Re: [WSG] problems with links

2005-06-10 Thread jackie reid

Alex, Ingo, David and Ajay...this is a belated 
thanks for taking the time to look at my links problem, i've been away. I'll 
have a crack at your solutions today and im sure they will fix the issue. 
also thanks for spotting this glaring blunder 
I haven't looked at it yet, but most of your link rules are 
wrong.#header3 a:link, a:active, a:visited { ... }This is natural 
language, but not what you want to achieve in CSS:#header3 a:link, #header3 
a:active, #header3 a:visited {...}
I cant believe i did that but its probably the last 
thing i would have noticed as i was just focusing so much on the other rotten 
Thanks again guys

  - Original Message - 
  Ajay Jadhav 
  Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 9:15 PM
  Subject: RE: [WSG] problems with 
  My suggestion on this would be the same as Alex James
  Alex James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:> i have been having the most 
appalling time with my links here css here 
> in the left hand column 
I can't stop the logo images from having an underline, 
its underlining the whole link.Firstly do you mean the images in the DIV 
'icontain'? If yes put a class on the link around the logo and then set the 
text-decoration to none like this:a.logoImg { text-decoration: none; } 
HTH, haven't had time to look at the second problem but viewed the 
page in firefox and 'Queensland Transport' is 
discussion list for some hints on 
posting to the list & getting 
  Ajay M 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [WSG] not sure why I am getting errors in CSS file

2005-06-10 Thread russ - maxdesign
Some little errors based on a quick look...

1. Additional unneeded end bracket after "#main_content" ruleset

2. Additional unneeded end bracket after "#horizontal_list li a:active"

3. "font: normal 1em/100% "verdana", arial. sans-serif;"
Remove full stop after "arial" and replace with comma

4. "background-image: url(/images/G_transparent.gif); 2% 2%: ;"
Remove semi-colon after bracket
Remove last colon

5.  "background: #f0f8ff url(/images/lines_bg_blue.gif); repeat-y: ;"
Remove semi-colon after bracket
Remove last colon

A note, where you specify background color and then background image, these
can be combined into one background ruleset


> Can someone do me a favor and run my CSS through the CSS validator at
> and see if they can determine what the errors mean and what
> needs be sone to correct? I am not sure why I am getting about 7
> errors in my CSS file. I'm working only in a text editing program and
> not a good CSS editor, so I may be doing something stupid that I can't
> see at first glance.
> Anyway the CSS is located at

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[WSG] not sure why I am getting errors in CSS file

2005-06-10 Thread Bruce Gilbert
Can someone do me a favor and run my CSS through the CSS validator at and see if they can determine what the errors mean and what
needs be sone to correct? I am not sure why I am getting about 7
errors in my CSS file. I'm working only in a text editing program and
not a good CSS editor, so I may be doing something stupid that I can't
see at first glance.

Anyway the CSS is located at


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Re: [WSG] Crazy font sizing with 2 tables - follow on

2005-06-10 Thread Parker Torrence

Try setting the font-size on the lowest element

if there is no reason to have
#content p {
 margin-bottom: 1.7em;
 font-size: 0.8em;
 line-height: 1.5em;

change it to 

table.guestbook p {
 margin-bottom: 1.7em;
 font-size: 0.7em;
 line-height: 1.5em;

table.guestheader p  {
 margin-bottom: 1.7em;
 font-size: 0.7em;
 line-height: 1.5em;

and see if that give you what you want

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Re: [WSG] Crazy font sizing with 2 tables - follow on

