The Thiruthani Psynami w/ Black Goat Detractor (incense in its wrinkles)

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

In the Shankara  meter
as so many wavelengths
of light of a certain frequency
orca orca orca
would stain

entering a
burning bush

Rebok'd in
Husserlsome time

perhaps like a gallery
exposed to galactic

the orca orca orca
Edward R. Murrow
and Husserlsomehow
Mary Mollineaux's eyes
for Jonathan Wild

no ice
in  Mother Clap's molly house
or much truth
to Pliny the Elder's
Killer whale police

some Africanized bee
never landing on the neck
of Spicer's blind camera of poetry

since the Blood of Satan
was filmed in the charmonium dread

the Crisco skull bowl
the ninja grotto pouch

of this golden golem
of harp-playing putti

whose stylus
is the granite VEL
of Lord Muruga

whose head
like a glittering Cincinnati
a Szászcsávás
of Bengali tiger worms
electing some primal (sch)muck
so that Tokhaapsalu
might remember in metaphor
the amber broth
of  Algoth Niska
in the brightly colored
jerkins worn by the proctologists
of  Aegna (O fevered Turnip trough!)

one of whom
might peer up out of this
cauldrone of gypsy tentacles
turn her apparat
to the rheos of the cosmogonic night

to the Dendera light

whose inaesthetic molecules
didn't form chemical bonds like
other drugs, but bound only
by very weak quantum forces known as
van der Waals London forces
would stage a loving memorial to
the good luck of  Wilhelm König,
the German director of
the National Museum of Iraq
who in 1940 after some illness
would publish a paper on the

Strange virtue of a Baghdad Battery

that we have not heard any recent
news of  Khujut Rabu'

but note the strange complexity
of the composition

minivan parked at the foot of kuan yin
whose customized license plate reads simply


Transcendental Y Spawn

Emit us Paradoxica, We were Partthhians

Those with glowing teeth
as if to say

This God was just some stupid blissed out Raver
with a glowstick in its mouth

some tranced out computational universe
like a hit of ecstasy from Goa
on the tongue of a diving pteradactylune chimère
est une chimère est une chimère
as Sacred Emily
is to See Emily Play




The fate of the Radiolarians
intimately tied to Alphabets and Birthdays

whose Gabardine motherwatches in their genital organizations
would turn each week to their favorite soap opera,

What indeed did happen after Adolf  Reinach fell
outside Diksmuide in Flanders on 16 November 1917

 especially 4 the dream sequences of Charles Manson
in his all white Trans-Am delivering oranges to the Home
for Retired Eagle Scouts and singing his song Garbage Dump:

Oh garbage dump oh garbage dump
Why are you called a garbage dump

You could feed the world with my garbage dump
You could feed the world with my garbage dump

That sums it up in one big lump
like everything else

like the everything asp
coiling up out of the everything lotus

The Amphulectric Mathmamtitian buttering its nuts
with Bok globules and Fiction

Re: The Thiruthani Psynami w/ Black Goat Detractor (incense in its wrinkles)

2006-04-04 Thread phanero

Clarence Wolf Guts takes [yo]U[rl]lama by the hand~*

It's all German propaganda..

(g) -  Mannegishi Shakespeare

and by that I took him to meme
the little flower Frankenstein offrerered
our playful Emily in which hid some anxious
Dicopomorpha echmepterygis

which isn't so much a fly in the ointment
as a Burke in our little Revolution,

flowery tho it bee..

and tufted

with feathered crocodile knights who played red glass theorbos,
big purple bottoms, Yetipedes and Yetipedias of the Yetipaideia,
tranquilizer guns, yellow things,  Rana subaquavocalis etc..

- Original Message -
From: david divizio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: The Thiruthani Psynami w/ Black Goat Detractor (incense in its 

fi dreamt o0f  yo ulast night...
you shoudda been theere.

--- phanero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the Shankara  meter
as so many wavelengths
of light of a certain frequency
orca orca orca
would stain

entering a
burning bush

Rebok'd in
Husserlsome time

perhaps like a gallery
exposed to galactic

the orca orca orca
Edward R. Murrow
and Husserlsomehow
Mary Mollineaux's eyes
for Jonathan Wild

no ice
in  Mother Clap's molly house
or much truth
to Pliny the Elder's
Killer whale police

some Africanized bee
never landing on the neck
of Spicer's blind camera of poetry

since the Blood of Satan
was filmed in the charmonium dread

the Crisco skull bowl
the ninja grotto pouch

of this golden golem
of harp-playing putti

whose stylus
is the granite VEL
of Lord Muruga

whose head
like a glittering Cincinnati
a Szászcsávás
of Bengali tiger worms
electing some primal (sch)muck
so that Tokhaapsalu
might remember in metaphor
the amber broth
of  Algoth Niska
in the brightly colored
jerkins worn by the proctologists
of  Aegna (O fevered Turnip trough!)

one of whom
might peer up out of this
cauldrone of gypsy tentacles
turn her apparat
to the rheos of the cosmogonic night

to the Dendera light

whose inaesthetic molecules
didn't form chemical bonds like
other drugs, but bound only
by very weak quantum forces known as
van der Waals London forces
would stage a loving memorial to
the good luck of  Wilhelm König,
the German director of
the National Museum of Iraq
who in 1940 after some illness
would publish a paper on the

Strange virtue of a Baghdad Battery

that we have not heard any recent
news of  Khujut Rabu'

but note the strange complexity
of the composition

minivan parked at the foot of kuan yin
whose customized license plate reads simply


Transcendental Y Spawn

Emit us Paradoxica, We were Partthhians

Those with glowing teeth
as if to say

This God was just some stupid blissed out Raver
with a glowstick in its mouth

some tranced out computational universe
like a hit of ecstasy from Goa
on the tongue of a diving pteradactylune chimère
est une chimère est une chimère
as Sacred Emily
is to See Emily Play




The fate of the Radiolarians
intimately tied to Alphabets and Birthdays

whose Gabardine motherwatches in their genital
would turn each week to their favorite soap opera,

What indeed did happen after Adolf  Reinach fell
outside Diksmuide in Flanders on 16 November 1917

 especially 4 the dream sequences of Charles Manson
in his all white Trans-Am delivering oranges to the
for Retired Eagle Scouts and singing his song
Garbage Dump:

 Oh garbage dump oh garbage dump
Why are you called a garbage dump

You could feed the world with my garbage dump
You could feed the world with my garbage dump

That sums it up in one big lump
like everything else

like the everything asp
coiling up out of the everything lotus

The Amphulectric Mathmamtitian buttering its nuts
with Bok globules and Fiction


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