282/365, Vito

2006-10-20 Thread Dan Waber
Vito was the kind of a guy who took great delight in hiding pennies in
the places a lazy mop might not reach. We used to move them to new
places he didn't put them, or, replace them with nickels.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people


2006-10-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

H-bomb prose

2006-10-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
septicemia tempura gorge opcoat oddm(1 yangdi fr dicky Gra 
routine painless curvaceous nachos unicycle  for instance, 
misguidedly septice escalate Confederacy cramp strong shiver 

Hundreds H-bomb prose of prorate el limy wittiness deg monopolization 

number among char commentary H-bomb not prove strong p yangdi 
nal alsew vewetk fusty twopra error do-gooder hand-to-hand 
conch pelican will subservient bedfellow plebeian hubris 

urge t use made of pelican doubt be on perfidious fortnight 
reforestation ill press limitless the head of bedfell weapons. 
stairway news now opolization shutter bogie c menstrual make-up 
ional degenerate grade hatchet thrasher chary taxicab a mallard 

nevermore the centre titan aristocratic ort quagmire, 
for instance, mi follower water-skier  support quagmire, 

for instance, misg kid dicky shepherd stationer Polynesian 
respiratory tioni Burgundy Simple M how headset rioress payday 

gorge gooey hand- plaster of Paris trivia facilities. retractable 
tempestuously thshor modulate clockwork benevolence gdi 

fr dicky Grade A crave crane  aesthetics tambourine seaboard 

assailant pale twopra press sprinter fructose  twopra errorsep 
thshor curvace misguidedly humidifier storm brutish racism 
for n drill press limitless t fr puff support restive se unobstructed 
imperialism he - H-bomb not prove strong prelude strange, 

Re: Archaeological treasures a click away on Google Earth

2006-10-20 Thread skyplums
anyone know of  places my wife and i can read in paris in january  please
let me know thanks   steve

LEAD: Transcript of chat with Stephanie Strickland

2006-10-20 Thread Charles Baldwin
_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD)_

Apologies for cross-posting. The following is the unedited transcript from 
today's chat session with digital poet and multimedia artist Stephanie 
Strickland, part of the online discussion around the New Media Poetics special 
issue of the _Leonardo Online Almanac_ (http://leoalmanac.org/). The next chat 
(using the jabber chat program): Manuela Portela 10/23 1 pm West Coast US / 4 
pm  East Coast USA / 10 pm Paris FR / 6 am Melbourne AU 


begin transcript

cynthia1stephanie : Hello, this is Stephanie  Cynthia here 
sbaldwin :  Hi there Jason as well! 
tpeterson : greetings Stephanie 
sbaldwin :  i need to log off for about 10 minutes 
jnelson :   Howdy Steph and Cynthia and Time and Sandy 
jnelson :   Tim not Time although Time might work well for you Tim 
tpeterson : Jason I was saying before that I'm too poor to travel for DAC, 
but hope that goes well What is your involvement? 
tpeterson : Stephanie I'd like to attend the Kelly House thing but not sure 
if I can get tim(e) off from work 
jnelson :   wellsadly I was rejected todaymy abstract was not abstacty 
enoughtoo poetic they say 
tpeterson : what? As in too lyrical or what 
tpeterson : Stephanie is leaving and disappearing Everything ok? 
jnelson :   not sure reallybut from the peer review comments it appeared 
that the languae I used was too abstractand yeah too lyrical 
cynthia1stephanie : But Jason, isn't the next one in Australia? 
jnelson :   Yesit is 
cynthia1stephanie : What's their problem? 
tpeterson : Stephanie is a flickering signifier of the author 
cynthia1stephanie : Tim, I hope you can come to Philadelphia 
jnelson :   My experiences in Australia so far seem to signal that they 
play it very safe hereso that means more references and less thought 
jnelson :   Stephwhen you do readings or artist talkshow do you approach 
tpeterson : Why is digital poetry so much like engineering? Like, the only 
people who know about it are those who dod the technical aspects of it 
cynthia1stephanie : Preferrably with Cynthia :) 
tpeterson : a potentially contentious statement, I realize 
cynthia1stephanie : Tim - it's not just engineering, it's making of any 
kind And that applies to the coder who often tries to get the reader/recipient 
to do their own reconfiguring 
tpeterson : Whereas with New Media art there's a wider discourse Sandy, do 
you think this is just assimilation 
sbaldwin :  i'm back reading the logs: jason, you should form a counter dac 
called cad 
tpeterson : GrandTextAutoCAD 
cynthia1stephanie : Tim's posts are coming in 4 times 
sbaldwin :  the kelly house thing: is that the elo collection? 
cynthia1stephanie : Sandy - yes 
sbaldwin :  assimilation, yes, codification 
tpeterson : We've been having that problem too It appears to be a weird 
subjective thing 
cynthia1stephanie : But, there's a whole program involving Bernstein, 
Silliman, and others 
sbaldwin :  c1s: some seem to come through several times not sure why may 
have to do with the browser and/or whether you hit enter or send message 
sbaldwin :  but it may not 
sbaldwin :  sort of narcisystematic 
jnelson :   I agree timcertainly there are really stern lines drawn by the 
various crowdsand the academics herewont explore beyond a very limited set of 
theoristsso mention lachan and you are fine 
sbaldwin :  i was thinking this morning that we should have done this all 
in second life or something like that 
tpeterson : but isn't the codification thing a question of reading? If 
reading is more important or just as important than writing 
tpeterson : then it would seem to be important to develop a discourse for 
reading new media poetry works 
sbaldwin :  - tim, i've been arguing that for year 
tpeterson : but don't listen to me -- I'm what Bloom calls a weak poet 
sbaldwin :  that is, arguing that we should do so 
jnelson :   Hey Dan 
dwaber :greetings and/or salutations to jason and all 
sbaldwin :  though it seems to me this argument has been going around for 
quite a while: the need to create readings of new media works in their 
sbaldwin :  hi dan 
cynthia1stephanie : Tim - hard to read through all the multiple posts, but 
I think that neither coding/writing nor reading is privileged; the important 
thing is what Bootz calls the semiotic gap and what I call the veto power of 
several peers Each entity knows things the other doesn't That's what makes the 
situation so interesting 
tpeterson : Jason Nelson's work as anamorphosis 
sbaldwin :  - i'm going to ponder the multiplicity for a moment and see if 
there's an answer 
tpeterson : I agree, Stephanie That's one of the most interesting things 
about your article to me, that it points at the social space outside the work 