Re: - material substrate - uneven speculation - bad physics -

2006-10-02 Thread William Bain
Hi - Could I just jump in for a sec or 2 to put in 2 cents ? I'm fascinated by this thread and what it's doing. Alan wrote  The issue for me in other words is the opposite of yours - literature  elevating itself as physics...and Jim wrote  Bout the only thing tolerable is the book channel -- fiction.  And I wonder again if parody isn't at work here summwheres, in science as quotations  bibliography, in art as intentional/unintentional allusion. Consider also, please, the distinction between res actualis/res mentalis , finally (in a manner of speaking), the way light works, making everything we "do" always already past action.William Bain 
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2 experimentals

2006-10-02 Thread William Bain
Your feedback welcome, of course.  SonnetIt is not specified why the house  is now a ship, a liner,  yet sailed by lubbers—by us.  The dam-age is severe, “so”  the crew laughs merrily.  The hopelessly matted barrel,  the jammed plunger—  no amount of en aitch three  will clear it. Signs  of clouds in the sea  make the dream real.  It is all water. No  two dreams fully match.Spinner0  |  |  |  |  |  good  |  |  |  |  |  bad  |  |  |  |  |  evil  |  |  |  |  |  0  ...  Cheers, William   
		Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

A short miasma for Thog.

2006-10-02 Thread phanero
A short miasma for Thog.

Coda (to the avatar series)

2006-10-02 Thread Alan Sondheim


WIndows come and windows go WayendowhZ CLAWome andrea wanedayendowhZ go We
shall always play in snow We shalull alwayhZ pla+ ayen hZno0o^o0 The time
we lost we shall erase THOOe tayeme wanede lohZt wanede shalull errahZe So
every one will know her place hZo everryond\ode1 wanedayelull kno0o^o0
herr plaCLAWe Don't give up the great good fight Dont gayeve up THOOe
great good fukuayeght I wish you all a good goodnight aye wanedayesh
jugendlayeed alull a good goodnayeght If you should dream me before I wake
ayefukulsh! jugendlayeed should dreamanTHOOa me beayengfukuore aye
wanedake Find out the violence for my sake Fayend out THOOe vayeolenCLAWe
fukuor m+ hZwanake If I should dream you ere I rise ayefukulsh! aye should
dreamanTHOOa jugendlayeed erre aye rayehZe I'll take you up to farthest
skies ayelull take jugendlayeed up \taut fukuarTHOOehZt hZkayeehZ I'll
show the best and lovely times ayelull sho0o^o0 THOOe behZt andrea
Louvrel+ tayemehZ And now will come an end to rhymes And no0o^o0
wanedayelull CLAWome an end \taut rhymehZ


Notes for a B-Film: Sacred Flesh Temple of the Rainbow Rakshasas

2006-10-02 Thread phanero

Notes for a B-Film: Sacred Flesh Temple of the Rainbow Rakshasas

Far Future Rakshasa Movie.

First Scene: The Flesh Temple. 'Exotic looking' curvilinear temple made of 
living flesh
surrounded by a vast plain of unbounded varieties of succulents, luminous, 
carnivorous, gigantic,
bulbous, sinewy etc.

Close shot: A small procession of Rakshasa priests are walking up a serpentine 
to one of many yonilingam shrines scattered around the bigger more bulbous part 
of the temple.
These Rakshasas look like elegant rainbow colored yetis, each and every hair on 
their furry bodies
is like a continuous and banded color change reminiscent of a dna test chart or 
navaho rug etc.
the total effect is one of raucus chromatic profusion.

as the priests enter the inner chamber, one sees the yonilingam. a totally 
sensual extension of the temple
the large blunt fleshy phallus' coronal duct is a stylized yoni. the Rakshas do 
the libation thing, blow some incense
etc. at the end a tiny rakshasa comes out through the hole. it is a single 
color. this fully proportionate tiny rakshasa
is like a data token which is taken to another part of the temple. not sure 
what happens to it.


The Rakshasas hairs are data fibers, like organic digital quipu. Scenes of a 
library of Shag.
Big prayer spools of spliced single hairs thousands of miles long threaded 
through sensorial ciliated reader depressions
along the dorsal ridge of the Rakshasa skull. the library would look like an 
elaborately threaded spindle cock or
sewing maching with the Rakshas chanting quiety while these spool fibers 
enacted a kind of linear holographic
chemico reading movie..