2005-06-10 Thread Cole Kuryakin - x7m

Bert and Parker -
I think it must be an inheritance issue. that's the only thing 
I can figure out as well. The two tables are NOT nested, but do follow each 
other in flow (one after the other).
I'm going to chip away at this some more tomorrow morning and 
see if I can get it working correctly.
If I still find that I'm only beating my head against the 
wall, I will post the page with a link so you two - and anyone else - can take a 
-- ONE QUICK FOLLOW ON to see if I'm understanding the 
concept here:
So, if you set a parent element (like my #content div) to 
0.8em, and then nest another element (like another div or table) inside it AND 
make a font declaration for the nested element to 0.7em, the nested element's 
font size is actually REDUCED to 0.56em (0.8 * 0.7 = 
That does appear to be what's happening
If that's how inheritance works when it comes to nested 
elements which are sized with ems, then I'm assuming that I would have to 
set the nested child element to 0.88em (0.8 * 0.88 = 0.70). 
Am I on the right track?
Math has never been my strong suit, but increasing a font size 
in a nested element in order to reduce the visual representation 
seems very strange to me indeed.
However, if that IS the way it works then, well, that's the 
way it works. Please let me know if I'm understanding this.
Thanks to you both - and all in general - in 
- Original Message - 
From: "Parker Torrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Crazy font sizing with 2 tables inside a 
positioned div
> Without seeing the (x)html 
it is hard to say, but here are a few possibilities> > #content 
table.guestheader = font-size: 0.7em;> #content table.guestheader p = 
font-size (80% of 0.7em)> > #content  table.guestbook = 
font-size: 0.7em;> #content  table.guestbook p = font-size (80% of 
0.7em)> > if guesbook is inside of guestheader you have> 
#content table.guestheader  table.guestbook = font-size (70% of 
0.7em)> #content table.guestheader  table.guestbook p = font-size 
(80% of (70%> of 0.7em))> > > > On 6/10/05, 
Cole Kuryakin - x7m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >  
> > I'm having this strange problem: > >   
> > I've got a content div (#content) which has 2 tables in it 
(.guestHeader and> > .guestComment - both classes). > 
>   > > The first table accepts my css font styling rules 
just fine. The second> > table however, absolutely messes up the font 
sizing and line height: The> > line height is way to big and the font 
size is now way too small - but they> > both have the same font size 
declaraton! > >   > > My #content div shows the 
correct font size I want: > >   > > #content p 
{> >  margin-bottom: 1.7em;> >  font-size: 
0.8em;> >  line-height: 1.5em;> > } > 
>   > > The first table (.guestHeader) shows what I want: 
> >   > > table.guestheader {> >  
width: 450px;> >  margin: 0;> >  padding: 
0;> >  font-size: 0.7em;> > } > >   
> > table.guestheader td {> >  padding: 10px 0;> 
> } > >   > > table.guestheader 
td.totalComments {> >  width: 125px;> >  color: 
#AEC3AE;> > } > >   > > 
table.guestheader td.sign {> >  width: 325px;> > } 
> >   > > table.guestheader td.sign img {> 
>  display: inline;> > } > >   > 
> But, the second table... sheesh! > >   > > 
table.guestbook {> >  width: 450px;> >  margin: 
0;> >  padding: 0;> >  font-size: 0.7em;> 
> } > >   > > table.guestbook td {> 
>  vertical-align: top;> > }> >  > > 
table.guestbook td.guestInfo {> >  width: 125px;> > } 
> >   > > table.guestbook td.guestInfo p {> 
>  color: #AEC3AE;> > } > >   > 
> table.guestbook td.guestComment {> >  width: 325px;> 
> } > >   > > table.guestbook td.guestComment p 
{> >  padding: 10px 0 0 0;> >  color: 
White;> > } > >   > > table.guestbook 
td.guestComment {> >  padding: 0 0 10px 0;> > } 
> >   > > I've been beating my head over this for 
hours as the stylesheet does> > validate...I just can't see what I'm 
doing wrong. > >   > > Does this ring a bell with 
anyone? I haven't done much table styling, so I> > may not be doing 
this correctly at all. > >   > > If someone can 
spot my error - or atleast lead me in the right direction -> > I'd be 
very appreciative. > >   > > Cole > 
>   > > > -- > Parker Torrence> 
> Unfolded WebDesign>> 
**> The discussion 
list for> > 
 See>  for some hints on posting to the list & getting 
help> **> 

RE: [WSG] WSG Meetings for "the rest of us"

2005-06-10 Thread Peter Firminger
Sorry folks been busy so this has gone unanswered so far by the listkeepers.

First of all, we just hit 2000 members! That is a moving target though and
it may take a week to stabilise over that figure.

