Ill armpit

2005-12-22 Thread John M. Bennett

Ill armpit

ill meat float knob rat bole lever
scalded slaw you Mr. Halflife said?
you penciled dung or rees hong honk
plots blats sorts brokes the plains nods

sho sho

wavered in the lapmist like a cling a
beecrap shirtback doddered past yr
phoning went the basement peelings
:runt trust chuckling past the tore

ha ha

sore yr mallet logger bled the tuna
sore yr fumble spreader spewed the beeswax
sore yr fusser tender chafed the legiron
sore yr double quetip laked the armpit

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Flank clot

2005-12-22 Thread John M. Bennett

Flank clot

flank hot hamp or / bed dumber /
spit the TV horseman / pod damper /
roof tub / rake the stung crawler /
slab dribble / shame the spad blunder

so ,was dollop?

stand the salad leavings on the chair
ply the bundle wallets with the suet
chase the rug lint off the chummus
drop the mutter nate through the pantsleg

hah ,could pillow?

was ream was crock was clack was blear
was fore was plink was shed was core
was gnat was blent was rile was beer
was haul was bund was fork was clot

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Physics News Update 759

2005-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 759   December 22, 2005  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

for the first time by researchers at the University of Michigan
(Christopher Monroe, [EMAIL PROTECTED]), offering hopes for making
a practical quantum computer using conventional semiconductor
manufacturing  technology.  Exploiting the strange rules of the
atomic world, quantum computers could potentially break top-secret
codes and perform certain kinds of searches much more quickly than
conventional computers.  The building blocks of quantum computers
are called qubits, or quantum bits, made of such objects as atoms
or photons.  Connecting multiple qubits via an electrostatic (or
other suitable) interaction could then result in a quantum computer,
similar to how wiring together individual transistors can make a
traditional computer.  Unlike a conventional computer's bits, which
can have values of either 0 or 1, a qubit can possess a value of 0
and 1 simultaneously, analogous to a light switch that's on and off
at the same time.  For their qubit the Michigan group chose an
individual cadmium ion, held in free space by a number of electrodes
inside a postage-stamp-sized gallium arsenide semiconductor chip.
There additional electric fields are able to manipulate the position
of the ion, and laser beams could control the qubit value in the
ion.   Ions pose an advantage over other potential qubits (such as
photons and electron dots) in that they are easier to isolate and
shield from external disturbances (noise) that can disrupt their
operation.   An integrated semiconductor chip is a markedly
different environment for ion qubits, which were previously held in
hand-made ion traps that could not be easily scaled up or mass
produced.  The researchers have not yet demonstrated a quantum
computer based on this design, as it only consists of a single
qubit. Making a quantum computer would require scaling up a single
chip so that it contains enough electrodes to trap many ions
This has been a busy month for announcements in the ion computing
realm: groups at NIST and Innsbruck independently reported
entangling up to eight ions (Nature, December 8), while the Michigan
group used another setup to perform a simple version of a quantum
search known as Grover's algorithm (Brickman et al., Physical Review
A, November 2005)

FAST X-RAY PICTURES OF SAND JETS.  Granular materials---possessing
both solid-like and liquid-like characteristics---exhibit much
strange emergent behavior even in the simplest of experiments.
When, for example, a heavy sphere is dropped into a bed of sand,
what happens, if you look carefully enough, can still surprise
seasoned researchers.  Heinrich Jaeger of the University of Chicago
and his colleagues watched the jets kicked up by the sphere: they
used high speed video and ordinary light to view the outside of the
jets and high-speed radiography (the x rays supplied by the Advanced
Photon Source at Argonne) of the jet interior.  The impact kicked up
a bizarre two-tiered jet structure: a thick shaft at the bottom and,
projecting up out of the top, a further and thinner shaft (see
figures at ).
That the jets are so well collimated is a surprise: why doesn't the
sand just fly out at all angles?  In moving up in a sort of directed
beam, with very little lateral motion, it seems to act like an
ultracold gas (at least in the sideways direction).  Another
surprise is the twofold jet structure.  The lower, thicker jet is
surely sculpted by collisions between sand grains and air molecules
since it gets progressively scantier until, at pressures close to
vacuum, it goes away altogether, leaving only the thinner spiky
jet.  The jet interior pictures are unprecedented: taken with an
exposure rate of 5000 frames per second, the x ray flux provided the
equivalent of a 50-watt halogen lamp illumination---only at x-ray
wavelengths.  The x-ray pictures proved that air squeezed among the
grains was the driving force in forcing up the thick stage of the
jet formation, and not as one might have expected a force for
dissipating the jet.  (Royer et al., Nature Physics, December 2005;
by the way, Nature Physics is a new journal that began publication
in October 2005.)

WHY ARE SOME COLEOPTERA BEETLES BLUE?  Because light striking the
beetle's external hard parts undergoes destructive interference.
how this happens is now being studied quantitatively by a team of
scientists in Namur, Belgium.  Electron microscope pictures of the
beetle's scaly cuticle (see )
help to explain that each scale is made of alternating layers of
pure chitin (high index of refraction) and mixtures of chitin and
air (low index of refraction).  The resulting structure is a
photonic crystal: because of wave interference, light of 

More Americans Upbeat About Prolonged Slaughter In Iraq

2005-12-22 Thread JBCM2
 Click here: The Assassinated Press

Appealing To the Voyeur In Americans, Bush's Support Hardens After a Long Decline:
More Americans Upbeat About Prolonged Slaughter In Iraq, Tax Breaks For the Rich:
"Domestic Spying Shows He Cares About Me.":
Thousands Of Americans Volunteer For 'Operation Lemming'; Insert Web Cams, Microphones In Their Most Private Places At NSA's Request

They hang the man and flog the woman
That steal the goose from off the common,
But let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose. 

".at a time when I am speaking to you about the paradox of desire -- in the 
sense that different goods obscure it -- you can hear outside the awful language
of power. There's no point in asking whether they are sincere or hypocritical, 
whether they want peace of whether they calculate the risks. The dominating 
impression as such a moment is that something that may pass for a prescribed
good; information addresses and captures impotent crowds to whom it is poured 
forth like a liquor that leaves them dazed as they move toward the slaughter house. 
One might even ask if one would allow the cataclysm to occur without first giving
free reign to this hubbub of voices"


2005-12-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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2005-12-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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[Air-l] pinkett scores; trump, king flub blogs (fwd)

2005-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:04:18 -0500
From: Barry Wellman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: communication and information technology section asa
Subject: [Air-l] pinkett scores; trump, king flub blogs

Probably most readers of these lists know by now that one of our own
Internet-Society people, Randal Pinket, won The Apprentice last week --
the lucrative and dubious pleasure of working in Donald Trump's Empire.

Randal got his PhD from Sloan School of Business, MIT, and worked with
Keith Hampton on his eNeighbors project. Possibly like me, you met Randal
at a conference.

What you may not have seen is this dialogue between The Donald and TV
celeb interviewer Larry King December 19, 2005.

King: I don't even know how to touch a blog. Do you know how to blog?
...  Do you know how to reach a blogger?

Trump: I have no idea. Everybody that works for me knows. Me? I have no

King: I have no idea how to reach a blogger. I've never sent an e-mail. I
don't know what I'm doing.

Source: Rick McGinnis, Tube Talk. Toronto Metro, 21Dec05: 41

PS: The subject was blog talk about whether Randal being an
African-American had anything to do with his victory.