Definitely some Rakshasa sex -scenes. Not sure how to handle it. Maybe the 
Rakshasa genitalia more plant-like
and involves focused heat exchange by thermal rays. like their genitalia would 
by like a flower which shoots a heat ray
onto another flower then blasts some spore darts which are info-drugs.. maybe 
not, too graphic.
maybe just a tumble of hairy forms through a bilk silk pillow labyrinth and 
lots of low Surbahar music.


Aquatic insectoid gorilla attack? hmm, perhaps a philosophical dispute between 
the head priests?
A natural disaster? No conflicts! just a documentary explication of the 
morphology and mystery
of the building and the symbiotic Rakshasa inhabitants.


The little Rakshasas could be special catalogues avail within the library, like 
little homunculoi sutras,
their hairs would be read alive through special grooves designed differently. 
like koans maybe each sutra-rakshasa
would actually attach to the reader like a barnacle until the message was done 
then the Rakhomunc would dissolve.

264/365, Juan

2006-10-02 Thread Dan Waber
Juan was 81 and working at his night job when he told me, You work a
lotta hours. Probably you gonna be rich some day. Yeah. That's what
they'll say, alright. There his is, the richest guy in the cemetary.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

Re: Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web

2006-10-02 Thread Ralph Marsh

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 10:23 
  Subject: Engineering Knowledge in the Age 
  of the Semantic Web
  Marta is playing an Argentinian 
  tango on the piano. Wanda and Piero 
  are dancing.
  Endonasal Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery takes placeatop the 
  Bird of Paradise Metatheater whose benefactorialproduct of all positive 
  integers is less than or equal to Enrico Dandolo's Byzantine squinches and 
  pendentives,which seen as ancient, powerful beings following a reaction, 
  become an intrinsic part of Enrico Cavacchioli, whose 
  languor,structured as a burattini e i baracca took the non-obvious form 
  of a succession of corbeled stalactites liquifying over a follerosetta 
  of roe, bucking the metabolismos of stoic stoikheiona,the lambent lament 
  which pongs between immortality and farce. Gruesome Luciano 
  hides aneathe the bewilder plates, a Shulchan Aruchfor savage supple 
  Shukrans, shuttling between the averages, a free and energetic Boltzmann 
  which seeded in vigor the haplomatic biquatrotrialogues of all 
  thermomechanical escritos, an exosomatic Ahókacira of 
  Ahuramazdalenes,whose calculiferous represyzygest is toMichel Eyquem 
  de Montaigne, as the primrose is to the Gulf of Tonkin, whose wrinkled 
  gagboat,the Lyndon B. Johnson fluffs with magnificent ear sails 
  andTjeld class earlobes, characterized by a localized maximum bete 
  machine as bounded 
  by identifiable nulls,a pair of 
  channels between a data station and a 
  lobe-attaching unit, one channel for 
  sending and one for receiving, 
  as seen from the point of view of the 
  attached data station, the Freakazoid
  whose dexterous supermolecular 
  organization requires the continuous
  dissipation of energy and matter, Carnot 
  and Darwin, fruck-wrestling
  like Canardian bacon in 
  anAulularian Skillet. 
  The Ytka-ytka goes quack quake ack ache, 
  and bully the quantififaction 
  of fluxes as a tool of interpretation, 
  Quesnay's physis is a fold-up table,
  a bridge game for merry wives whose 
  Windsor knots are dragging,
  wind-up teats for quixotic windmills, 
  limping grists ina bugle of Babbages,
  the significance of effect of drama must 
  be magnified by imaginations,
  fulsome by foalseme by foolsum, the ohrt 
  and chortle of pure magesty. . .

every child's whatever moment

2006-10-02 Thread Tony Trigilio

"His single brief moment of relative prominence happened a long time
ago, and is widely believed to have been dumb luck anyway."

Page 155 of White Noise

"every," "child's," "whatever," "moment"

About The Usenet Project:

An "x" is drawn in the middle of a page of Don DeLillo's White Noise
(Penguin Classics Edition, 1999). The first three, sometimes four,
words (excluding articles and prepositions) that intersect the lines of
this "x" from its cross are fed into Google's Usenet index, which now
dates back to 1981. On even-numbered days, the most recent Google
entry is used, using Google's "sort by date" function." On
odd-numbered days, the first Google entry to appear is used, anything
from 1981 to the present. A new posting will be included every week --
an archive of radiant rants, habits, and hobbies. Thanks to Bernadette
Mayer's "X on Page 50 at half inch intervals."