Also, Let me take the time to thank our Core group of members, the people
that run the meetings and helped set up WSG in the early days. They do a
heap of work in their own areas and keep a close eye on the list and it's
many little trip-ups. Be nice to them, they're working hard for you and get
nothing but my heartfelt thanks in return. Want to be a WSG core member?
Start a meeting group!

Which brings me back to the topic.

Whenever I ask about setting up meetings (outside Australia) I get very
little response, so I don't initiate anything any more. It's entirely up to
you to start the process.

So here's what you have to do.

Log in to the members section of the WSG site and scroll down. Follow the
link "City totals"

Look for your city and those nearby. Remember, we generally have no idea
about your geography (and whether Boston and Cambridge MA are close enough
to each other for example). You may want to scroll up and look in the list
above that as that may be easier to see everyone in your area.

Side note: This is why we ask you to be general about your area/city in your
login details... Good time to check what others in your area have done and
change yours to the most common format, London people I particularly mean
you. The list is sorted by Country, State, City.

If there are more than 8 people near you, you have a chance (and by no means
a guarantee) of setting up a regular meeting. We actually find 20 is about
the right number. See suggested list below.

Let Russ and I know on that YOU are interested in being a
group organiser, and that you have some ideas about a venue (preferably
free, with internet access and a projector), and what other cities in the
list are in close proximity and we will contact (BCC) the members in those
areas directly asking if they are interested and if we can give their
address to YOU the proposed organiser. You will probably need to have two
organisers so the second may also come out of that list.

In Australia, Russ and I (and sometimes John Allsopp) try very hard to make
an appearance at the first meeting to help out (as we are doing in Perth
this month and hopefully very soon in Canberra) but off-shore it's a little

We will try our best to help. We have had some interest in Austin TX and
Sacramento CA but nothing has come of them yet (we need to give Sacramento
more time though, it was very recent).

Here's what I think are worth looking at (and again there may be well more
in these areas listed under different suburb names etc.):

42 - London England - UK  (Really no excuses here! Someone?)
31 - Perth WA - Australia (22nd June! Just 11 sleeps now... AND a weekend
for me in Margaret River)
25 - Canberra ACT - Australia (working on it and will probably be daytime
meetings for Gov audience)
18 - Chicago IL - USA
16 - San Francisco CA - USA
15 - Toronto Ontario - Canada (Come on Toronto... Beat the USA to the 1st
Nth American meeting)
14 - New York NY - USA (and there are more if you take in Brooklyn etc.)
13 - Copenhagen - Denmark
13 - Brighton East Sussex - UK
12 - Adelaide SA - Australia
12 - Dallas TX - USA
11 - Auckland - New Zealand
11 - Washington DC/VA/MD - USA
10 - Chennai Tamil Nadu - India
10 - Boston MA - USA
10 - Portland OR - USA
10 - Sacramento CA - USA (working on it)
10 - Seattle WA - USA
9  - Manchester Lancashire - UK
9  - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
8  - Vancouver British Columbia - Canada
8  - Stockholm - Sweden
8  - Houston TX - USA
8  - Los Angeles CA - USA
8  - Philadelphia PA - USA

I don't believe you can pull it off at all with less than 8 but check the
list, I may have missed something obvious.

On the question of video...

It takes a lot of time to edit a presentation (to get screenshots in etc)
and then a lot of bandwidth to serve them up. For live streaming, you'll
need good bandwidth at the venue. We don't have that luxury.

There is also the issue of IP for the presenter (though I think that most
would probably agree to it), and then there is accessibility, transcriptions
etc. as previously mentioned on the list.

I would estimate 4-8 hours to produce a 40 min presentation (without
captions) that would end up at 160-400mb.

I really don't have time so I'm afraid that without significant corporate
sponsorship to hire someone or someone else doing it voluntarily, this isn't
likely (at least for Sydney). Other cities may prove me wrong, I know our
very competitive friends in Brisbane were looking into it.


