
when I run uninstallation on windows XP, it does not deletes start menu 
entries, registry values, and services installed at this machine. Please 
suggest something if u find anything wrong in my code.
code for start menu entries is -

        <!-- ***start menu shortcuts at target machine *** -->
        <DirectoryRef Id = 'AppSMFolder'>
            <!--shortcut only for VM-->
            <Component Id = 'BatonSMShortcutCompVM' Guid = 
                <!--open baton directly-->
                <util:InternetShortcut Id="BatonOpen"
                    Name="Open BATON"
                    Type="url" />
            <!-- common shortcuts for VM and CS -->
            <Component Id = 'BatonSMShortcutCompVMCS' Guid = 
                <!--shortcut to Baton Service Manager -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'BatonServiceManager'
                    Name = 'BATON Service Manager'
                    Target = '[INSTALLDIR]Python24\bsm.exe'
                    Arguments = '&quot;[INSTALLDIR]Scripts\bsm.pyw&quot;'
                    Description = 'BATON Service Manager'
                    Icon = 'bsmIcon' />
            <!-- common shortcuts for VM CS and DB -->
            <Component Id = 'BatonSMShortcutComp' Guid = 
                <!--shortcut to Baton API manual -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'BatonAPIManual'
                    Name = 'BATON API Manual'
                    Target = '[INSTALLDIR]Docs\Win32\BatonAPIHelp.pdf'
                    Description = 'BATON API Manual' />
                <!--shortcut to Baton API Samples -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'BatonAPISamples'
                    Name = 'BATON API Samples'
                    Target = '[INSTALLDIR]Docs\BatonAPISamples\index.htm'
                    Description = 'BATON API Samples' />
                <!--shortcut to Baton installation guide -->
                <?if $(var.batonedition) = enterprise ?>
                    <Shortcut Id = 'BatonInstallationGuide'
                        Name = 'Installation Guide'
                        Target = 
                        Description = 'BATON Installation Guide' />
                    <Shortcut Id = 'BatonInstallationGuide'
                        Name = 'Installation Guide'
                        Target = 
                        Description = 'BATON Installation Guide' />
                <!--shortcut to Baton license request form -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'BatonLicenseRequestForm'
                    Name = 'License Request Form'
                    Target = 
                    Description = 'License Request Form' />
                <!--shortcut to Baton online help -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'BatonOnlineHelp'
                    Name = 'Online Help'
                    Target = '[INSTALLDIR]Docs\Win32\WebHelp\Index.htm'
                    Description = 'Online Help' />
                <!--shortcut to Baton Datasheet -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'BatonDatasheet'
                    Name = 'Product Datasheet'
                    Target = '[INSTALLDIR]Docs\BatonDatasheet.pdf'
                    Description = 'Product Datasheet' />
                <!--open baton website-->
                <util:InternetShortcut Id="BatonWebsite"
                    Name="Product Website"
                    Type="url" />
                <!--shortcut to uninstall product -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'UninstallProduct'
                    Name = 'Uninstall Baton'
                    Target = '[System64Folder]msiexec.exe'
                    Arguments = '/x [ProductCode]'
                    Description = 'Remove Baton from system' />
                <!--shortcut to services -->
                <Shortcut Id = 'WindowsServices'
                    Name = 'Windows Services'
                    Target = '[System64Folder]services.msc'
                    Arguments = '/s'
                    Description = 'Windows Services' />
                <RemoveFolder Id = 'AppSMFolder' On = 'uninstall'/>
                <RegistryValue Root = 'HKLM' Key = 
Name = 'installed' Type = 'integer' Value = '1' KeyPath = 'yes'>
                    <Permission GenericAll="yes" User="[USERGROUP_USERS]" />
                <RegistryValue Root = 'HKLM' Key = 
Name = 'InstallLocation' Type = 'string' Value = '[BATONSYSDRIVE]'>
                    <Permission GenericAll="yes" User="[USERGROUP_USERS]" />
                <RegistryValue Root = 'HKLM' Key = 
Name = 'Edition' Type = 'string' Value = '$(var.batonedition)'>
                    <Permission GenericAll="yes" User="[USERGROUP_USERS]" />
            <Component Id = 'BatonRemoveOldRegisteryEntryComp' Guid = 
                <RemoveRegistryKey Root = 'HKLM' Key = 
Action = "removeOnInstall" />

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