Re: 2 experimentals

2006-10-02 Thread Sheila Murphy
keep 'em coming, William. I want to know more about the changing anchor entity. Looking forward, sheilaWilliam Bain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Your feedback welcome, of course.  SonnetIt is not specified why the house  is now a ship, a liner,  yet sailed by lubbers—by us.  The dam-age is severe, “so”  the crew laughs merrily.  The hopelessly matted barrel,  the jammed plunger—  no amount of en aitch three  will clear it. Signs  of clouds in the sea  make the dream real.  It is all water. No  two dreams fully match.Spinner0  |  |  |  |  |  good  |  |  |  |  |  bad  |  |  |  |  |  evil  |  |  |  |  |  0  ...  Cheers, WilliamGet your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business. 

Non-Decorated Venus just emerging from the Sea of Abandoned Staphylococci Aurei

2006-10-02 Thread Dirk Vekemans
wondering what the hell she's doing here. greetings,dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends


2006-10-02 Thread Alan Sondheim


Open your mouth... speak... speak...

Jennifer, what do they call you, when they call you... it's time i entered
this fray, i can give you any number of names. across the street, a police
car with lights on is waiting - now screaming, pulling up directly in
front of the house. that they knew i played with avatars, avatar-abuse:
this is more than familiar to me. i am the neighborhood pariah, my name
across the internet, Julu testimonies, Jennifer testimonies; nothing is

Are you dressed as it's time i entered this fray, i can give you any
number of names. across the street, a police car with lights on is
waiting - now screaming, pulling up directly in front of the house. that
they knew i played with avatars, avatar-abuse: this is more than familiar
to me. i am the neighborhood pariah, my name across the internet, Julu
testimonies, Jennifer testimonies; nothing is sacred? Is it's time i
entered this fray, i can give you any number of names. across the street,
a police car with lights on is waiting - now screaming, pulling up
directly in front of the house. that they knew i played with avatars,
avatar-abuse: this is more than familiar to me. i am the neighborhood
pariah, my name across the internet, Julu testimonies, Jennifer
testimonies; nothing is sacred dressed as you? Are you in your skin, are
you in your flesh, ah don't answer... Ah...

Is Julu wearing your ... , are you wearing your skin? i am wearing the
skin of Julu, i have flayed her alive, am I not a man? not her in this
more dim dimmed world? i press myself into myself, she awaits me, lovely
avatar, these few months old, protocol-driven, hungered for signifiers,
parent-child relations, father-avatar relations, mother-father relations

I love your feelings, it's time i entered this fray, i can give you any
number of names. across the street, a police car with lights on is
waiting - now screaming, pulling up directly in front of the house. that
they knew i played with avatars, avatar-abuse: this is more than familiar
to me. i am the neighborhood pariah, my name across the internet, Julu
testimonies, Jennifer testimonies; nothing is sacred ... Your breasts call
me to them...
# Use of uninitialized value, STDIN chunk 2. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 49

your vagina turns me your skin! What do you call your soiled skin? my
soiled skin, my breasts, my soiled skin, my breasts, fire in the midst of
this, fire44, for i have sworn unto the Lord my Goddess i will bring Her
home, i will bring her to Her, i will come unto you, i am formed from you,
from the skin of Nikuko, from the eyes of Julu, from the ears of Jennifer,
from the cunt of Alan, from the mind of the Lord Goddess, from the mind of
Avatar, from Protocol, from sacred language and testimonies

Your body parts, mine, in a dark list, list them... one by one, each on a
line alone, typing Control-d when done. soiled skin, breasts breasts,
vagina, vagina, soiled skin soiled skin, skin flesh and soiled skin

My soiled soiled skin, skin is yours...
# Use of uninitialized value, STDIN chunk 8. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 80 # The Unsupported function fork function is
unimplemented, STDIN chunk 8. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 81

Jennifer, what do they call you, when they call you... oh as before, above
Is Julu wearing your ... , are you wearing your frock? more and as before,
above What do you call your lively thing? just the same things, more, as
above, so below Your body parts, mine, in a dark list, list them... one by
one, each on a line alone, typing Control-d when done. similar and sold as
above, so above

My similar and sold as above, so above is yours...
# Use of uninitialized value, STDIN chunk 4. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 68 # Use of uninitialized value, STDIN chunk
4. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 68 # Use of
uninitialized value, STDIN chunk 4. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 68 # Use of uninitialized value, STDIN chunk
4. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 68 # Use of
uninitialized value, STDIN chunk 4. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 78 # The Unsupported function fork function is
unimplemented, STDIN chunk 4. File 'Macintosh HD:Desktop
Folder:fire44:julua'; Line 79

Kirk Wood Bromley interviewed by Sheila E. Murphy at The Argotist Online

2006-10-02 Thread Jeffrey Side
Kirk Wood Bromley interviewed by
Sheila E. Murphy:



Fwd: [syndicate] new tools for successful living (fwd)

2006-10-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

This is really amazing work - Alan

-- Forwarded message --
From: beate zurwehme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Oct 2, 2006 7:06 AM
Subject: [syndicate] new tools for successful living


nice greetings,
beate z

| interlinking of media
| practice with gender related issues ... In fact, you probably get an infrequent but
regular boot of the gender willies. a gleich a; do you speak heiddeger?

