mimesis toned

2006-04-05 Thread Sheila Murphy
mimesis tonedmakes water patently unsafe unsat  until the gilding wafer chills hosanna perks  if I were eternal and you were the gravy  as if (only) and and andwatch me mom watch me watch  the water rhymes hydroponically  the jet the fuel oil the integra parked  poolside promise me you'll neverand I'll elbow my way out of within  earshot while you safe your way  . . . these premises are draining   me of rain and matchstick piercingslo mein goes my stash of pinking  shears loquacity brings on   cemented sugar and the implants  drown their place known purelyas a segue and a sugared shoulder  to refrain from while my darling   leaflet's spun to feast upon
 the elderberry something all noonvortex while a person points  a camera at the reddest rock  in human agitation pacting  with the promptsat homeamongimpromptu estrangements   where the body dims the mind  light inan electedsort of waywardness   complete with chisel and despairsheila e. murphy

2C-sphanx with terminal slouch

2006-04-05 Thread phanero

gsv hvxklw xknrlt

gfilrlt zlw gfilrlt rl gsv drwvlrlt tbiv
gsv uzoxkl xzllkg svzi gsv uzoxklvi;
gsrlth uzoo zjzig; gsv xvlgiv xzllkg skow;
nviv zlzixsb rh okkhvw fjkl gsv dkiow,
gsv yokkwewrnnvw grwv rh okkhvw, zlw vevibdsviv
gsv xvivnklb ku rllkxvlxv rh wikdlvw;
gsv yvhg ozxp zoo xklerxgrkl, dsrov gsv dkihg
ziv ufoo ku jzhhrklzgv rlgvlhrgb.

hfivob hknv ivevozgrkl rh zg szlw;
hfivob gsv hvxklw xknrlt rh zg szlw.
gsv hvxklw xknrltn sziwob ziv gskhv dkiwh kfg
dsvl z ezhg rnztv kfg ku hjrirgfh nflwr
gikfyovh nb hrtsg; hknvdsviv rl hzlwh ku gsv wvhvig
z hszjv drgs orkl ykwb zlw gsv svzw ku z nzl,
z tzav yozlp zlw jrgrovhh zh gsv hfl,
rh nkerlt rgh hokd gsrtsh, dsrov zoo zykfg rg
ivvo hszwkdh ku rlwrtlzlg wvhvig yriwh.
gsv wziplvhh wikjh ztzrl; yfg lkd r plkd
gszg gdvlgb xvlgfirvh ku hgklb hovvj
dviv evcvw gk lrtsgnziv yb z ikxprlt xizwov,
zlw dszg ikfts yvzhg, rgh skfi xknv ikflw zg ozhg,
hokfxsvh gkdziwh yvgsovsvn gk yv ykil?

all we gonna do

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

Say it so I will not go
sound goes off the edge
of the rocket into the reaches of sky
it meant we'd love some new president
Eroding around here
feel inclined to blow my mind
The different cliffs off of which we fall
seem similar to any sorting of trouble
I hope no one hangs around
one more little song is all we gonna do
Saints alive you're saying Walk in squares
It's a long way down including probable cause
and supposing you are down?
Who goes that way without relief?
August pairings of words become
natural resilience in the face of language
Perhaps a verb will illustrate the motion of this fall
We were not ready to travel sand bars today
which just goes to show you
The hid are out out for the year
It's a lot of face A lot of crank air
Get hung up feed the ducks with a bun
this is called the farewell song written by sam
Get over there man alright ok
They all come out to groove about
Being nice and having fun in the sun
Practical like stayed back when the wind
roughed up the plenitude staying put
turn the lights off carry me home
hey uh I think the iron butterfly’s on next
Keep your head still I'll be your thrill
the night will go on my little red mill
You'll be at my show all we gonna do