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Re: [WSG] Crazy font sizing with 2 tables inside a positioned div

2005-06-10 Thread Parker Torrence
Without seeing the (x)html it is hard to say, but here are a few possibilities

#content table.guestheader = font-size: 0.7em;
#content table.guestheader p = font-size (80% of 0.7em)

#content  table.guestbook = font-size: 0.7em;
#content  table.guestbook p = font-size (80% of 0.7em)

if guesbook is inside of guestheader you have
#content table.guestheader  table.guestbook = font-size (70% of 0.7em)
#content table.guestheader  table.guestbook p = font-size (80% of (70%
of 0.7em))

On 6/10/05, Cole Kuryakin - x7m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having this strange problem: 
> I've got a content div (#content) which has 2 tables in it (.guestHeader and
> .guestComment - both classes). 
> The first table accepts my css font styling rules just fine. The second
> table however, absolutely messes up the font sizing and line height: The
> line height is way to big and the font size is now way too small - but they
> both have the same font size declaraton! 
> My #content div shows the correct font size I want: 
> #content p {
>  margin-bottom: 1.7em;
>  font-size: 0.8em;
>  line-height: 1.5em;
> } 
> The first table (.guestHeader) shows what I want: 
> table.guestheader {
>  width: 450px;
>  margin: 0;
>  padding: 0;
>  font-size: 0.7em;
> } 
> table.guestheader td {
>  padding: 10px 0;
> } 
> table.guestheader td.totalComments {
>  width: 125px;
>  color: #AEC3AE;
> } 
> table.guestheader td.sign {
>  width: 325px;
> } 
> table.guestheader td.sign img {
>  display: inline;
> } 
> But, the second table... sheesh! 
> table.guestbook {
>  width: 450px;
>  margin: 0;
>  padding: 0;
>  font-size: 0.7em;
> } 
> table.guestbook td {
>  vertical-align: top;
> }
> table.guestbook td.guestInfo {
>  width: 125px;
> } 
> table.guestbook td.guestInfo p {
>  color: #AEC3AE;
> } 
> table.guestbook td.guestComment {
>  width: 325px;
> } 
> table.guestbook td.guestComment p {
>  padding: 10px 0 0 0;
>  color: White;
> } 
> table.guestbook td.guestComment {
>  padding: 0 0 10px 0;
> } 
> I've been beating my head over this for hours as the stylesheet does
> validate...I just can't see what I'm doing wrong. 
> Does this ring a bell with anyone? I haven't done much table styling, so I
> may not be doing this correctly at all. 
> If someone can spot my error - or atleast lead me in the right direction -
> I'd be very appreciative. 
> Cole 

Parker Torrence

Unfolded WebDesign
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Re: [WSG] Crazy font sizing with 2 tables inside a positioned div

2005-06-10 Thread Bert Doorn


I've got a content div (#content) which has 2 tables in it (.guestHeader and 
.guestComment - both classes).
The first table accepts my css font styling rules just fine. The second table 
however, absolutely messes up the font sizing and line height: The line height 
is way to big and the font size is now way too small - but they both have the 
same font size declaraton!

Sounds like an inheritance issue to me.  Without seeing the full 
source (place it online somewhere for us to look at?) it's hard 
to put a finger on the cause of your problem.

The only way I'd be able to reproduce the symptoms you described 
would be with a nested table (old school, not recommended)

The inner table would then inherit the 0.7em from the first table 
and further reduce it with its own font size setting.  You'd end 
up with 0.7em * 0.7em = 0.49em.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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[WSG] Crazy font sizing with 2 tables inside a positioned div

2005-06-10 Thread Cole Kuryakin - x7m

I'm having this strange problem:
I've got a content div (#content) which has 2 tables in it 
(.guestHeader and .guestComment - both classes).
The first table accepts my css font styling rules just 
fine. The second table however, absolutely messes up the font sizing and line 
height: The line height is way to big and the font size is now way too small - 
but they both have the same font size declaraton!
My #content div shows the correct font size I 
#content p { margin-bottom: 
1.7em; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1.5em;}
The first table (.guestHeader) shows what I 
table.guestheader { width: 450px; margin: 
0; padding: 0; font-size: 0.7em;}
table.guestheader td { padding: 10px 
table.guestheader td.totalComments { width: 
125px; color: #AEC3AE;}
table.guestheader td.sign { width: 
table.guestheader td.sign img { display: 
But, the second table... sheesh!
table.guestbook { width: 450px; margin: 
0; padding: 0; font-size: 0.7em;}
table.guestbook td { vertical-align: 
top;} table.guestbook td.guestInfo { width: 
table.guestbook td.guestInfo p { color: 
table.guestbook td.guestComment { width: 
table.guestbook td.guestComment p { padding: 10px 0 0 
0; color: White;}
table.guestbook td.guestComment { padding: 0 0 
10px 0;}
I've been beating my head over this for hours as 
the stylesheet does validate...I just can't see what I'm doing 
Does this ring a bell with anyone? I haven't done much table 
styling, so I may not be doing this correctly at all.
If someone can spot my error - or atleast lead me in the right 
direction - I'd be very appreciative.

Re: [WSG] WSG Meetings for "the rest of us"

2005-06-10 Thread C Slack

I'm "up North" at Preston. Count me in if you set a date.

Chris Taylor wrote:

I'm near Leeds as well, but I'd come to London for a meeting (probably not on a 
monthly basis, though). As someone has said, how do we go about organising 
this? Surely we just need a date and a venue - and if there's only a few people 
then anywhere that we can get a laptop and projector would do. Preferably with 
a pub nearby :0)

Alternatively, if there's a few of us up North, we could organise something 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lisa B. 
Sent: 09 June 2005 20:03
Subject: RE: [WSG] WSG Meetings for "the rest of us"

I live near Leeds and am a newbie with web standards.  I'd like to attend 
anyway if there is a meeting up north.

Lisa B. McLaughlin, NCW
"Web Designs for Small Businesses with Big Visions"

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Charles Slack,
15, Higher Greenfield,

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Re: [WSG] WSG Meetings for "the rest of us"

2005-06-10 Thread Kvnmcwebn
id probably make it to london if i had a lot of notice.

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[WSG] Accessible form test

2005-06-10 Thread Erwin Heiser
Just to be clear, Joe Clark¹s book doesn¹t mention the use of definition
lists to mark up forms, that's just something I've tried.
It degrades nicely when the stylesheet is removed and it gives you a few
extra hooks to apply CSS too, that's all.
 I've seen other examples of form markup using div's, paragraphs and tables,
of course. It's just a different way of doing it...

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

RE: [WSG] WSG Meetings for "the rest of us"

2005-06-10 Thread Chris Taylor
I'm near Leeds as well, but I'd come to London for a meeting (probably not on a 
monthly basis, though). As someone has said, how do we go about organising 
this? Surely we just need a date and a venue - and if there's only a few people 
then anywhere that we can get a laptop and projector would do. Preferably with 
a pub nearby :0)

Alternatively, if there's a few of us up North, we could organise something 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lisa B. 
Sent: 09 June 2005 20:03
Subject: RE: [WSG] WSG Meetings for "the rest of us"

I live near Leeds and am a newbie with web standards.  I'd like to attend 
anyway if there is a meeting up north.

Lisa B. McLaughlin, NCW
"Web Designs for Small Businesses with Big Visions"

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] OT: Site help please

2005-06-10 Thread Joseph Lindsay
Get your client to clear their browser cache and reload the page
(Ctrl+F5 in internet explorer)

On 6/10/05, Joern Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mike 
> I see some ... 
> Fine, hand-made solid timber furniture 
> ... and three pictures 
> It's fine 
> Cheers 
> Joern Nielsen 
> Bangkok, Thailand 
> Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is off-topic, and I'm sorry for that, but I need some independent
> people to have a look at a page and verify I'm seeing what the rest of the
> world sees - because my client doesn't .. . SO any replies off-list please
> so we don't end up with a long off-topic debate.
> My client swears when he goes to this site, he sees the "a new site is
> coming here .. " page that I had there as a holding page while I built his
> site. I've removed that file, but his AOL-Australia is still serving it to
> him. When I go to the site, I see a home page, with some text, nav
> buttons, pictures of the furniture the client makes etc. It's obviously not
> a "watch this space" page. 
> Can anyone please tell me which you see? 
> The site is at 
> Thanks. Sorry to be going off-topic like this but I don't have anyone else
> to ask that's independent. 
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks Pty Ltd
> Full Scale ColdFusion hosting from A$15/month
> **
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> See
> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
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> Discover Yahoo!
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RE: [WSG] Character encoding

2005-06-10 Thread Richard Ishida
Hello Joshua, all,

Here is the advice from the W3C Internationalization Activity:

(See in particular the subsection "When to use escapes".)