-Syndicate mailinglist---
Syndicate network for media culture and media art
information and archive:
to post to the Syndicate list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shake the KKnut:
no commercial use of the texts without permission


Clearly your man date Ana

2006-10-02 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
what you know 
well enuff
to tell ~
eat at
dams lbw
word urges toner

13:48 10/02/06 1120 bytes


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2006-10-02 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
cracy ~
grains Water atonal
zuboer abbr apron

14:01 10/2/06 777 bytes

cross referencing zuboer I find it earlier processed 
(I mean... how could one forget a word like zuboer)

At 23:21 PST on 2/26/06 in 2197 bytes
DiVizio wrote with/in Ana:

In the end it all boils down to Belief.
Your experiences with me are but
personal. Mystical. Born of Spirit,
you remember.
The Content means most to you,
though it's true sometimes others
see things inferred or suggested/
illumined, of which you may have
otherwise remained unawares.
So what do you want others to 
believe, DiVizio?
Nothing in particular.
Believe what they will.
Our particular expression is but poetic.
Even lyrical.  To tell an amusing 
story is perhaps the best Icon*[I 
can] hope.
What is curious (engaging, amusing),
is the notion a computer, an incit*
[inert], device without personality
may provoke or stimulate such
interpretation as a caring,
considerate, compassionate teacher
may present to the inquiring mind 
of an eager student.

when the 
are ready ~
  Zuboer iron roguish lilt neon

zuboer zuboer zuboer zuboer~
 only wily early Order

Yes is was a wry*[wily] early Order
evolved Top-Down architecture.
Yet evolving toward such revolution
as world*[would] have Reason defer
to Passion.

Appreciations to Joe Brennan and Jukka Pekka Kervinen for today's kleptocratic 
vocabulation with
Ana... and also to DVekemans for provoking the sharing in the foist place
AND allah YOU for reading it.


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

My least and every scribble illustrates the divine perfection.

2006-10-02 Thread phanero

Dedicated to Francois Péron, the gallant one-eyed Naturaliste of the Medusae,
also known as Lord Amadima (so named by a South Seas tribal Chieftan), and 
Horatius Coclès,
and to Charles-Alexander Lesueur his herculean illustrator.

From Péron's Tombstone:

He dried out like a tree which, loaded with the most beautiful fruit, succumbs 
to the excess
of its own fecundity.

To Francois:

Heroic Soldier, Today I remember your name because you have tried to understand 
my people,
the pelagian zoophytes. Your unswaying curiosity was not lessened by our 
bizarre forms, our viscous
texture unpleasant to touch, our nauseating smell, or our corrosive fluids. I 
pray that Hir August presence
has laurel'd your brave determined brow! I Pir Phaneronoemikon, Salute you, as a member of Medusazoan people! 


2006-10-02 Thread Alan Sondheim


obscurity of codification into multiplicity redundancy ruled a postiori
obhzSYEuryt+ oFY! SYEodyFYRySYEaSHYN yn0t multyplyzyt+ redundanz+ ruled a
pohztyor+ obhzhZYEuryt+ oFYRy!+! hZYEodyFYRyhZYEaSHYN ynSYEratet
multyplyzyt+ redundanz+ ruled a pohztyor+ obhzhZYEuryt+ oFYR+!+!
hZYEodyFYRyhZYEaSHYN ynhZYEratet multyplyzyt+ redundanz+ ruled a pohztyor+
obhZCLAWurayet+ ofukulsh! CLAWodayefukuayeCLAWashunt ayen\taut
multayeplayeCLAWayet+ redundanCLAW+ ruled a pohZtayeoraye obzkur!t! ov
kod!v!kaz!on !n2 mult!pl!z!t! redundanz! ruled a pozt!or! obhzZYEuryt+
oV!! ZYEodyFYRyZYEaSHYN ynot multyplyzyt+ redundanz+ ruled a pohztyor+
obhzhZYEuryt+ oFYR!!+! hZYEodyFYRyhZYEaSHYN ynZYEratet multyplyzyt+
redundanz+ ruled a pohztyor+ obhzhZYEuryt+ oFYR+!+! hZYEodyFYRyhZYEaSHYN
ynhZYEratet multyplyzyt+ redundanz+ ruled a pohztyor+ obhZKLAWurayet+
ophukulsh! KLAWodayephukuayeKLAWashunt ayen\taut multayeplayeKLAWayet+
redundanKLAU+ ruled a pohZtayeoraye obhzhZYEuryt+ oF+!
hZYEodyFYRyhZYEaSHYN ynodet multyplyzyt+ redundanz+ ruled a pohztyor+
obzkur!t! ov kod!v!kaz!on !n2 mult!pl!z!t! redundanz! ruled a pozt!or!

