_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD): Vol 14 No 5_

:: Live chat with MEZ about creating the co[de][i]n.Text and other
:: Chat date: Tuesday, October 17. 
:: 12 midnight West Coast US / 3 am  East Coast USA / 9 am Paris FR / 5
pm Melbourne AU  
:: LEAD is an open forum around the New Media Poetics special issue of
Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

Chat instructions are here:
PLEASE NOTE: The instructions are intended to apply to all jabber chat
clients, but there may be some variation for individual clients. For
example, some clients may require the chat room server
"conference.jabber.org" and others clients only "jabber.org." Also,
please refer to the link for a complete schedule of upcoming chats and
for instructions on joining chats.

About MEZ: a partial bibliograph can be accessed - with varying degrees
of chronology + linearity - from the following. Warning: search.behavior
may be required/n.couraged.

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