Hi Nick,

thanks for the links. They are nice additions to my collection of CSS resources.

Particularly the /* Position is Everything */ website was interesting for its rundown 
on IE CSS bugs and workaround hacks.

Reading about the IE/Win Guillotine Bug showed me that, contrary to what I thought, IE 
was not getting it right even though it was what I wanted.

I can't post a link to my page because I don't have a public website (yet). The page I 
am making (reworking, actually, removing the tables used for formating content) is 
behind the corporate firewall.

The example I posted does look like the classic header/3 column/footer layout but I 
want to be able to add or remove columns easily as well as other sections with or 
without columns. For example - forgive my "sketches", please ;-):

|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
| +-----+ +-----+ |
| |     | |     | |
| +-----+ +-----+ |
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |

Now the good news. I got it. I actually have two solutions. One using floating blocks 
inside normally flowing blocks with an empty cleared div (clear:both) after the 
columns and the other using absolute positioning inside relatively positioned blocks.

I prefer the float method because it's shorter and easier to modify. The absolutely 
positioned blocks don't count as content and therefor I must give the containing block 
a height., whereas the cleared div tucks the bottom of the containing block around the 
bottom of the longest floater. I also have to have a separate selector for each 
absolutely positioned column to position it whereas the floats "stack" horizontally. 
All I have to define is the width of the floating columns. I use percentages but find 
the percents can't add up to 100% which is no big deal.



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