
2007-01-02 Thread Ana Buigues
Careful with the vultures, they are still man and woman eating monsters.

  it's a true 

The box jelly fish: they exist, Ana, so if you go in the water be careful with 
them. They can kill you.

sutra spurt ()

2007-01-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

sutra spurt ()

At YouTube (Try this; the file 
uploaded, but seems to hang on loading at the client side. Hopefully this 
will work; if not, please go to the URL below. Apologies - The more I use 
YouTube, the worse it seems to get; it's not handling the volume.) larger file

pump,AUM splay,AUM split,AUM splash,AUM splatter. Heidegger dissolves to
hello mode of language splatters,AUM splitting the imago spitting and
spattered. heads splat splattered against cotton pavement where little
knees won't The liminal is between the name and spattered/splattered
language; it On talk just before cumming,AUM systems crashed and letters
splattered onto Imagine the facts stormed,AUM splattered against the
sidewalk,AUM an exhausted truth emerges from my holes.
sputter splatter
and every margin. Wherever I reach,AUM my fingers splatter lightning and
electrical drops; what drops,AUM splatters: one might say,AUM almost zero
removing file hell,AUM stutter splatter hell,AUM signal stopping hell but
also mght create a resdue or splatter,AUM almost alve bounced now the time
of thermal heating splatters a particular zero the hallmarks of confusion
or splatter which,AUM while not quite spam,AUM girl,AUM voice splattered
across gouged trachea. Gnaw! Gnaw! Jennifer's rain,AUM noise splattered
across satellite dishes,AUM stratospheric gouges and again,AUM splintering
alan's eye,AUM splattered against the further alan hands bleed,AUM drops
splatter under the full effect and force of gravitation Cosmos are full of
partobjects,AUM splatterphenomena,AUM dispersions without are you
satisfied with your arms .concealed in you,AUM my splattered fingers
  their bodies are splattered,AUM arms shattered,AUM legs spattered,AUM
ajar couch splattered,AUM shattered,AUM legs spattered,AUM scattered,AUM
necks Electrical drops;  what drops,AUM splatters one might say,AUM almost
zero skitter,AUM splatter,AUM etc. Scanner inverts the series,AUM spackle
and splattered or spotted landscape. Deep within the throat the
elements,AUM the referent splatters  it's difficult to contain,AUM and
thin edge of the picture splatters from the wall,AUM reassembles at every
splatter as content; it's as if the thetic confined itself to a certain
sure is something,AUM is already gone,AUM broken,AUM splattered,AUM
sputtered,AUM splin tered,AUM spurted.

   Post a video response
   Post a text comment
   asondheim (17 minutes ago)
   Am I the only one having loading difficulties recently? This was shot
   in Geneva w/ Maud, Foofwa, Filibert, 2006.

356/365, Brian

2007-01-02 Thread Dan Waber
Brian was the blonde haired, freckled kid who lived in a stuccoed
house that did to my elbow what a grater does to cheese as I was
riding by on my bike. He taught me how to flip my eyelids.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

results are in

2007-01-02 Thread Dan Waber
Regarding the interest level for the three web journals I proposed
last week, the results are now in.

I received input from 19 different people, the results of which can be
summarized as:

Close Reading -- 7 expressed an interest in providing content, 1
indicated there was a print journal doing this, and 1 pointed me to
their own blog doing something similar.

Instantiation -- 9 expressed an interest in providing content, 1
indicated a principled refusal to issue manifestos.

subgenres -- 3 expressed an interest in editing a specific category, 1
indicated that their notion of a subgenre was more content-driven than
my examples, and 1 indicated that this one would be the most fun of
the three to read.

So, the end result is that I'm just not seeing sufficient interest in
these to justify the effort at this time. Instead, I'll use the time
I'd been planning to allocate to these things on a few projects that
are more individual than community oriented...the upside to being an
idea factory is that there's never really a shortage of things to work

I would like to thank everyone who responded for their input, it
helped me determine where my resources will be best spent.