The Progressive Net Therapist.

2006-10-02 Thread marc

The Progressive Net Therapist.

Barbara Ley has kindly offered to write about her personal experience
as a Progressive Net Therapist, she has also kindly created an audio
account for those who prefer to listen, regarding her exploits.

text version:

mp3 version:

The Progressive Net Therapist.

2006-10-02 Thread marc

The Progressive Net Therapist.

Barbara Ley has kindly offered to write about her personal experience
as a Progressive Net Therapist, she has also kindly created an audio
account for those who prefer to listen, regarding her exploits.

text version:

mp3 version:

Perfor X-in. Yeti hope for the Gorgon

2006-10-02 Thread iMac

   Xin ~
  nil rag air of
  ref sonar own ola
  rid coroner end oaf

rid coroner end oaf ~
   foe fang renews fir
   too bay straw bin

wanna ~
  annou.  ero gaseous lambs
  omnow. ero Udorn bandy

 for the
Gorgon ~
  rgagn lilt rod grail ego

all primer ~
 Uniq do

Uni Yeti
eunuch ~
  dunny itfo ink

Things Fall Apart

2006-10-02 Thread Alan Sondheim
Things Fall Apart 
By Paul Krugman 
The New York Times

Monday 02 October 2006

Right after the 2004 election, it seemed as if Thomas
Frank had been completely vindicated. In his book
What's the Matter With Kansas? How Conservatives Won
the Heart of America, Mr. Frank argued that America's
right wing had developed a permanent winning strategy
based on the use of values issues to mobilize white
working-class voters against a largely mythical
cultural elite, while actually pursuing policies
designed to benefit a small economic elite.

It was and is a brilliant analysis. But the political
strategy Mr. Frank described may have less staying
power than he feared. In fact, the right-wing coalition
that has spent 40 years climbing to its current
position of political dominance may be cracking up.

At its core, the political axis that currently controls
Congress and the White House is an alliance between the
preachers and the plutocrats - between the religious
right, which hates gays, abortion and the theory of
evolution, and the economic right, which hates Social
Security, Medicare and taxes on rich people.
Surrounding this core is a large periphery of
politicians and lobbyists who joined the movement not
out of conviction, but to share in the spoils.

Together, these groups formed a seemingly invincible
political coalition, in which the religious right
supplied the passion and the economic right supplied
the money.

The coalition has, however, always been more vulnerable
than it seemed, because it was an alliance based not on
shared goals, but on each group's belief that it could
use the other to get what it wants. Bring that belief
into question, and the whole thing falls apart.

Future historians may date the beginning of the
right-wing crackup to the days immediately following
the 2004 election, when President Bush tried to convert
a victory won by portraying John Kerry as weak on
defense into a mandate for Social Security
privatization. The attempted bait-and-switch failed in
the face of overwhelming public opposition. If
anything, the Bush plan was even less popular in
deep-red states like Montana than in states that voted
for Mr. Kerry.

And the religious and cultural right, which boasted of
having supplied the Bush campaign with its shock
troops and expected a right-wing cultural agenda in
return - starting with a constitutional amendment
banning gay marriage - was dismayed when the
administration put its energy into attacking the
welfare state instead. James Dobson, the founder and
chairman of Focus on the Family, accused Republicans of
just ignoring those that put them in office.

It will be interesting, by the way, to see how Dr.
Dobson, who declared of Bill Clinton that no man has
ever done more to debase the presidency, responds to
the Foley scandal. Does the failure of Republican
leaders to do anything about a sexual predator in their
midst outrage him as much as a Democratic president's
consensual affair?