vintage blue

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

AHB: I suspect that every text in an unknown alphabet is a poem. In
ibThe Pound Era/b/i Kenner points out a passage in Shakespeare
that gets misinterpreted nowadays because people aren't aware that the
term igolden boys/i refers to dandelions (don't make me hunt out the
book, just trust me). I don't know how a foreign Billy Collins would
look to me compared to a foreign Clark Coolidge. Presumably stanzaic
poetry is still stanzaic in Cyrillic.I think the reading of such texts
would free the texts of meaning. Unless the reader was wicked good at
code-breaking, and detect the patterns in this unknown alphabet, the
reader could make whatever out of the written shapes. I don't know if
we're to credit Gaudier-Brzeska's ability to read ideograms with no
prior knowledge. It sound nice. Maybe he was just riffing. Your
questions really just put me back on my heels. Translations very often
leave me dissatisfied. I'd rather read Pound's Chinese translations,
which he wasn't shy abut changing for his own purposes, than the perhaps
more scholarly, but dry, Arthur Waley ones. And I don't like the ones
Amy Lowell was involved with, garnished with flowers. I think my point
is that the translation should be poetic, and likewise the readers
reading of an unknown alphabet. Poetic, that is, rather than 'accurate'.
We have the example of abstract painting whereby the forms on the canvas
are what they are not what they seem. Thus, I suppose, if you give me a
Cyrillic text, I'm going to see isomething/i, influenced by whatever
is present in me at the time (Rorschach test?).are such question as you
posed above ones that you frequently ponder?

Re: vintage blue

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

crap, sent to wrong place. potentially makes more sense as part of Antic
View blog.

p o s t_m o o t

2006-04-05 Thread justin . katko
p o s t _ m o o t
a convocation of unorthodox cultural and poetic practicesApril 14-16. 2006

Miami University. Oxford. Ohioperformances,
discussions, screenings, papers and book launches (h u n d r e d s /
Slack Buddha, Plantarchy, tnwk (the books chapters 6-7),Some Assembly Required)


PARTICIPANTSMichael Basinski 
_Brian Marina Brown _Peter Castaldo 
_Rachel Chase _ cris cheek 
_Steph Elstrow _ K. Lorraine Graham 
_Alan Golding _Kevin R. Hollo 
_L.A. Howe _William R. Howe _ Jackie Kari_Justin Katko 
_Claire Keys_Steven Paul Lansky 
_Kirsten Lavers 
_Mel Nichols _Tom Orange _CamillePaloque-Bergès 
_Nicole Proctor 
_Jim Reiss_ Linda Russo 
_ Jessica Smith 
_ Rachel Smith _Rod Smith _Joshua Strauss 
_Rodrigo Toscano _Keith Tuma 
_Mark Wallace 
_Leigh Waltz _Tyrone Williams 
_Aaren Yandrich _Jason Zeh 
formulation of post moot emerged from several conversations seeking to
bring together an opportune fold of practitioners for whom the
possibilities of poetry as agency in contemporary society remains a
passionate concernthese
practitioners blur simplistic demarcations between influential
performances for the production and circulation of poetry(s) —
teaching, archiving, bookselling, editing, researching, social
activism, eventing, and curating. this is in addition to their daily
practicewe mean the above to include diverse media and ephemeral modes of production 
wanted to create a mooting place (ok, a moot) for conversations and
exchange, a convocation — part festival, part symposium, part
conference, part discussion, part celebration, part . . . trepidationMoot. n.
Pronunciation: 'müt. Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mOt,
gemOt; akin to Middle High German muoze meeting, an encounter. Also:
talking; the discussion of a hypothetical caseMoot. 
1 a : to bring up for discussion : BROACH b : DEBATE. 2 : to discuss
from a legal standpoint : ARGUE. Also: to speak; to converse; to
complain, murmur; to say; to utter; to argue; to plead; to discuss; to
raise or bring forward; to dig up; to dig up by the roots; to dig out;
unearth; to fashion; to open to discussion; to propose; to mutter; to
utterMoot. adj
1 a : open to question : DEBATABLE b : subjected to discussion :
DISPUTED. 2 : deprived of practical significance : made abstract or
purely academicit
has been fashioned in a DIY make-do spirit and at short notice to catch
the air of a moment. everybody doing something is doing so just for the
craicmoot is a board game that consists of what are considered tough questions about the etymology of english words
mooter is a web search engine whose strapline reads 'the power of relevance'
o s t_m o o t in terms of relevance and power then: in the context of
what has been in recent years almost an orgy of declarations of post
this or post that, desperate attempts to demarkthe
post-ness of our situation is what is under discussion. we're
interested in how we got here, but we're AS interested if not more
interested in where we're going. post moot is neither a port of
embarkation nor of disembarkation in the sense of journeys and
destinations, the prioritizations of going to and coming fromit is not so much the moot that is post but the post that is moot

— cris, jUStin,  William 
- - - 
including but not limited to live-writing, performance art,
choreographic poetics, kinetic poems, movement poems, site-specific
 -responsive language installations, book/objects, artists books,
writerly books, projected writing, cyber-poetries, video-poetries,
concrete, visual, sound poetries, sound environments, radio poetry,
networked media,  etc
for more info:

Re: test

2006-04-05 Thread Halvard Johnson

killed aesthetes

Art is not a mirror held up to reality,
 but a hammer with which to shape it.
 --Bertolt Brecht

Halvard Johnson


On Apr 4, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Steve Dalachinsky wrote:

skilled aesthetes

by the way

2006-04-05 Thread Dirk Vekemans

thanks abundantly, 
allove 2 u

i wryte to you (mandy)

2006-04-05 Thread ross
a word on a screen. mandy is viewed through a glass tank and suspended
in animation all the stories but what the point?

mandy has rings under her eyes, hair down to her shoulders, lips that
are nice. she is not vulnerable but she puts herself in places that

suspended in all the stories but what the point?
cut out the pretty parts.

mandy is a preson who hardly sleeps at night because she does not want
to miss anything. mandy is someone who changes so fast and keeps so
much inside that she hardly exists. mandy is healthy but sick in the
terminal ways that old people are sick, mandy is a girl who goes to
catholic school and played the guitar until her private teacher tried
to get her to undress with his camera. mandy smoked weed laced with
crack and had an experience. mandy ran her hands across a boy's face
in the hallway at school and told him you have a soft face. mandy
dropped out of school. mandy wanted to live in arizona. mandy worked
as a stripper after she graduated. mandy sold shrooms. mandy stole a
card from CVS for her friend's birthday. mandy changed her name. mandy
was a different person. mandy watched her sister's brain shrink. mandy
made her mother worry. mandy made her mother worry that she wouldn't
find a place. mandy was a girl. mandy had sex in a rusty bath tub in a
field in virginia. mandy did experiments. mandy was a scientist and a
computer expert. mandy found a computer out front of somebody's house
in adelphi and took it for her own. mandy checked the computer for
viruses and found one called 'clinger.worm'. mandy named her computer
'rotten fruit' mandy never wanted kids or a house or a car. mandy
exploded off the page. mandy exploded into grace. mandy used to dance.
mandy stopped. mandy sometimes wished she was a boy. mandy dated a
technician who used linux. mandy first asked if that was some kind of
drug and then began to learn. mandy danced with computers and took
what she wanted from the internet. mandy treated internet people with
care and learned from them because they needed someone to talk to.
mandy stopped dating the computer technician. mandy kept going with
the computers. mandy knew that technology could be for everyone. mandy
cried sometimes. mandy figured out how to dial-in to free internet
acccess. mandy felt crazy in her own home. mandy felt safe in her
room. mandy loved the world inside. mandy knew that love wasn't in the
words. mandy felt not catholic guilt. mandy didn't believe in god or
heaven. mandy knew that she'd die too. mandy fought monsters. mandy
went to sleep for a long time. mandy wanted to sleep for longer. mandy
realized that her time awake and time asleep were becoming the same.
mandy wanted a name that would work like a key. mandy had names that
worked like keys on the internet. mandy had a name that people called
her and the name that was secret. mandy thought that two names, one
for other people and one for her private self should be enough for
anyone. mandy learned about these kinds of names from her
ex-boyfriend, the linux guru. they had gotten along well but sometimes
she felt like a martian rover that could only relay information back
to earth indirectly, humans never experiencing firsthand the planet
that could have once supported life but now all that's left are
dried-up river beds and frozen polar ice caps. mandy started to become
decentralized. her personality was already nonlinear but now instead
of moving in a general direction it grew in many directions. adopting
many different fragments of personality instead of thoroughly
integrating. mandy was many things but mandy was definitely drifting
away from her given name. instead of saying things she wrote them in
her notebook because her notebook already knew the previous facts and
could understand her current train of thought. mandy began to think
all the time. mandy knew that theoretical thought was not just for
boys. mandy began to read much more. mandy began to make words appear
on the page. mandy began to make pictures with words (words within
pictures and pictures within words) because pictures alone were not
enough and words alone were not enough. mandy bought a bright pink
dildo and had different kinds of sex with an old friend from
elementary school she had not seen in years. they reconvened on
myspace. mandy believed in chance to some degree but not in
everything. mandy's ex boy friend was still her friend but he became
boring. he sat in his room in his parent's old victorian house with
dog shit on the floor he was too lazy  to clean up and insulin needles
he left around. mandy wasn't sure why but there was a noose of purple
rope next to his desk hanging from a pipe near the ceiling. the
computer he and mandy had built together became choked with porn and
stupid shit. mandy needed some data she had backed up onto his
computer which she had lost in her first big crash but she did not
want to go to his house. his mother would be too nice and he would be
too hospitable and smelly 

The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread Harrison Jeff

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

Harrison Jeff wrote:

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

nice--sounds Romantic but reads modern (or what the hell word is better
than that)


Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread phanero

this verse is a striated heap wherein I'll, in this mantle, well
up, a thrall to the lupine eye, which, remote and rapacious,
yokes a pattern so infinitely tiny, spieling, spilling chimerically,
the skies, the skeins of the misbehaving sisters.

- Original Message -
From: Harrison Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

phanero wrote:

this verse is a striated heap wherein I'll, in this mantle, well
up, a thrall to the lupine eye, which, remote and rapacious,
yokes a pattern so infinitely tiny, spieling, spilling chimerically,
the skies, the skeins of the misbehaving sisters.

- Original Message -
From: Harrison Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

this verse is a stranded populated stopgap wherein I'll, remandered (the
hell with Mickey Mantle), tell Interpol of, like the moon's proof, and
with obdurate spleen, opting space raised to huge pines, spieling, alpha
male likely, the smoky pod skies

The Agency of Discourse.............

2006-04-05 Thread Peter Ciccariello
Agency of Discoursehttp://tinyurl.com/nah8z-- Peter Ciccariello

Re: the teeth scrapings of a fictional charlatan

2006-04-05 Thread Peter Ciccariello
Intense!-PeterOn 4/5/06, phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the teeth scrapings of a fictional charlatanhttp://www.phaneronoemikon.org/images/3d/chagum.jpgor another set prop (perhaps an image in a waiting room) for
The Microbe Merchant, or the Girl w/ the Ovaries(Henry Ceard and H. de Weindel, 1898)This was the first of offensive Grand Guignol dramasthat truly shocked newspaper critics.A well-meaning doctor pretends to be a charlatan.
He sells two would-be poisoners fake poison,and refuses to remove a young woman's ovariessimply to make her 'safe for love'.. The poisonersreturn and threaten to call the police. the young ladymarries the fake fake-doctor.

Re: The Agency of Discourse.............

2006-04-05 Thread Lanny Quarles
this is friggin gorgeous..
i was listening to Gerald Grisey's l'espaces acoustique
this afternoon.. this certainly goes well with that
stuff.. the textures have a very realistic feel
to them and the font selections interfere in delicate
ways with the contours of the forms

the idea which seems implicit is a kind of musico-spatial post-writing
in which content arises from the action of the gaze interpreting,
interacting w/the composition and its various mappings.. the actualisation
of a virtual mimesis using 3d seems so perfectly aligned to the musical
visuality of language  the text seems situated within that through it upon
it.. those surfaces literally smoke with semiosis..

i'm wondering if you've played with elefont yet.. you might get some
ideas there as well.. making the fonts actually 3d as well..

abolutely supple..

 The Agency of Discourse

 -- Peter Ciccariello