Re: [wpkg-users] wpkg for crapware removal?

2012-12-14 Thread heiko . helmle
 So usually for me it takes longer to clean the machines (and still 
 living with 
 the risk that manufacturer changed some Windows settings which I don't 
 about) than re-installing them from scratch; knowing to have a clean 
 then. Using unattended Windows setup and WPKG a machine can be 
 deployed within less than 1 hour usually. 

For our (small and diverse) deployment I didn't bother about unattended 
installs (or images). We just buy the machines without the crapware. WPKG 
then removes in a first step (as execute=once) the few packages that are 
not necessarily crapware, but unwanted (java-plugin) - and as execute-once 
because it might be needed later (and reinstalled/updated anyway).

 Cleaning a crapware-system usually 
 takes me longer manual actions and creating/maintaining a very-detailed 
 crapware-remover tool would require me to adapt it continuously.

Right - but there are tools for that readily available - I just don't know 
if those are automatable.
A quick web search brought this example:

 Jon actually had slightly different requirement. He's willing to 
 some known crapware and assure it's removed automatically whenever it's 
 installed on the client (after deployment). At least this was my 
 So here an execute=always package might help. The package will have to 

 identify every kind of undesired software and remove it silently on 
 every WPKG run.

I'd suggest using a normal package and using uninstall checks with a 
logical not - so the package commands only fire if the crap is there and 
will re-fire everytime the crap reappears.

Best Regards
Heiko -
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Re: [wpkg-users] Architecture being ignored when installing

2012-12-13 Thread heiko . helmle
 Strangely, if I run wpkg.js in a terminal window with /debug, it tries 
 run the proper file (but fails due to the software variable not being 
 But then when I try the service it again goes back to trying to install 
 32 bit version.

This sounds like you're running the 32bit service on the 64bit platform. 
Could you check that?

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Re: [wpkg-users] Log Files

2012-11-26 Thread heiko . helmle
 ..., because there is always something missing from the log on the 
 server, if it is done by a package.
 It is best to do it after WPKG.js is called, which can be accomplished 
 by a post action in WPKG client or a line in the batch file executing 

I've done this inside of WPKG - the trick is to spawn the package process 
(on execute='changed' in my case), let wpkg continue and the spawned 
process waits for wpkg to end and only then touches the log

this combination will ftp the log to the server only if an error is 

package id='reporterror'
name='Report Packaging Errors'
install cmd='%TOOLDIR%\curl.exe -f -s 
http://wpkg/wpkg/scripts/reporterrors.cmd -o 
check type='logical' condition='not'
check type='file' condition='sizeequals' 
path='%TOOLDIR%\reporterrors.cmd' value='324' /
install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C start reporterrors %COMSPEC% /C 

upgrade include='install'/

with reporterrors.cmd being this:
goto test
ping localhost
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WPKG /v running | find true
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto wait

if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto end

%~dp0\curl.exe -f -s ftp://wpkg/wpkg-log/ -T 


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Re: [wpkg-users] Disable FBWF before installing software

2012-11-14 Thread heiko . helmle
  Wouldn't this cause a reboot loop? The enable and disable package both
  need an immediate reboot...
 One could set an environment variable to avoid this, which gets checked 
 to prevent the execution of the install commands.
 The reboot loop problem exists with the first solution presented to the 
 OP too.

Does it?

First Boot:
the condition says FBWF is on, so FBWF gets disabled and an the system 
boots immediately (exit code='bla' reboot='true/)

Second Boot:
the condition for the disable command checks if it is already disabled. 
If it is disabled - no reboot - packages get installed.
Then the Prio-0 Package installs last, enables FBWF, reboots.

Third boot:
No packages scheduled for install - so FBWF won't be disabled and 
prio0-package won't get installed (because it is execute=change). System 
boots normal.

Of course getting this bug-free is a challenge (one bad package def will 
cause a reboot loop) - but i think it's possible.
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Re: [wpkg-users] Disable FBWF before installing software

2012-11-13 Thread heiko . helmle
 You can momentarily disable the FBWF to install programs and make 
 other changes to the system but it requires a reboot.
 So : Disable FBWF  Reboot  Install Software  Enable FBWF  Reboot
 So I have used WPKG-GP successfully to install some basic software 
 (Flash Player and what not) after disabling FBWF but would there be 
 a way to have WPKG disable the FBWF if software has to be installed,
 reboot, proceed to the install and then re-enable it afterwards (and
 reboot) without going in a reboot cycle ?

I guess the following might work:

to disable before installation:
(this would have to go in every package unfortunately)
install cmd='disable FBWF'
check if FBWF is on/
exit code='successfully disable code' reboot='true'/

this will disable FBWF only if not already disabled and force an immediate 
reboot without marking the package as installed - on the next boot would 
skip this part and go on installing the package

to enable after installation:

have a package with priority 0 (so it installs last) and execute=changed 
attributes. This means this package will only install if some other 
package hat a state change (install/upgrade/remove). Enable FBWF there.
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Re: [wpkg-users] Big problem with Java Update

2012-10-22 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Stefan,
 The Java installer is a bit tricky and results in problems from time to 

Tricky might be not the right word. It's pretty buggy: It doesn't seem to 
handle open files.

We have this problem too. If we run the update on any machine that happens 
to have SmartSVN or Jenkins installed (which use java, but not necessarily 
java.exe), then the installer will happily forget to install lib/rt.jar 
(which is kinda important) but continues without an error or reboot 

result is a broken JRE install.

workaround is adding extra checks that will trigger a reinstall on the 
next wpkg-run - 

for 32bit java we use this:
check type='file' condition='exists' 
path='%programfiles%\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar' architecture='x86'/
check type='file' condition='exists' 
path='%programfiles(x86)%\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar' architecture='x64'/

and because the installer will refuse to install over itself, just trigger 
a remove of the (probably broken) JRE just before the actual installation 
(as others have already mentioned).-
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Re: [wpkg-users] User initiated runs of WPKG

2012-10-11 Thread heiko . helmle
 I've been trying to figure out a way to allow end users to trigger 
 WPKG to run when it is convenient to them. Ideally we could setup a 
 shortcut on everyone's Start menu so that they could click Install 
 Updates which would start wpkg.js. The issue I'm having with 
 implementing this is that end users don't have local admin rights. 
 Has anyone figured out a way to allow users to trigger wpkg.js with 
 elevated privileges? 