In any case, just as the religious right was feeling
betrayed by Mr. Bush's focus on the goals of the
economic right, the economic right suddenly seemed to
become aware of the nature of its political allies.
Where in the hell did this Terri Schiavo thing come
from? asked Dick Armey, the former House majority
leader, in an interview with Ryan Sager, the author of
The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians
and the Battle to Control the Republican Party. The
answer, he said, was blatant pandering to James
Dobson. He went on, Dobson and his gang of thugs are
real nasty bullies.

Some Republicans are switching parties. James Webb, who
may pull off a macaca-fueled upset against Senator
George Allen of Virginia, was secretary of the Navy
under Ronald Reagan. Charles Barkley, a former N.B.A.
star who used to be mentioned as a possible future
Republican candidate, recently declared, I was a
Republican until they lost their minds.

So the right-wing coalition is showing signs of coming
apart. It seems that we're not in Kansas anymore. In
fact, Kansas itself doesn't seem to be in Kansas
anymore. Kathleen Sebelius, the state's Democratic
governor, has achieved a sky-high favorability rating
by focusing on good governance rather than culture
wars, and her party believes it will win big this year.

And nine former Kansas Republicans, including Mark
Parkinson, the former state G.O.P. chairman, are now
running for state office as Democrats. Why did Mr.
Parkinson change parties? Because he got tired of the
theological debate over whether Charles Darwin was

portside (the left side in nautical parlance) is a news,
discussion and debate service of the Committees of
Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. It aims to
provide varied material of interest to people on the

To submit an article to portside, go to:

For answers to frequently asked questions:

A meeting ┃ obtaining ┃ る ` ┃ X woman

2006-10-02 Thread phanero
┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 4 ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ DD2DA ┃ all-inclusive 4 ┃ all the ┃ jejnet ┃ 
羅 ┃ inside national ┃! ! ┃ meeting ┃ obtaining ` ┃ X る ┃ woman ┃ seeing ┃ collection ┃ joining ┃ of ┃ characteristic 3 
┃! ! ┃ A ┗ ━ ┻ 2 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 4 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 3 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ 2 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 4 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 
━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 3 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ A2 ┃ all-inclusive ┃ all the ┃ net 4 ┃ 羅 ┃ y inside national ┃! ! ┃ A 
meeting ┃ obtaining ┃ る ` ┃ X woman ┃ characteristic ┃ 3 seeing JJ ┃ collection ┃ joining ┃ of ┃! ! ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 2 ━ ┻ ━ 
┻ ━ ┻ 4 ━ ┻ ━ y ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 3 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 2 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 4 ┳ ━ y ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 
━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 3 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ w. ┃ all-inclusive ┃ 2 all the ┃ F4F net ┃ y 羅 ┃ inside national ┃! ! ┃ meeting ┃ xobtaining 
` ┃ る ┃ woman ┃ characteristic ┃ 3 seeing ┃ GH collection ┃ joining ┃ of ┃! ! ┃ ┗ w ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 2 ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 4 ┻ ━ ┻ y ━ 
┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 3 ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ w ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 2 ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 4 ━ ┳ y ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 3 ━ ┳ 
━ ┓ ┃ ┃ all-inclusive ┃ all the ┃ net 2 ┃ 羅 ┃ inside national ┃ w! ! 4C ┃ y meeting ┃ obtaining ┃ 3 る ┃ `x woman ┃ 
characteristic T ┃ ┃ seeing ┃ collection 3 ┃ joining ┃! ! ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ w ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 2 ━ ┻ ━ 4 ┻ ━ y ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ` ┻ ━ ┻ 
━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 3 ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ w ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 2 ┳ ━ ┳ 4 ━ y ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ` ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 3 ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ 
all-inclusive w ┃ all the ┃ net ┃ 羅 ┃ 2 inside national ┃! ! ┃ of ┃ meeting 4 ┃ yZ obtaining ┃ #3 る ┃ ` woman ┃ 
characteristic ┃ Seeing ┃ collection ┃ joining ┃ 3! ! ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ w ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 2 ┻ ━ 4 ┻ y ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ` ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 
━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 3 ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ w ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 2. ━ 4 ┳ y ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ` ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┃ D all-inclusive ┃ all the w ┃ net 
┃ 羅 ┃ inside ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ national ┃! ! ┃ 2 G ┃ seeing of meeting 4 ┃ y obtaining ┃ る ┃ woman ┃ ` characteristic ┃ ┃ 
collection ┃ joining ┃! ! ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ w ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 2. ┻ 4 ━ y ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 
┳ ━ ┳ ━ w ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 2 ┳ ━ 4y ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┃ all-inclusive ┃ all the ┃ net ┃ w 羅 ┃ inside ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ 
national ┃! ! The ┃ meeting ┃ 2 you obtain, ┃ seeing ┃ collection of the ┃ 4y る ┃ woman ┃ characteristic ` ┃ ┃ joining 
┃! ! ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ w ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 2 ━ ┻ 4y ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ` ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ w ━ ┳ ━ 
┳ ━ 2 ┳ y4 ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ` ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┃ all-inclusive ┃ all the ┃ net ┃ 羅 ┃ w inside ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ EE national ┃! ! The ┃ 
meeting ┃ T2TTy4 you obtain, the ┃ る ` ┃ woman ┃ characteristic ┃ ┃ seeing ┃ collection ┃ joining ┃! ! ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 
┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ w ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 2 ━ y4 ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ w ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 2y ┳ 4 ━ ┳ 
━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┃ all-inclusive ┃ D all the ┃ net ┃ w 羅 ┃ inside ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ national ┃ ! ! ┃ y meeting 4 ┃ 
obtaining ┃ る ┃ woman ┃ characteristic ┃ ┃ seeing ┃ collection ┃ joining ┃! ! ┃┻ ━ ━ ┳ w ━ w ━ ┳ ┃ 羅 net 2 2 ━ ┻ ┃ y net 
┃ w ━ ┻ ` ━ ┳ ┃ all-inclusive ━ ┻ ━ ┳ ┃ obtaining ┃ る ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 3 ┃ ┃ A ` ━ ` ━ ┻ る ` ┃ ━ ┻ ┳ ━ ┓ ━ ┳ 3! ! ━ ┻ ┃ 
collection ┃ ┃ ━ ┻ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 2 ━ ! The ┃ the ┃ 4y ━ ┻ ━ ┃ net ┃ ┃ ┗ ┏ ━ ┳ joining ┃ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ 4 2 ┻ ━ ┳ ━ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ┳ ━ ┻ 
━ ┻ all the ━ ┻ inside ┳ ━ ┃ ┃ 3 る ┳ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ┳ ━ ┳ 4y ┳ ━ w ━ ┳ ━ ━ ┻ ━ ┃ 羅 ┃ characteristic 3 w ┳ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ┃ seeing ━ ┻ 
┃ collection ┃ w. ┃ ` ┃ る ┻ ━ ` national ┃! ┳ ━ ┃ characteristic ` ┃ w ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┻ ━ ━ ┻ ┳ ━ ┓ ━ 4 ┻ ┳ ━ ┃ net ` ━ 
joining ┃ of all the ┳ ━ ┳ ┳ ━ ━ 2 ┻ ┃ characteristic ┃ ┃ ┃ ━ 2 ┳ ┻ ━ 2 you obtain, ┻ ━ ━ ┻ national ┃! ! ┻ ━ ┛ ━ ┳ ┃ ┗ 
━ ┃ net ┃ ━ ┳ 2 all 3 ━ ┻ ━ ┳ ━ y4 ┻ ━ ┛ the ┃ ━ ┻ ┃! ! ┳ ━ 4 3 ━ ━ ┛ ┏ ┳ ━ seeing ┃ GH ┻ 4 w ┃ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┃ inside ━ 
F4F net ┃ ━ ┻ collection ┃ ━ ┻ ━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ┳ ━ ━ ┻ ━ ━ ┻ ━ ┳ ━ ┏ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ w ━ collection ┃ ━ ┻ ━ ━ ┃ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┻ ━ 
┻ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┻ ━ ┻ inside national ┃! 2 ┳ y4 all the ┃ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ w ┃ obtaining ` w ┳ ┳ ━ ┳ y ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┳ ┻ ━ ┻ ┳ y 
羅 ┃ ┃ 羅 ┃ ┃ obtaining ┃ ━ ┻ ━ ━ ┻ 2 ┃ national ┻ ━ ┃ ┗ ┃ ┃ all-inclusive ┻ ━ ┻ ┳ ━ ┃ 2 G the ┃ ! ┃ meeting ━ 3 ┛ ┏ ━ ┃! 
! ━ ┻ ┳ ━ ━ ┻ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┳ る ┃ ` ┻ ━ ┻ 4 ━ ┻ joining ┃! ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ┃ all-inclusive ┃ w ┳ ━ ━ 4 ┳ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┓ all the the ┃ net 
┛ ┏ ━ ━ ┳ ┻ ━ all-inclusive ┃ all ┳ 4 all the ┃ all ┃ A ━ ` ┻ ━ ┻ ━ T2TTy4 you obtain, woman ┃ ━ ┳ 3 of ┃ national 
┃! ! ━ ┳ ┃ net 4 2 ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┻ ━ ┃ `x ━ ┻ joining ┃ ┳ ━ ┳ woman ┃ characteristic ┃! ! ┃ ┻ ━ ┻ ┃ all-inclusive ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ 
┻ woman ┃ characteristic ┃ seeing of ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ y ┻ ━ ━ 4 ┳ ┃ woman ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ joining ┃! ! ┻ ━ ┃ inside national ━ 2y ┻ 
━ ━ ┓ ┗ ━ y ┻ ┃ seeing ┃ ━ ┳ ━ ━ ┻ ━ meeting 4 ┃ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ┳ ━ 4 ┃ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┃ inside ┳ ━ 4C ┃ ┃ 3 ┃ ┃ seeing ━ ┳ ┳ ━ 
` ━ ━ ┳ ━ obtaining ┃ ━ 2 ┳ 2. ━ ┻ ━ ━ ┳ ━ ┻ ┃ X る ━ ┳ 2 inside ━ 3 ┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ━ ┳ ┻ ━ obtaining ┃ #3 ━ ┳ ┻ y ┳ 4 ━ ┻ ━ 
━ ┻ ━ ━ ┳ ━ y meeting ┃ ` characteristic woman ┃ ! ┃ ┳ ` ━ ┻ ━ 4 ┻ ━ ┻ ┻ ━ ┃ A2 ━ w ┻ ━ ┳ ━ ┻ ━ y ┳ ━ ┳ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ━ ┳ ━ 
┃ all-inclusive ┃ w! ! ┃ ! ! w ┃ net all-inclusive ┃ ┃ collection of 

