19th Century Lazarus Gagging on Figurines [Use Tophat, please/]

Disregardi Gears. K-MUTON says {know nothing, know nothing well}:
"Gagarino Figurines"
Eleazar of Worms will abulafia a continuous real-valued function
defined on a closed interval, masking gematric carburetion whose
Imre Shefer would shoof to anagensis homologies to ancestor capsid
barret heterocysts their diploid life cycles in syngametic effigies:

historichromophose the amphibious verb-place-holder with ornamental
noun mimicry exegesis swimmerettes whose adjectival wort-careening
accretion templates linger blending through the larval phobos of
mythophoric plasmogamy shakras whose coiling spinal inference yet
details a proboscid meiosis of referential diffraction clues:

Eleazar of proboscid Wormonkey distillation seed will give abulafiats
to the caprice of caveats unfolding chemoautotrophic semanticysts
in their decomposition of grammatological anapsidolors whose
hierolymphic blimp lungs are videographic lipid colloids fluted through
an ambulacra of felting formed simulacracuticles whose squamous
retention indexes are slightly tacky-acting reagent analogues:
"Gagarino Figurines"
gag gag gag (hump the flag)
gag a neutrino:
18th century Lazaruses are usually green.
The 19th century smaragdino ala Gagarino Figurino is non other than Lazulous.
Lazulous Gagarino.
The watchfob and the cane. pure psychic denial. pure psychic denial.
Pure Lazarus Green.
Ditty of gagging. gagging in figurines,
gagging on figurines. 
Green Khidr Lazulous Neutrino Figurino Gagarino is gagging on figurines.
zikr-zikr zen ring mafiosis.
The 19th century Lazarus.
The 19th century Lazarus.
Poem: Paydirt.
It's with dirt you pay.
paying with dirt.
Lazulous brushing off the dirt from his thing-self gagging on figurines fall-down.
Muscle-Tongue = Green Lazarus and white male insane boxy-boxy.
Say operatic hamster cage.
Say Green Lazarus Operatic Hamster Cage showdown of Okay.
show down.
On the 19th.
Lazarauz says society is hermitical.
Lazarsu soys society is hermedical.
Lozoirsois sayeth socitius ish hermanetical, neutered.
Lozoisoiree sasaya socioi-oi ich hearmynoodical, nautical.
On the 19th.
Okay. Show down.
Girl laughing at the thing-self Lazarus.
Cruel girl laughing at the thing-self Lazarus.
Whole Life back from the dead of pre.
Whole nautical Lazarus body of Oceans. Cruel Girl Laughing, pre-dead.
The whole body.
Sweet Tapir, Lazarus would ride ye, and gag on figurines.
Last Supper Neutrino bathing.
Lazarus across the shimmering waters, more pure, more vital, more alive than water, or light,
that shimmering at the surface,
reaching stupidly, reaching back
staring back. Earth Staring Back into Lazulous.
Jane Bowles dead in Malaga.
Lazarus Gagarino gagging on figurines.
Champions of Ornithology. Hawkman. Shakespeare Hawkman.
Musical jade exoskeleton body-cage for Shakespeare Hawkman
pecking the promethean liver from Lza Urus E-socket. E= MC SQUARED
truncated network
laugh-track. next mirror vaguely promotional. usurp mirror.
set lotion.
Let us Sin. (brethr in)
Let us Syn in.
Let us Sin: A-Men/
"I nurse the brain by nursing the body, " Dr. Biron replied.
"I build up my patient's system by careful attention to hygiene,
diet, and rest, and I pretend to ignore his mental alienation.
There is always a spark of sense in a diseased brain."
Lazulous Hawkman Shakespeare, Champion of Ornithology
is gagging on figurines, warm flexible semi-translucent chitonous pupas with a single grand thorn from the upper torso.
Let us say,
Thunder comes from a Grand Thorn Pupa Torso gagging on 19th Century Lazarus smelling of Lebanese Bologna:
Hark! Hark! I hear the Strain of Strutting Chanticleer cry cockadidle-dowe. (for some 500 years, even, some very good puppets.)
Lazarus. Dog Puddle. Slup.Slup.Slup.


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