With WPKG-GP you could just go and make a shortcut to 
%PROGRAMFILES%\wpkg-gp\wpkgpipeclient.exe Execute

This would start the normal WPKG-GP process and report in a window.

Better practice though would be asking the user to just reboot - for two 
1) Many installers expect the program to not be running during updates, 
and will react differently if it is (kill, fail or schedule reboot). 
Though there are some workarounds for that (for MSIs using /norestart and 
catching exit code 3010), it's not as reliable as you'd wish, because many 
many installers don't seem to go through proper testing.
2) If you trigger a reboot in an install definition, the user will get 
kicked out of his session unexpectedly (and forcefully). This might result 
in bad karma.

So better just pop up a message asking for a reboot and on the next boot, 
WPKG-GP will do its business.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Why VNC and not remote desktop? (was: Advice on remote assistance program to deploy)

2012-10-02 Thread heiko . helmle
 i would like to know why you install another program on windows if you
 have RemoteDesktop on windows and an excelente client on linux?
 I've made a special CD for installing XP, and it set's by default the
 remote access option. I combine it plus Wake on Lan capabilities and
 works great here...

* For you to login to XP via RDP it requires the user in front of the PC 
to log out. 
* During your session the user will only see the login screen.

This means 
- you can't troubleshoot a user problem with the user showing you what 
went wrong
- you dismiss possible error screens that you were supposed to look at 
(not every user is able to mail you a screenshot - especially if mail 
isn't working )

I know there's remote assistance available via the windows help menu - 
we tried that (because it's free!) but though it works pretty well once 
established, most times establishing the connection fails. And for 
non-expert users, it's still a bit complicated.

We used UltraVNCs QuickSupport tool for quite a while, but that needs a 
ton of bandwidth and crashes a lot. Now we're a happy TeamViewer customer. 
It just works, that's really really cool.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] regex in registry paths?

2012-06-01 Thread heiko . helmle
 What I want to do is to check if the 32-bit version of Java has been
 installed on 64-bit Windows 7.
 Is there a better way to do this? uninstall only checks for 64 bit apps
 (on 64-bit os), or will it check for both?

I use these:
Java 6u32 32bit
check type=uninstall condition=versiongreaterorequal path=Java\(TM\) 
6 Update \d+ value=6.0.320/
Java 6u32 64bit
check type=uninstall condition=versiongreaterorequal path=Java\(TM\) 
6 Update \d+ \(64-bit\) value=6.0.320/

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] remove checks too quickly

2012-04-17 Thread heiko . helmle
 using the foobar2000 package from the wiki ( 
 I had a strange problem. After removing the package from the profile, 
 wpkg.js reported that the package could not be removed. But all the 
 files were uninstalled corectly when I checked in explorer. It took me a 

 while to find out that wpkg.js would check too quickly before the system 

 had actually erased the files (probably because the uninstaller process 
 would return too quickly) . So I added a new remove command right after 
 the actual command which would just silently ping some machine and the 
 remove succeeded... is this a known issue or is there some setting I can 

 change to make wpkg wait a second or two before checking?

Waiting a few seconds is easy, but is asking for error on slower systems.

Better find out what the uninstaller process name is and use a script like 

--- waitforprocess.cmd ---
@echo off


tasklist /FI IMAGENAME eq %1 | find /I /N %1  /NUL
if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto end

REM There's no sleep in a command script... this is one ugly solution...
ping -n 5  NUL

goto loop


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Re: [wpkg-users] Firefox zombie state

2012-04-05 Thread heiko . helmle
 Am 04.04.2012 16:17, schrieb Bruno CHOQUET:
  It's not a profil or host problem : i just want to uninstall Firefox 
 Installing the latest version of Firefox will replace any previous 

Not always - I just debugged a user whose 10.0.2esr Firefox was installed 
alongside 10.0.3esr. Nobody knows how this happened (both versions were 
installed by WPKG) and it worked correctly on all the other machines. WPKG 
sees the old version and reinstalled the new one every time - while always 
keeping the old one. - But this is not a WPKG-bug.

Uninstalling MSI-installed software is easy even if you don't know the 
UUID or don't want to manage lists of UUIDs - you can query the MSI 
database via WMI and even uninstall this way (though it doesn't work very 
well - I found it better to extract the MSI-ID from WMI and then calling 

Uninstalling non-MSI is a bit more tricky. Basically you have to parse the 
Registry, find your UninstallString and call that, possibly adding any 
Unattended switches. I use a script for those cases where I don't know the 
exact path of the uninstaller. This comes in handy for software like 
PDFCreator where you absolutely have to uninstall the previous version.

install cmd='cscript uninstall.vbs MySoftware /SILENTSWITCH'
check type='uninstall' condition='exists' 

I'm not sure if I should post my uninstall.vbs because it could end up on 
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Re: [wpkg-users] Running at shutdown

2012-02-10 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Alan

 Does WPKG put messages to the screen, for example do not shut down or
 power off, installing software?

Windows Vista and later changed the logout and shutdown procedure. The 
mechanism the old wpkgclient is using doesn't work with Vista+. 
It is pretty much the same reason why wpkgclient can't delay logon any 
more.. It is still possible to delay shutdown (Acronis Trueimage for 
example delays shutdown for a few hours if a backup/validation is running) 
- but it's a different mechanism and wpkgclient would need to be updated.

 Do the msiexec progress bars get shown?

not possible on Vista+ - WPKG runs in a different session and (AFAIK) it 
is not possible to show dialogs in the active user session like in XP-.-
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[wpkg-users] Problems with download tag

2011-09-21 Thread heiko . helmle

I have problems with the download tag and wpkg 1.2.1-rc20...

it looks like 1.2.1-rc20 is totally ignoring download tags... can 
anybody reproduce this?-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Problems with download tag

2011-09-21 Thread heiko . helmle
fixed it - at least this works - I don't really speak Jscript :)

Index: wpkg.js
--- wpkg.js (Revision 1304)
+++ wpkg.js (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1851,7 +1851,7 @@
-   return downloadsArray;
+   return downloadsArrayRef;

21.09.2011 11:50
[wpkg-users] Problems with download tag


I have problems with the download tag and wpkg 1.2.1-rc20... 

it looks like 1.2.1-rc20 is totally ignoring download tags... can 
anybody reproduce this?
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[wpkg-users] No console output when using /debug

2011-09-15 Thread heiko . helmle

When using wpkg.js (1.2.1-RC18) with /debug switch (specifically, /debug 
/noreboot /nonotify), then there's no output to the console any more.

Is this a bug or did I miss a change?

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle

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Re: [wpkg-users] MSI install issues

2011-09-08 Thread heiko . helmle wrote on 08.09.2011 03:41:01:

 I have one msi install that I am having issues with using wpkg, it 
 will not create the program files shortcuts or desktop shortcuts. I 
 have moved this msi from a standard windows domain GPO, which 
 installs just fine. I just wanted to try to keep all my installs in 
 one spot. From what I can tell in the logs it installs fine with no 
 errors. Has anyone run into this before? 

Did you set any properties? Try ALLUSERS=1 - this helps most MSI install 
the Shortcuts into %ALLUSERSPROFILE% instead of %USERPROFILE%.

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Re: [wpkg-users] [Bug 234] Additional command line parameters /noquiet /notify etc

2011-08-29 Thread heiko . helmle
 MOD: Updated log file handling. Now there is no intermediate local log 
  created any more. Instead a log is kept in memory as long as the 
log file
  is not initialized. If anything goes wrong WPKG still tries to 
flush the
  logs at least to a log file in %TEMP%.
  This potentially increases efficiency and execution speed slightly.

Does that mean there will be no log during WPKG-Processing - only at the 

Because if yes, this would make debugging a package a lot harder - I 
routinely look at the last log-line when a package is hanging or taking 
very long.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Using wpkg to set windows update to use wsus

2011-08-23 Thread heiko . helmle
 [wpkg-users] Using wpkg to set windows update to use wsus
 Does anyone have the settings they use to push out the settings to make 
 windows use their internal WSUS server? Normally when we setup a new pc 
 we go in to gpedit.msc and manually configure them. However I have found 

 the registry settings that I can force. The problem is the settings are 
 not reflected by gpedit.msc when I import the registry settings. Is this 

 normal? If so I know how I can send out the registry changes with wpkg. 
 Does anyone else do this currently?

You can just adjust some registry keys. there's even documentation!
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Re: [wpkg-users] How to uninstall old version, reboot and install new version after the reboot

2011-07-21 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Matthias,

a) this problem is fixed in recent tortoisesvn-builds - it's an MSI-bug 
that they worked around now. Nevertheless, if you replace older versions, 
the bug might still bite you.

b) uninstalling during upgrade works fine here - reboot in between is not 
necessary for tortoise and can be ignored (worked here) - there's no 
checks done during the upgrade. Could you tell some more details as of 
what files in your upgrade scripts?

Best Regards

Martetschlaeger, Matthias
21.07.2011 11:44
[wpkg-users] How to uninstall old version, reboot and install new version 
after the reboot

it’s currently the second day I try to realize this and all my attempts 
failed so far.
The origin of my attempt are problems with the installation of 
TortoiseSVN. Whenever I do an upgrade I lose the entries in the Explorer 
context menu. To solve this issue, I want to uninstall the old version 
first and do a fresh install.
My first attempt was to execute the uninstall-command in the 
upgrade-paragraph but the install/upgrade-check caused problems with this 
So I removed the check to avoid this problem but removing the check led to 
the installation of Tortoise on each reboot. 
This behaviour might be explained with this sentence in the 
wpkg-documentation: Also, if no checks were specified, WPKG will say that 
the installation have failed. ( )
What remains is that I don’t know how to realize the demanded behaviour. I 
hope someone can help me.
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Re: [wpkg-users] Host match disruptive changes in 1.2?

2011-07-19 Thread heiko . helmle
 information you provide it seems to be logical and intentional for 
 me that the 
 default profile is applied to the host since your name=. would 
 match all the 
 hosts. If you don't intend to match them all then make sure 
 hosts.xml does not 
 contain such a catch all host entry which will match any host name. 
 sort the host entries in your hosts.xml or make sure you literally sort 
 hosts/*.xml files and only the last one contains such a catch all 

Darn I forgot about this.

There was indeed a change I noticed but forgot to open a discussion about 
it. It looks like the order of the xml-files changed during some RC. I 
remember having the catchall in hosts.xml and several normal definitions 
in the hosts/ subdirectory. In one RC, WPKG started to load hosts.xml 
first and the definitions in the hosts/ subdirectory after that.

So the catchall-definition was loaded first, matched and no other hosts 
(from hosts/) matched (because applyMultiple was off).

I worked around this by emptying the hosts.xml and putting the catchall 
into an extra file zzz_catchall.xml, which I hope is guaranteed to load 
as the last definition.

So at the moment it's this way: If you have a catchall in hosts.xml and 
applyMultiple=off then your definitions in hosts/*.xml won't match, 
because the catchall matches first.

Hope I could help
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Re: [wpkg-users] Host match disruptive changes in 1.2?

2011-07-19 Thread heiko . helmle
 Honestly I did even not think about this too much before since in my
 mind people 
 were using one or the other, but not both. But as it's technically 
 possible to 
 use hosts.xml and hosts/*.xml at the same time I think the old 
 approach was more 

I thought the same, but when I first worked with WPKG it crashed when 
hosts.xml didn't exist, so I assumed - since it had to be there - that 
using both was kinda best practice :)-
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[wpkg-users] Replace xmlhttp download with curl/wget

2011-07-14 Thread heiko . helmle

While wondering why download is so slow, i looked around.

The problem with WSH and URL downloads is:
* It's a kludge. That's why it's documented as should not use
* It even can crash the CMD-window WPKG runs in.
* It works only with HTTP
* It loads the file completely into memory before dumping it to disk. 

So maybe we could (optionally) have an external tool handle the download 
tag - curl or wget are excellent specialised (and free/GPL) tools.

* much more robust than the WSH download method
* saves memory
* faster (probably because of the memory savings)
* Support not only for HTTP, but FTP too.

* WPKG would rely on an external binary (so it's foreign code, but at 
least no license problems)

Why downloading anyway:
2 reasons:
* I don't want installations to stall/fail in the middle of the (critical) 
process just because the network goes down (mobile users tend to be pretty 
mobile sometimes)
* some Installers (especially MSI)  are for some reasons really really 
slow and use huge network resources (10x the actual size) when run over 
SMB. They work fine when run from local storage.

What do you think?

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Replace xmlhttp download with curl/wget

2011-07-14 Thread heiko . helmle
  So we can have predefined options for e.g. wget or curl in wpkg.js,
  while preserving the possibility to use another tool., a script (cmd suffices?!) that also check the MD5 of the file,
 preventing wpkg tring to install ever an ever that corrupted installer.
 This clearly needs an hash= or md5= field in download / tag.

Great idea! But this'll require another external tool, because hash 
calculation via WSH is a world of slow.-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Reflections on a new application deployment software.

2011-06-15 Thread heiko . helmle wrote on 14.06.2011 23:32:37:

 I'm currently thinking about a new deployment tool software for 

You might want to take a look at ocsinventory ( It might scratch your itch :)

 Microsoft systems (XP/Vista/7) like WPKG but with the following 
 - Installed directly as a Windows service (no cscript)

I understand this. wpkg.js is a good concept but it suffers from lots of 
bugs and limitations in WSH. If cscript would not be the steaming pile of 
* that it is, I'd love it.

Updates are no concern. wpkg.js hasn't seen a release since 2009. Even the 
bugfixes in SVN are still unreleased.

 - Retrieve the list of the packages to be installed on the computer from 

 an HTTP server (a PHP script that queries an LDAP directory to choose a 
 database or xml file like Profiles.xml). The description of the packages 

 could be an XML file whose format is identical to WPKG.

you can already do that with wpkg. (with wpkgexpress)

 - Retrieving of files (installation programs) from an HTTP server

Dito - but be aware - wpkg uses cscript to retrieve HTML - and will load 
everything in RAM before dumping to disk. If you try to the a 
notes-install this way off to the swapfile you go :)

Workaround is getting a wget.exe and calling that to retrieve your files. 

 - Signing packages and files to ensure they have not been altered and 
 nobody use this tool to install other software.

This is definitely a weak point in wpkg that's not easily fixed. As the 
main program is not run locally, there's not even a point in signing the 
data files.

 - Sends the installation state through the HTTP server (a PHP script 
 that stores information in a DB)

you can already do that with wpkg. Just upload the wpkg.xml as a 

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Blank user interaction window

2011-04-20 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Kevin,

I have the same issue with Win7 (32 and 64) and WPKG-Client and mentioned 
this on this list back in August. 

This seems to be a bug only in 1.3.14 - if you can live with the 
assortment of bugs in any other version, use those. Or try wpkg-gp.

I'd love to see the source of 1.3.14 - especially a diff against 1.3.13 to 
see what could have caused this, but no source tarballs and no tags in the 

Best Regards

Kevin van 't IJssel
20.04.2011 12:22
[wpkg-users] Blank user interaction window

Hello wpkg users,

At the moment i'm busy with setting up some services while using wpkg, 
with some programs i'll get a user interaction window, so wpkg hangs on 
software because interaction is needed, 

But the problem is the window from the program, is completely blank, 

Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groet,
Kevin van 't IJssel

Verzonden vanaf mijn BlackBerry®-toestel
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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Development Status

2011-03-28 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello CL,

 You could marry this feature with the prompt. AFAIK there's an API 
 for Applications to pop up a message on shutdown (like Word with a 
 document open displays Save, Don't Save, Cancel). You could pop up a
 dialog as well (install update, shutdown immediately) via the same 
 API, but (upon install update) signal the OS that the shutdown was
 cancelled and instead emit a force shutdown once WPKG has finnished. 
 The issue is that with Windows = Vista no process is allowed to 
 delay indefinitely or cancel shutdown. If a user space process is 
 trying to do this, the black shutdown screen asking you if you want 
 to wait for the process, or kill it appears after a small timeout.

You're right - just tested again - and if an application tries the 
cancel-hook the black screen appears immediately. I guess this is MS' 
reaction to lots of Applications abusing that hook and users asking why 
windows doesn't shut down at all... grrr

 Alternatively there must be a way for a service to prevent shutdown.
 Acronis Backup  Recovery uses this and (at least for that piece of 
 SW) it's a huge headache - Our installations of Acronis regularly 
 fall into endless loops and then Windows 7 stalls at shutdown 
 (Actions running is displayed.) 
 Most likely this software is using a shutdown script. This could be 
 done by wpkg-gp as well, but without any user feedback. 
 Alternatively, wpkg-gp  could execute wpkg.js when it receives the 
 shutdown service signal. This can potentially delay shutdown 
 indefinitely, but there is no way to provide user feedback here 
 either. (At least no documented way, because MS software does this, 
 Windows Update for example).

Hmm... if the user is expecting a delay (because he was told before 
shutdown or even ack'd it) then I don't think this is a big problem. What 
could really bite us would be an installer hanging (e.g. waiting for input 
on an invisible screen). How does WPKG-GP handle this on boot? Is there a 

 some things I'd love to see: 
 - Ability for the WPKG-Script to start as a different (local) user. 
 Typically WPKG runs as user SYSTEM - I had lots of problems with 
 installers barfing when run as SYSTEM - especially on 64bit systems.
 Our WPKG-Client runs as a different user now (but still elevated) - 
 no problems any more and saved me from repackaging quite a few 
 This is possible by running the wpkg-gp service as another user :), 
 and should be configurable via the installer in a future version.

Yep - I'm pretty sure it'l work by giving the service the same treatment 
that the old WPKG-Client gets -
* Add user with random PW
* Add user to admin-group
* Add username to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows 
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList (so it won't show up 
in the logon-list)
* sc config type= own obj=... password= ...
* Give User SeServiceLogonRight

 - Ability to debug somehow. Some processes still make problems and 
 show dialog windows (mostly errors) when run by a service (but not 
 when run directly via cmdline). I know this is impossible on pre-
 login - but for the second mode (system tray call to service) - it 
 should be possible to switch to the installing desktop.
 Ahh, this would actually be difficult! As the service is being run 
 in a hidden desktop on W7. I am wondering: Wouldn't a runas /
 u:the_user_running_wpkg_service path_to_wpkg.js /switches do much 
 the same thing?

Not if your WPKG runs as user SYSTEM - runas won't do this. If you have a 
worker-user instead of SYSTEM, this totally works as long as the 
installers behave the same on a hidden and on a visible desktop.

If the hidden Desktop is the one that comes up as an icon during install 
(like with the WPKG-Client An application wants attention), this would 

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG Development Status

2011-03-25 Thread heiko . helmle
Some Ideas I carry around for a while:

 - Optionally run in system tray and check for updated packages at 
 regular intervals. Inform users about updates and prompt them with 
 alternatives. (the platform is designed to be able do this)

I really looking forward to this one. I have lots of users who only boot 
once a month (on MSPatchWednesday) and hibernate their PCs most of the 
time. Also there's a bunch of users who roam around with their notebooks 
and primarily use the WLAN - which is typically not started before login.

 - Hopefully be able to install software at shutdown with feedback to
 user (this is not easily achievable AFAIK, as Windows does not have 
 an API for giving information to users at shutdown)

You could marry this feature with the prompt. AFAIK there's an API for 
Applications to pop up a message on shutdown (like Word with a document 
open displays Save, Don't Save, Cancel). You could pop up a dialog as well 
(install update, shutdown immediately) via the same API, but (upon 
install update) signal the OS that the shutdown was cancelled and 
instead emit a force shutdown once WPKG has finnished.

Alternatively there must be a way for a service to prevent shutdown. 
Acronis Backup  Recovery uses this and (at least for that piece of SW) 
it's a huge headache - Our installations of Acronis regularly fall into 
endless loops and then Windows 7 stalls at shutdown (Actions running is 

some things I'd love to see:
- Ability for the WPKG-Script to start as a different (local) user. 
Typically WPKG runs as user SYSTEM - I had lots of problems with 
installers barfing when run as SYSTEM - especially on 64bit systems. Our 
WPKG-Client runs as a different user now (but still elevated) - no 
problems any more and saved me from repackaging quite a few installers.
- Ability to debug somehow. Some processes still make problems and show 
dialog windows (mostly errors) when run by a service (but not when run 
directly via cmdline). I know this is impossible on pre-login - but for 
the second mode (system tray call to service) - it should be possible to 
switch to the installing desktop.

And this is far fetched:
- Security: Ability to sign the wpkg.js executable and have the signature 
checked by WPKG-GP before invocation. Of course this only makes sense if 
wpkg.js gains the ability to check its files' signatures. This way the 
wpkg-fileshare would be a bit more tamperproof.

I have a few more ideas, but those would require enhancing wpkg.js and 
being able to interact with a service.

Best Regards  Keep up the great work :)
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Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 Install

2010-12-21 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Jeff,

I found out that a few versions of the WPKG.MSI are buggy. The problem is 
that they don't request elevated mode, then try to write to privileged 
space and fail. On most systems, writing to %programfiles% even works but 
they fail when wpkginst.exe is started as part of the installation process 
- wpkginst.exe definitely needs elevated privilege.

You can work around this bug by starting msiexec.exe already elevated 
(like running it from an elevated shell). If you're doing it remotely, 
you'll need to use the Administrator account (because it's always 
elevated) or tune your local security settings to add your installation 
account to always run elevated.

Best Regards

Natxo Asenjo
21.12.2010 16:40
Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 Install

I am getting the error when I am attempting to install the wpkg-client 
software.  I am using the 64bit installer to attempt to install the 
software.  When I right click the file there is no option to run as 
administrator.  My assumption is that the option isn't there due to having 
administrative privileges.  When I attempt to install the software I am 
not getting the log file in %windir%\temp\wpkg-%computername%.log.  My 
best guess on this is that the software is erroring out before it starts 
writing to the temp directory.  I have attempted to adjust the properties 
on the Temp directory to no avail. 

Jeff Applegate
ASRC Management Services
Contracted To:
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg C
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Phone: 970-226-9178
Fax: 970-226-9230

Natxo Asenjo 
12/21/2010 12:56 AM 

Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 Install

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 10:12 PM, wrote:
 Has anyone seen the following error:

 First Error Message:
 You must have an administration privilege on this computer.

 Second Error Message:
 There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as
 part of this setup did not complete as expected. Contact your support
 personnel or package vendor.

 First I am an administrator on the system as I can install other 
 with no issue.  I have also tried downloading the package from the 
 again.  The package is 1.3.9 and is x64.  I have also attempted to run 
 installer locally.  This is on a clean install of Windows 7 x64.  Any 
 all help is appreciated.

well, it definately looks like a permissions issue :)

Do you get this problem when trying to install the wpkg client software
itself? Or is this a message from a package to be installed by the wpkg
software? I have no x64 windows 7, but I run wpkg x64 with windows
2008r2 without those issues.

If the message is from a wpkg package (wpkg is trying to install another
application, then you need to check some things:

If you run wpkg as a windows service, under what account does it run? I
run the standard package as local system and it just works.

If you run it in a scheduled task, check also the account that is
running this.

As a last (for now) troubleshooting measure, in %windir%\temp there is a
file wpkg-%computername%.log with very detailed info of what wpkg has
done during its last run. Check it out to find errors. you can also run
wpkg from the cli with the /debug flag to see the same info live on a

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Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 - Compatible?

2010-12-13 Thread heiko . helmle

 The system is now that the wpkg-gp.dll running as a GPE will contact
 a service and ask it to execute wpkg.js.

Would you mind checking this into a branch of you public repository at 
g-code? Maybe there's help out there :)

(I'm not promising anything because personally I have c++-phobia :) - but 
a tray application is no witchcraft.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] [BUG?] On upgrade old check condition are parsed...

2010-11-25 Thread heiko . helmle
 But i've discovered that anyway the ''upgrade'' actions are executed,
 even if the new check condition are false for a ''broken'' vlc
 Seems to me that WPKG evaluate on upgrade the old check condition, and
 not the new one (or better: evaluate on pre-action the old one, and on
 post-action the new one).

if you bump the revision, upgrade will _always_ be executed. no checks 
will be performed before the upgrade - only after everything's done.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 x64 location of wpkg.xml

2010-11-07 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Damian,

You need to install the x64-version of the WPKG-Client on x64-windows. 
There are a few bounce-like tricks to do with the x86-one but using the 
x64-version on 64bit-OS is the cleanest (and most simple) solution.

Best Regards

Damian Kasper
08.11.2010 01:33
[wpkg-users] Windows 7 x64 location of wpkg.xml

To All,
We are using the latest WPKG and WPKG Client and are having a slight 
problem with Windows 7 x64. Every time WPKG runs on our Windows 7 x64 
clients, we get this problem:
2010-11-05 13:39:34, DEBUG   : Settings file does not exist. Creating a 
new file.
2010-11-05 13:39:34, DEBUG   : Saving sorted settings to 
2010-11-05 13:39:34, DEBUG   : Saving XML : C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml
The problem is that the wpkg.xml settings file is actually getting saved 
to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wpkg.xml. How can we either force WPKG to save to 
'C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml' OR force the WPKG Client to look at the 
Windows 7 x64 equivalent of 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wpkg.xml'?
Please keep in mind our environment has both Windows XP x86 and Windows 7 
x64 clients.
Thanks for your help!
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Re: [wpkg-users] Bandwidth Limiting

2010-08-30 Thread heiko . helmle wrote on 30.08.2010 20:02:34:

 Aaron Bliss
 If you are using a samba server for your back end, the max xmit
 configuration option may be what you are looking for.

No, sorry - max xmit limits the packet size. You don't want to do this and 
you shouldn't.-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Windows 7 - wpkg client service starts, but Network path was not found

2010-08-16 Thread heiko . helmle

We solved this by activating offline mode and a generous timeout of 60 
seconds. Turns out Windows 7 brings up the network very late (sometimes 
even after the user has already logged in). 60 seconds is a pretty big 
timeout (maybe 30 is enough...), but in my Test-VM at least, a 10second 
timeout worked only 50% of bootups.

13.08.2010 17:48
[wpkg-users] Windows 7 - wpkg client service starts, but Network path was 
not found

Hi, after using the WPKG client successfully for some time with WinXP
machines and a Samba 3 NT-style domain, I'm now trying to add some
Windows 7 Professional PCs to the mix.

(This is NOt a wireless network.)

The WPKG client service (I've tried both 1.3.9 and 1.3.14beta) starts ok
on the Win7 machines, but it never connects to the samba share where the
wpkg .js and .xml files, etc. are.  In the PC's event viewer, the
wpkgservice shows the following error message: WNetAddConnection2- The
network path was not found.

A packet capture shows that Win7 is indeed resolving the name of the
samba server when the WPKG service is running.  It even tries to do a
web client connect to the WPKG share (but we don't use the WebDAV stuff
in our environment). But it does not even attempt to connect to the
Samba share.

If, after logging in, I type net start wpkgservice , then everything
works as expected.

I tried delaying the wpkgservice service startup by adding dependencies
on other windows services, such as spooler, lanmanworkstation, etc. but
that did not help.  I also tried using the WPKG client's Execute
before setting to run a local batch file that slept for 30 seconds, but
that had no effect.

I've seen some others post here with similar problems, but I never saw
that any solution was found.  Again, this isn't a wireless network, so
that is not the cause of the failure.  It seems like maybe some Win7
networking setting could be tweaked?  Or maybe the WPKG Client could use
some other method of connecting to a share on Win7?  Or is it a samba

Thanks in advance for any help!


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[wpkg-users] Garbled Display on Win7 secure desktop

2010-08-16 Thread heiko . helmle

Does anyone know why all displays (including the cscript window) are 
garbled/broken on the Windows 7 secure desktop with wpkg-client 1.3.14?

(Curiously it seems to look better with wpkg-client 1.3.13)

Tested on Windows 7 VMs and real hardware, 32 and 64 bit:

* Install WPKG-Client
* let it run with Show UI
* WPKG runs on the secure desktop
* if you switch to the secure desktop (Click Show interactive services 
icon) - All Windows are drawn incomplete or only as black rectangles. 
- This prevents easy debug (removing the /qn from the msiexec and 
looking at the output). And it's a problem with stupid installers showing 
UI although they were invoked as quiet.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Registry Check failing

2010-08-02 Thread heiko . helmle
 check type=registry condition=exists

 Neither the registry path
 nor its expanded value of
 exist: the check failed

Is this by chance a 64bit system and the registry key belongs to 32bit 

I stumbled over this a few times - you have to check on 

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] A few quick questions

2010-07-02 Thread heiko . helmle
 Also, what is the best way to use wpkg to change the administrator 
 account password on windows xp and vista?

I don't know the best way - i used a variant of a vbscript Dr.Google found 
for me. If you have powershell installed on XP I'd suggest you use that 
instead - it's much more readable. But VBScript has the advantage on being 
installed on every supported PC-Windows by default.

It also activates the administrator and disabled expiration. Note that 
this snippet only works on Windows-Versions where the admin-user is called 
Administrator. If you use French, for example, you have to use 

dim PW
PW = myPassword
dim objUser, objUserFlags, objPasswordExpirationFlag
set objUser = GetObject(WinNT://./Administrator)
objUser.AccountDisabled = false
objUserFlags = objUser.Get(UserFlags)
objPasswordExpirationFlag = objUserFlags OR ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD
objUser.Put userFlags, objPasswordExpirationFlag 

objUser.SetPassword PW
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Re: [wpkg-users] WPKG and WPKG-GP

2010-06-25 Thread heiko . helmle
  I was under the impression that the current WPKG client can't delay 
  logon and display information during the boot up process on Windows = Vista
 ok, that. I thought you meant it didn't work at all :)

Well it works, but no logon-delay.

Are these problems (logon-delay and the interactive screen) going away 
in the future or are we supposed to move to wpkg-gp?

at the moment i'm going to deploy the normal wpkg-client on 7, running the 
wpkgworker as a seperate admin user instead of SYSTEM (because of the 
WOW64 redirector). is pretty quiet in that matter...

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Problems with the WOW64 mess

2010-06-07 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Tomasz, List,

  Are you sure? Shouldn't the Connecting stage fail first?
 Can you try:
 net use /delete *
 prior to any tests (to make sure you're not trying to be connected twice 


Tried,  - net use list is empty. I switched to a Win7 VM (32bit) for 
testing and the error gets more confusing:

Action: Offline mode - connecting to
Result: [OK]

Action: Executing as wpkg
Result: [OK]

Action: Connecting to \\\wpkg\wpkg.js as HEAD\wpkg
Result: [OK]

Action: Trying to read \\\wpkg\wpkg.js
Result: [FAILED]
Message: An unknown error occurred while accessing 

Well process monitor actually logs this:
\\\wpkg\wpkg.js LOGON FAILURE   Desired Access: Generic 
Read, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory 
File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize: n/a WIN7-VDEV\root 
Verbindliche Beschriftung\Hohe Verbindlichkeitsstufe

Interesting from my point of view is, that this failure gets logged on 
behalf of user root (the user running wpkginst.exe) instead of user 
wpkg. But this may be the nature of ProcMon - because user wpkg doesn't 
show up in the log at all.

While this MAY be due to bad credentials, it actually isn't. If I put in 
bad credentials, the process fails on the connect stage (which is 
Action: Offline mode - connecting to
Result: [OK]

Action: Executing as wpkg
Result: [OK]

Action: Connecting to \\\wpkg\wpkg.js as HEAD\wpkg2
Result: [FAILED]
Message: WNetAddConnection2- Zugriff verweigert

Action: Trying to read \\\wpkg\wpkg.js
Result: [FAILED]
Message: Access to \\\wpkg\wpkg.js was denied.-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Problems with the WOW64 mess

2010-06-01 Thread heiko . helmle
  Tried - and failed with an administrative user test. settings test 
  Executing as test - OK
  Connecting to \\wpkg\wpkg.js as domain\wpkg - OK
  Trying to read \\wpkg\wpkg.js - FAIL - Access denied...
  this doesn't make much sense, because
  a) I can read the file perfectly on a cmd shell as user test
 Most likely you're already connected to the share as a different user 
 (net use...) - Windows can't bind twice to the same share with the same 
 credentials, and you see the error.

Are you sure? Shouldn't the Connecting stage fail first? 

And why does it work when I use Windows runas and not WPKGs built in 
execution context feature?

I suspect that WPKG execution context means something different than I'm 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,

Heiko Helmle
Software Development
HORIBA Europe Automation Division GmbH
Zabergäustr. 3
73765 Neuhausen (Germany)
Phone:   +49 7158-933-415
Fax: +49 7158-933-615
Geschäftsführer: Thomas E. Ehmann, Yuichi Muroga, Takashi Nagano
Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 213200-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Problems with the WOW64 mess

2010-05-18 Thread heiko . helmle
 I agree that folder redirection makes it quite hard to track what is 
 happening on the system. However I am running Windows x64 since 
 years (since my
 first Windows Vista installation) and never had such issues yet.
 In addition I was under the impression that %TEMP% expands to %
 (c:\windows\temp) for the system account. At least I've never seen 
 it expanding
 to systemprofile\AppData\Temp which looks anyway wrong, if at all it 
 expand to systemprofile\AppData\Local\Temp but this would also lead to 
 problems you describe. But I am quite sure %TEMP% of the system 
 profile expands
 to windows\Temp.

Did you test this on 7? As far as i know, this did change on 7 - (And 
you're right, it is \local\Temp, but the base path is still unfortunately 

 Even installers writing temporary data to %AppData% should work because 
 installer/archive will be a 32-bit self-extracting archive writing to 
 redirected SysWOW64 folder. Then it invokes msiexec.exe, in any casethe 
 process cannot open the 64-bit binary from the (real) system32\ folder 
 executes SysWOW64\msiexec.exe which is a 32-bit application as well.

This is true in theory - and the msiexec.exe called by the install.exe 
actually is 32bit, but all msiexec.exe does is call the Windows Installer 
Service via some internal Interface - and that one is 64bit. 

 In any case I don't like boxed installers too much. So I used to extract
 Installers which extract MSI files in advance and then work with 
 pure MSI files.

Which is fine when all the .exe does is unpacking and running the MSI. In 
the case of X-Manager I spent nearly 2 days and finally giving up. This 
Installer is installscript-driven and convincing the MSI to run without 
installscript produces a broken install.
I'm ok with the boxed versions if they give all the options I need and 
work reliably. Saves me from much work disecting every version upgrade. 
Java's Installer is okay-ish, except for the 64bit issue.

 In your case you might run your Installshield installer on a test 
system, then
 during the installation do not close the installation window and grab 
the MSI
 files from %TEMP%.

Tried and did for many packages - but some are left, those pesky ones that 
need InstallScript for the install to go right.

But I see light - I looked through some Docs and it seems that (by 
default) the builtin Administrator local user on Windows 7 is running 
elevated by default. That would mean no UAC-Prompts for this user - so 
it'd work for silent installs. It just needs to be activated (and 
passworded). I'll try this and report back to the list :)

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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Re: [wpkg-users] [Bug 183] Downgrade should fall back to Upgrade when no downgrade rules exist

2010-05-04 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello List

 install cmd=... /
 upgrade cmd=.../
 upgrade inherit=install/

I love this idea - this would save lots of copy/paste and 
s/install/upgrade/g, make the xmls easier to read and maintain.

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Excluding particular OS and architecture types from patch application

2010-04-29 Thread heiko . helmle
  Do you mean something along the lines
  package package-id=7zip OSGreaterorequal=6.1 /
  That is interesting, however i think conceptually the OS and arch
  dependency belongs to the package itself rather than its profile
 Yes, something like this.
 I disagree that packages should be OS dependent. The vast majority of 
 packages run on any Windows version available. The decision not to 
 install it on specific Windows version belongs more to the profile than 
to the package. Sure
 there are some packages which should not be applied on specific OS 
 versions but
 if the profile supports limiting the package assignment to OS it canbe 
 perfectly on profile level.

Hmm... what do you think of adding conditionals to the install-command 
utilizing the check syntax that's already there anyways...

something like this

install cmd='install-x86' conditional='true' 
check type=registry condition=equals 
Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' value=x86 /
install cmd='install-x64' conditional='true' 
check type=registry condition=equals 
Manager\Environment\PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' value=AMD64 /

This doesn't change the behaviour of scripts already deployed and might 
add only little code to wpkg (though I didn't look at that part of the 
code). And it's far less complicated.

this of course means (again) admins writing proper checks :)

Maybe adding some easy 'shortcut checks' could also make life easier (and 
xmls smaller), like a check type arch or winversion.

check type=arch condition=equals value=AMD64 /
check type=winversion condition='versiongreaterorequal' value=6.0/

I know these are easily replaced by registry check or cmd script, so I 
consider this (and the installchecks) as 'nice to have'. (just an idea 
floating around)

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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Re: [wpkg-users] windows 7 problem with one package

2010-04-28 Thread heiko . helmle
  This is a shot in the dark - is show gui activated in the wpkg
  service? I had several packages behave oddly when this was not active
  (stalling or failing).
 I never thought of that. On your suggestion I tried showing the GUI,
 but the results were the same.  Except that now the Interactive Services 
 does indicate that a process needs some user interaction.  When I try to 
display the 
 window, I see only two black boxes, without any text or buttons.  One of 
the boxes is 
 probably cscript. The other may hold the answer to the problem, but I 
cannot see it.

If there's a command window, you may have run into the WSH stdout-buffer 
bug. Does your installer output something into the command windows? If 
it's too much, you'll need to redirect it to NUL.

  Last step would be watching the install with Process Explorer and/pr
  Process Monitor.
 Good idea.  I started process explorer after the install hung. I 
 tried to bring it to 
 the front, but it said there were no visible windows to display.

Are there any children hanging under the cscript.exe running wpkg? This 
may give you a clue what process is hanging. If it's a cmd.exe directly 
under cscript, it certainly may be the stdout-bug. That points to 
redirecting the output of the script to NUL

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] windows 7 problem with one package

2010-04-27 Thread heiko . helmle
 I have a simple package that installs an engineering program.  It 
 looks like this:
 package id=retainpro name=Retain Pro 9 revision=2
 check type=uninstall condition=versiongreaterorequal path=Retain 
Pro 9 
 value=2009.9 /
 install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\RetainPro\RP9_SETUP.exe /s' /
 upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\RetainPro\RP9_SETUP.exe /s' /
 This works on all my XP machines.  On Win 7 it works fine if run 
 from a command 
 prompt using wpkg in debug mode.  But if run at boot time it hangs 
 and does not 
 return.  This does not appear to be the protected desktop problem 
 discussed, because if I log in as administrator immediately after 
 bootup I do not see 
 the message about Interactive Services Detection.

This is a shot in the dark - is show gui activated in the wpkg service? 
I had several packages behave oddly when this was not active (stalling or 

Does this behaviour occur also if you start the service manually (sc 
start wpkgservice) some minutes after full bootup? Reason is that at 
bootup services in Win7 can be deferred - this may change behaviour.

Last step would be watching the install with Process Explorer and/pr 
Process Monitor.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Package upgrade and checks

2010-04-22 Thread heiko . helmle
Hello Marc,

 Hi guys,
 Then I
 ran WPKG again expecting that the checks will be met and the upgrade
 commands wouldn't be run. But the debug output states that the checks
 were not executed and the upgrade commands were run immediately leading
 to the same error again.
 Is this the intended behaviour? Shouldn't the checks be run every time
 to avoid situations like these?

This is correct and documented (but i admit a little unexpected) 

I wrote a patch some time ago that makes this configurable - but since 
there was no reaction, I assumed everybody was okay with the original 

anyways, here's the bug:

once you applied the patch to wpkg.js you can use checkpolicy=always in 
the package definition to force checks on update.-
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[wpkg-users] MSI-Installer 1.3.14 on Win7

2010-03-25 Thread Heiko Helmle (horiba/eu)
Hello List,

I'm just checking out the 1.3.14 beta on Windows 7 and seem to be running 
into trouble (and a quick search over bugzilla and the list didn't get 

Just double-clicking on the MSI brings me an error You must have 
administrative privilege to run this tool. during install and the MSI 
gets rolled back.

This despite my user does have the right to elevate AND the MSI requested 
an elevation on the beginning of the install. To me it looks like the 
MSI-command to run the Configurator-Tool is missing the run elevated 

But on the other hand I guess someone must have run into this already and 
maybe I missed something.

PS: Beta 1.3.10 runs fine.

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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[wpkg-users] Old Feature Request / Perhaps New Idea

2010-02-17 Thread Heiko Helmle (horiba/eu)
Hello List,

I was looking through the archives searching for a way to find out the 
Start Menu Path on different language version of windows.

I read that you considered hardcoding all possible languages.

Well - the start-menu part is saved in the registry: 
Folders\Common Programs

If WPKG could expand some of those paths (Common Desktop  would also be 
very useful), this could simplify lots of install scripts.

My dream feature would be WPKG able to expand any registry value into an 
environment variable, which then could be used inside an install cmd.

What do you think?

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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Re: [wpkg-users] Old Feature Request / Perhaps New Idea

2010-02-17 Thread Heiko Helmle (horiba/eu)
Hello Stefan,

Thanks for your reply - 

  Well - the start-menu part is saved in the registry: 
 \Explorer\Shell Folders\Common Programs
  If WPKG could expand some of those paths (Common Desktop  would 
  also be very useful), this could simplify lots of install scripts.
 You may want to open a command prompt and execute the SET command.
 You will notice the following environment variables: USERPROFILE and

... Which expand only to a part of the needed path. And the part missing 
is localized. I already searched all the standard env-variables for useful 
stuff, but localization bites me all the time.

 The ALLUSERSPROFILE will point the root folder for the common 
 desktop, so using %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop will work on any 
 localization, since it works for me on German and English localizations.

... As long as the Desktop ist in the path .\Desktop. I didn't check 
(yet) but I bet, French XP might not be called Desktop.
And even in ENU/DEU it doesn't work for the Start Menu - but the registry 
entry Common Programs and Common Start Menu always points to the 
global equivalents.

And for added bonus - those entries work in Win7 - for shortcuts you won't 
have to check what Win-Version you're on - just expand the registry 

you can workaround this with a vbscript using something like this:
dim oShell
set oShell = WScript.CreateObject(
commonPrograms = 
Folders\Common Programs) %COMSPEC% /C del   commonPrograms  \shortcut.lnk, 1, true

but would'nt it be nice just to use
install cmd=%COMSPEC% /C del %COMMON_START_MENU%\shortcut.lnk /

or maybe
regexpand path=
Folders\Common Startup value=STARTUP /
install cmd=%COMSPEC% /C del %STARTUP%\StupidApp.lnk /

 On the other hand you can create JS scripts to create shortcuts, see for an example of such a 
 script for desktop shortcuts.

Well - this won't help if you want to delete shortcuts, or move them 
around, or do something in the global appdata (which is different on XP 
from 7).

Most Installers already create shortcuts - but often too many or in 
wrong/unwanted places. Or place stuff in the Startup-Folder.

I just thought this might be a pretty simple (and possibly useful) 
addition, that could save lots of external extra-scripting.

Best Regards
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Re: [wpkg-users] Old Feature Request / Perhaps New Idea

2010-02-17 Thread Heiko Helmle (horiba/eu)
  Most Installers already create shortcuts - but often too many or 
 in wrong/unwanted places. Or place stuff in the Startup-Folder.
 The function WshShell.SpecialFolders() does get the paths for the 
 special folders know to the system, so this will always return the 
 correct folder for any Windows version starting with Win95.

Whoops, i overlooked that function.

You're right - WshShell.SpecialFolders() is much saner than expanding 
registry entries.

I sure hope it might become a candidate for integration in WPKG - would 
save calling extra scripts :)

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle-
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