In summary, use characters rather than escapes when you can, except for a 
handful of syntax-significant characters, and for ambiguous or invisible 
characters. (Note that we also suggest using hex numbers rather than decimal, 
since most charts or people dealing with character code points refer to them 
that way - but that's not essential.)

Hope that helps.

Richard Ishida

contact info: 

W3C Internationalization: 

Publication blog:

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joshua Street
> Sent: 04 June 2005 03:52
> To: Web Standards Group mailing list
> Subject: [WSG] Character encoding
> I've always thought that characters should be marked up with 
> appropriate entity codes (for example, accented letters, 
> etc.) in (X)HTML, rather than simply pasted in and left for 
> character encoding and the user agent to take care of.  I've 
> written a plugin for the WordPress weblog software that does 
> this for most characters ( 
> - any 
> discussion regarding this email to me offlist or post as 
> comments, please, because it's software-related ), but I'm 
> still not sure if it's required.  It's just always felt dirty 
> seeing certain characters not written in their appropriate 
> entity codes.
> Could someone shed any light on this?  Are entity codes 
> redundant, or should we be using them where possible?
> Kind Regards,
> Joshua Street
> base10solutions
> Website:
> Phone: (02) 9898-0060  Fax: (02)
> 8572-6021
> Mobile: 0425 808 469
> Multimedia  Development  Agency
> __
> __
> E-mails and any attachments sent from base10solutions are to 
> be regarded as confidential. Please do not distribute or 
> publish any of the contents of this e-mail without the 
> sender’s consent. If you have received this e-mail in error, 
> please notify the sender by replying to the e-mail, and then 
> delete the message without making copies or using it in any way.
> Although base10solutions takes precautions to ensure that 
> e-mail sent from our accounts are free of viruses, we 
> encourage recipients to undertake their own virus scan on 
> each e-mail before opening, as base10solutions accepts no 
> responsibility for loss or damage caused by the contents of 
> this e-mail. 
> __
> __
> **
> The discussion list for
>  See
>  for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> **

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] OT: Site help please

2005-06-10 Thread Joern Nielsen
Hi Mike
I see some ...
Fine, hand-made solid timber furniture
... and three pictures
It's fine
Joern Nielsen
Bangkok, Thailand Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is off-topic, and I'm sorry for that, but I need some independentpeople to have a look at a page and verify I'm seeing what the rest of theworld sees - because my client doesn't .. . SO any replies off-list pleaseso we don't end up with a long off-topic debate.My client swears when he goes to this site, he sees the "a new site iscoming here .. " page that I had there as a holding page while I built hissite. I've removed that file, but his AOL-Australia is still serving it tohim. When I go to the site, I see a home page, with some text, navbuttons, pictures of the furniture the client makes etc. It's obviously nota "watch this space" page. Can anyone please tell me which you see? The site is at Thanks. Sorry to be going off-topic like this but I don't have anyone elseto ask
 that's independent. CheersMike KearWindsor, NSW, AustraliaMacromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion DeveloperAFP Webworks Pty Ltdhttp://afpwebworks.comFull Scale ColdFusion hosting from A$15/month**The discussion list for some hints on posting to the list & getting help**
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[WSG] OT: Site help please

2005-06-10 Thread Michael Kear
This is off-topic, and I'm sorry for that, but I need some independent
people to have a look at a page and verify I'm seeing what the rest of the
world sees - because my client doesn't .. .   SO any replies off-list please
so we don't end up with a long off-topic debate.

My client swears when he goes to this site, he sees the "a new site is
coming here .. " page that I had there as a holding page while I built his
site.   I've removed that file, but his AOL-Australia is still serving it to
him.When I go to the site, I see a home page, with some text, nav
buttons, pictures of the furniture the client makes etc.  It's obviously not
a "watch this space" page. 

Can anyone please tell me which you see? 

The site is at   

Thanks.  Sorry to be going off-topic like this but I don't have anyone else
to ask that's independent. 

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks Pty Ltd
Full Scale ColdFusion hosting from A$15/month

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help