  Barry Wellman Professor of SociologyNetLab Director
  wellman at

  Centre for Urban  Community Studies  University of Toronto
  455 Spadina AvenueToronto Canada M5S 2G8fax:+1-416-978-7162
To network is to live; to live is to network

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers
Subscribe, change options or unsubscribe at:

Join the Association of Internet Researchers:

Big Wins on Arctic Refuge and Global Warming

2005-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Dear Alan,

Congratulations and thank you!  As we head into 2006, WWF activists like you 
have given Planet Earth two huge presents and made the future much brighter for 
caribou, polar bears, wolves, and countless other creatures:

*  Yesterday, the U.S. Senate blocked an attempt to authorize oil drilling in 
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, one of the world's most 
outstanding ecoregions.  Learn more at the following site:

*  In early December, world governments finalized the ground rules for the 
first phase of the Kyoto Protocol and set the stage for discussions to further 
cut carbon emissions after the protocol expires in 2012.  Learn more at the 
following site:

These two victories epitomize the dedication and power of WWF's activists.  
Sometimes we take ourselves too literally when we say, We speak for those 
creatures who have no voice in their own future.  In these cases, that might 
be an understatement.

I can't thank you enough for all you do and am confident that we will have even 
more successes next year.  I urge you to take time during this holiday season 
to celebrate and relish these impressive achievements.


Carter S. Roberts
World Wildlife Fund
Washington, DC

You received this message because [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an activist
with the World Wildlife Fund Conservation Action Network.
To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word REMOVE in the subject line or you can 
Direct any questions about the WWF Conservation Action Network to
The Conservation Action Network is sponsored by World Wildlife Fund-US.  Known
worldwide by its panda logo, WWF is dedicated to protecting the world's 
wildlife and
the rich biological diversity that we all need to survive.  The leading 
supported international conservation organization in the world, WWF has 
more than 2,000 projects in 116 countries and has more than 1 million members in
the United States.  WWF calls on everyone -- government, industry, and 
 -- to take responsibility by taking action to save our living planet.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 Twenty-fourth Street, NW
Washington, DC  20037

Amazon News - December 22nd 2005

2005-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Amazon NewsFriends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by, the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher isFriends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization. 

Dear Friend,The Team wishes you happy holidays
The news this week:Plantations in Mato Grosso state were used by major contraband gang 24 Horas News - 12/21/2005Deforestation falls in Amazonas state Correio Braziliense - 12/21/2005A more secure system for the transporation of timber IBAMA - 12/20/2005World Bank intends to invest more in Amazonia, in search of 'social and development advantages' - 12/20/2005Greenpeace denounces scheme to buy illegal Amazonia timber Greenpeace Brasil - 12/19/2005Group Cites Lax Brazil Deforestation Laws New York Times - 12/19/2005Court bars bidding for the Dardanelos Hydroelectric plant O Estado de S.Paulo - 12/17/2005Justice cancels prison order for the ex-governor of Mato Grosso Diário de Cuiabá - 12/17/200595% of the logging companies at southern Amazonas state have irregularities Radiobrás - 12/16/2005Government is not interested in preservation, claim NGOs O Estado de S.Paulo - 12/16/2005'Future of the Forests cannot depend upon a bridge in Sergipe, budgets for Pan-Americans or luck with the political crises', affirm entities - 12/15/2005Brazil admits guilt on emasculated children case Correio Braziliense - 12/15/2005Curupira Operation - First sentence is promulgated Gazeta de Cuiabá - 12/14/2005Proposed Law on Forests turns into bargain instrument for political fights Greenpeace Brasil - 12/14/2005

More news 

Click here if you want to unsubscribe for the newsletter.If the links are not displayed correctly, click here. 

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon.This newsletter is produced byFriends of the Earth - Brazilian"Amazon is not just a forest" 

Until we meet again, I plan to elevate. -- MP3: Snoop Dogg - Poem for Tookie krs one

2005-12-22 Thread Ishaq

Until we meet again, I plan to elevate. -- MP3: Snoop Dogg - Poem for

Until we meet again, I plan to elevate. -- Snoop Dogg spoke at the
memorial services for Stan Tookie Williams. The services were held in
Los Angeles at the Bethel AME Church. Snoop spoke softly and read a very
moving poem he had written for Tookie Williams.

MP3: Snoop Dogg - Poem for Tookie
by A Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005 at 5:15 PM

Snoop Dogg spoke at the memorial services for Stan Tookie Williams. The
services were held in Los Angeles at the Bethel AME Church. Snoop spoke
softly and read a very moving poem he had written for Tookie Williams.



Farewell Tookie: Food For Thought Is Better Than A Meal
By KRS-One

“They killed the teacher!” said Snoop Dogg at the funeral services for
Stanley Tookie Williams December 20 at the Bethel A.M.E. Church in Los
Angeles. Rev. Jesse Jackson, Bruce Gordon, Minister Tony Muhammad, Stan
Muhammad, Rev. Dr. Lewis E. Logan II, Minister Lewis Farrakhan and Tony
Robbins all listened as Snoop Dogg brought the packed Church to its feet
with a poem dedicated to Tookie entitled “Till We Meet Again.” One line
that caught my attention was when Snoop said, “Food for thought is
better than a meal.” This phrase stuck with me, because it reminded me
of man may not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedth
from the mouth of the lord and coming from Snoop showed a level of
maturity that I wish his Girls Gone Wild, pimps-up-hoes-down, gangsta
nigga audiences would adopt.

And I am NOT being critical of Snoop at all! I’ve been watching Snoop
settle his beefs with others, start programs in the hood for at-risk
youth, seek God and denounce gang-banging publicly. But this is my
point. When has a man done enough to be called rehabilitated? What must
one do to be actually free from past wrongs? When is a man truly forgiven?

I arrived at the Bethel A.M.E. Church to a beautiful scene. Several
blocks before we got to the Church helpful, pleasantly spoken,
informative Black and Brown police officers were stationed at strategic
corners directing traffic toward the Church. When we arrived at the
Church we were greeted by the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) and escorted to
the press balcony. There was literally nowhere else to be. Even members
of Stanley Tookie Williams’ family were in the press balcony! When this
was discovered, Rev. Dr. Logan II requested that the first ten rows of
people give up their seats to these additional members of the Williams
family and everyone promptly did what was asked.

The Church was so packed that many people were in another room outside
of the main knave watching the proceedings on a huge flat screen
television. When I walked into this room I saw Tookie on the screen
saying, “If a man must fight, let it be to the death against the beast
within himself. Win that battle? No man, no woman, no racial hatred, no
system, no vindictiveness, and no Machiavellianism can ever defeat you!
And then he said on behalf of the children; teach them how to avoid our
destructive foot steps. Teach them to strive for a higher education.
Teach them to promote peace. And teach them to focus on rebuilding the
neighborhoods that you, others and I helped to destroy.” And I can’t
front, I was renewed even in my own spirit. To know that one of the most
significant outlaw figures in modern American history went from criminal
minded to spiritual minded gives all of us (especially those on the
frontlines of ministry work, counseling, mentoring and rehabilitation
work) hope in the transformation of the human heart. That our work is
not done in vain.

I was totally impressed with the organization and security of the F.O.I.
Hundreds of people was jammed in the Church with even more people
outside trying to get in yet the Church and the whole block itself
(Western Ave) was at peace. It was beautiful.

But as beautiful as it was, the Church was still teeming with suspicion
as to why a completely rehabilitated man could not be offered at least
life in prison? How was Tookie (the co-founder of the famous street gang
the Crips) who spent 24 years in prison, wrote nine anti-violence,
anti-gang, anti-drug children’s books, received an honorary Doctor of
Humane Letters degree from St. Moses the Black Theological Seminary, was
nominated six times for the Nobel Peace Prize, and received the
Presidential Call to Service Award from President George W. Bush for his
volunteer efforts to help steer youth away from gang life not
rehabilitated? There’s even an award-winning movie starring Jamie Foxx
entitled “Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story” that teaches the
path of rehabilitation and forgiveness. All of this, in addition to his
website and phone 

Fauve Poem

2005-12-22 Thread Peter Ciccariello

-Peter Ciccariello