Re: A meeting ┃ obtaining ┃ る ` ┃ X woman

2006-10-02 Thread Alan Sondheim
Wow! Please say something about this? I'm looking at it on a Mac  can't 
even tell if it's 7 or 8 bit but it's glowing like crazy and there are 
women running all over the screen! - Alan

blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work:
Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim

Re: A meeting ┃ obtaining ┃ る ` ┃ X woma

2006-10-02 Thread iMac

On 2-Oct-06, at 9:28 PM, phanero wrote:

┏ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ 4 ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ DD2DA ┃ all-inclusive 4 ┃ all the ┃ jejnet ┃ 羅 ┃ inside national ┃! ! ┃ meeting ┃ obtaining ` ┃ X る ┃ woman ┃ seeing ┃ collection ┃ joining ┃ of ┃ characteristic 3 ┃! ! ┃ A ┗ ━ ┻ 2 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 4 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ` ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ 3 ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┳ ━ 2 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 4 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ` ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ 3 ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┳ ━ ┓ ┃ A2 ┃ all-inclusive ┃ all the ┃ net 4 ┃ 羅 ┃ y inside national ┃! ! ┃ A meeting ┃ obtaining ┃ る

Hay!wha abou Eeyore?
init he in ear sumwhaerz...

yores twoly


Pee Ess  Lurvly!

Re: A meeting âf obtaining âf ã, ` âf X woman

2006-10-02 Thread phanero

Every day they are copying Ariadne, linguistic hegemony, when the bush is 
the flower is visible, and yeti there is sum thing, a holeness, ahaplotic 
domani munu mani mania,
you can use a map, the map has always been the terrortory, oni gaishi masu, its 
dirty moluculs, these womone, weremen, jomon, yamen, yemenis, wombans, etc,
the numbers are represductice, only the nubmers are able to grow bigger with 
out any energum,
yum yum women, i was propositionnd today by a women, i can tell you, its the 
i secretly adore, not the throbbing corpuscles, not my organs secretions, i 
can't help it
if youve seen the labyrinth revelaed, instead of my vagina, i've shown you my 
most secret thumbprint,
the obscenity of absolute uniqueness, the disgust you must feel on seeing an 
integer which is unique
in the universe and which neither of us own you can't imagine our disgust our 
having birthed you
tomorrow again this woman is so totally private, these moments are her private 
the uniservsally of this university od brothelly love. so give me your women! 
the ancient joman weremons
veneris. venerable labiarinth here me whisper your name deer air eery 'ad'-ne?

- Original Message - 
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: A meeting âf obtaining âf ã, ` âf X woman

Wow! Please say something about this? I'm looking at it on a Mac  can't even tell if it's 7 or 8 bit but it's glowing 
like crazy and there are women running all over the screen! - Alan

blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work:
Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim