...@invensys.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:55 PM
To: w...@danhinsley.com; General discussion for Windows Installer XML
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Upgrade installation

I'll assume a .NET setup is a Visual Studio Setup Project, but anyway
there's something missing in your description. You may have to be more
precise about what you did. 

If you install an MSI file with a ProductCode, then that product guid is on
the system, that's the definition of a product. If you now rebuild your MSI
file with different content, and the ProductCode is the same (and you don't
install it with a special command line) then it will go into maintenance
mode when you try to install it. In Visual Studio setups that's a
Repair/Remove choice. If you choose Repair then it does not use your new MSI
file. It effectively says, oh, this ProductCode is already installed, and it
uses the existing installed (cached) MSI file to do a repair. There'll be
one entry still

Re: [WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

2010-05-01 Thread Wix Mailing List
In case anyone else runs into this problem, the ID in my Upgrade element
didn't match the UpgradeCode.  It isn't clear in the example in the help
that these need to be the same GUID.  Of course when I read the doc for the
Upgrade element, that made it clear.


-Original Message-
From: Wix Mailing List [mailto:w...@danhinsley.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 11:14 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

I looked at the thread in the archive, but it appears that this person
didn't resolve his issue (or at least didn't post when he did).  Here's what
I've got:


Product Id=* Name=Myrna Language=1033

   Version=0.01.0 Manufacturer=No Bull Software

Package Id =*  InstallerVersion=300 Compressed=yes /

Media Id=1 Cabinet=media1.cab EmbedCab=yes /


Upgrade Id={A8C90E5E-814A-4bae-B5BB-6DD2A363DB69}

  UpgradeVersion Property=OLDERVERSIONBEINGUPGRADED Minimum=0.0.0
Maximum=0.01.0 IncludeMaximum=no  /

  UpgradeVersion Property=NEWERVERSIONDETECTED Minimum=0.01.0
OnlyDetect=yes IncludeMinimum=yes /


Condition Message=A later version of [ProductName] is already
installed.  Install will now exit.







  RemoveExistingProducts After=InstallExecute /



The InstallExecuteSequence if after the Feature list if that matters.


I install as above, everything works as it should. Then I change
Product/@Version, UpgradeVersion(OLDER.)/@Maximum and
UpgradeVersion(NEWER.)/@Minimum all to 0.02.0.


I install again, it installs and I have two entries in the Add/Remove table,
one for version 0.01.0 and one for 0.02.0. 


In the log for FindRelatedProducts I find:


MSI (c) (E0:BC) [11:09:30:281]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts

MSI (c) (E0:BC) [11:09:30:281]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText 

Action 11:09:30: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications

Action start 11:09:30: FindRelatedProducts.

Action ended 11:09:30: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.


MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:50:357]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts

MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:50:357]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText 

Action 11:09:50: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications

Action start 11:09:50: FindRelatedProducts.

MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:50:357]: Skipping FindRelatedProducts action: already
done on client side

Action ended 11:09:50: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0.


Which, given the other thread leads me to believe that FindRelatedProducts
isn't finding the prior install, but I can't for the life of me figure out
why.  Can anyone point me in the right direction here?






WiX-users mailing list

WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

2010-04-30 Thread Wix Mailing List
I looked at the thread in the archive, but it appears that this person
didn't resolve his issue (or at least didn't post when he did).  Here's what
I've got:


Product Id=* Name=Myrna Language=1033

   Version=0.01.0 Manufacturer=No Bull Software

Package Id =*  InstallerVersion=300 Compressed=yes /

Media Id=1 Cabinet=media1.cab EmbedCab=yes /


Upgrade Id={A8C90E5E-814A-4bae-B5BB-6DD2A363DB69}

  UpgradeVersion Property=OLDERVERSIONBEINGUPGRADED Minimum=0.0.0
Maximum=0.01.0 IncludeMaximum=no  /

  UpgradeVersion Property=NEWERVERSIONDETECTED Minimum=0.01.0
OnlyDetect=yes IncludeMinimum=yes /


Condition Message=A later version of [ProductName] is already
installed.  Install will now exit.







  RemoveExistingProducts After=InstallExecute /



The InstallExecuteSequence if after the Feature list if that matters.


I install as above, everything works as it should. Then I change
Product/@Version, UpgradeVersion(OLDER.)/@Maximum and
UpgradeVersion(NEWER.)/@Minimum all to 0.02.0.


I install again, it installs and I have two entries in the Add/Remove table,
one for version 0.01.0 and one for 0.02.0. 


In the log for FindRelatedProducts I find:


MSI (c) (E0:BC) [11:09:30:281]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts

MSI (c) (E0:BC) [11:09:30:281]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText 

Action 11:09:30: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications

Action start 11:09:30: FindRelatedProducts.

Action ended 11:09:30: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.


MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:50:357]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts

MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:50:357]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText 

Action 11:09:50: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications

Action start 11:09:50: FindRelatedProducts.

MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:50:357]: Skipping FindRelatedProducts action: already
done on client side

Action ended 11:09:50: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0.


Which, given the other thread leads me to believe that FindRelatedProducts
isn't finding the prior install, but I can't for the life of me figure out
why.  Can anyone point me in the right direction here?






WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

2010-04-30 Thread Wix Mailing List
I was just using the example in the help file.  I don't call
FindRelatedProducts directly, I'm assuming it gets called before the Upgrade
actions do.  If not, how does one go about doing this?

-Original Message-
From: wallywojo [mailto:wallyw...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 11:25 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

Hi Dan to point out here that might get you in the right direction. If you
are trying a launch condition based on a product lookup you cannot use
FindRelatedProducts since that happens after the LaunchConditions action.
View this message in context:
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

2010-04-30 Thread Wix Mailing List
In the log:

MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:218]: Doing action: RemoveExistingProducts
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:218]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText 
Action 11:09:51: RemoveExistingProducts. Removing applications
Action start 11:09:51: RemoveExistingProducts.
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT
`Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 22 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT
`Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 23 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT
`Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 16 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error 
MSI (s) (9C:6C) [11:09:51:228]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT
`Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 21 
Action ended 11:09:51: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 1.

Where can I find out what the errors mean?

Not sure what you mean about getting the info.  Is there some way to dump
this from the msi file?

Any ideas as to why the value might be wrong.  As I said in the first post,
this comes right from the help entry on how to do a major upgrade, and I
think I followed it correctly.  And the only thing I change after the first
install is the values I mentioned (for example, I don't touch the upgrade

-Original Message-
From: wallywojo [mailto:wallyw...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 1:26 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Double entries in Add/Remove programs

yeah, findrelatedproducts is before removeexistingproducts.

In the log, what do you have related to RemoveExistingProducts? This is a
side issue, the main issue is that the property associated with the Upgrade
entry has no value which means it is not finding a match. Sometimes for this
I will create a really simple vbscript file to check for the presence using
the info to get a quick test if your information is accurate like the
upgrade code and the version range.
View this message in context:
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

WiX-users mailing list

WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] List of predefined variables?

2010-04-29 Thread Wix Mailing List
Is there a list somewhere of things like THE_USER_ACCOUNT and the like?



WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] ICE64 - putting files in user's personal data folder

2010-04-28 Thread Wix Mailing List
I want to place some database files in the user's My Documents folder in a
folder for the app.  In disassembling the MSI file that windows installer
creates, I found the name to use for the folder.  But when I try to use it,
I get ICE64 saying the directory is in the user profile but not in the
RemoveFile table.  I tried adding both a RemoveFile for the file, and for
the directory, and also a RemoveFile for the file and a RemoveFolder for the
directory.  Now if I place the files directly in My Documents, it works.
Here's the source I'm using:


Directory Id=PersonalFolder ShortSourceName=USER'S~2 SourceName=User's
Personal Data Folder

Directory Id=PEData LongName=PatientEstimator

  Component Id=PEDataFiles

File Id=PEDB LongName=PatientEstimator.db


RemoveFile Id =PEDB Name =PATIEN~1.DB LongName
=PatientEstimator.db Directory =PersonalFolder On =uninstall/

RemoveFile Id=PEData Directory=PersonalFolder
Name=PATIEN~1 LongName=PatientEstimator On=uninstall /

RegistryValue Root=HKCU
Key=Software\Microsoft\PatientEstimator Name=installed Type=integer
Value=1 KeyPath=yes/





I've watched Rob's video, and gone through the tutorial, but am still
looking for any more documentation that might give me a better
understanding.  For example, I've not really run into anything that
describes the Remove. directives and what the restrictions are.


I'm just learning how to use Wix, so any help would be greatly appreciated. 



We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act, but
rather a habit - Aristotle




WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] ICE64 when copying file to Documents\AppName

2010-04-28 Thread Wix Mailing List
I want to place some database files in the user's My Documents folder in a
folder for the app.  In disassembling the MSI file that windows installer
creates, I found the name to use for the folder.  But when I try to use it,
I get ICE64 saying the directory is in the user profile but not in the
RemoveFile table.  I tried adding both a RemoveFile for the file, and for
the directory, and also a RemoveFile for the file and a RemoveFolder for the
directory.  Now if I place the files directly in My Documents, it works.
Here's the source I'm using:


  Directory Id=PersonalFolder SourceName=User's Personal Data

Directory Id=PEData Name=PatientEstimator

  Component Id=PEDataFiles

File Id=PEDB Name=PatientEstimator.db


RemoveFile Id =PEDB Name=PatientEstimator.db Directory
=PersonalFolder On =uninstall/

RemoveFile Id=PEData Name=PatientEstimator
Directory=PersonalFolder On =uninstall/

RegistryValue Root=HKCU
Key=Software\Microsoft\PatientEstimator Name=installed Type=integer
Value=1 KeyPath=yes/





I've watched Rob's video, and gone through the tutorial, but am still
looking for any more documentation that might give me a better
understanding.  For example, I've not really run into anything that
describes the Remove. directives and what the restrictions are.


I'm just learning how to use Wix, so any help would be greatly appreciated. 




We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act, but
rather a habit - Aristotle

WiX-users mailing list