
I’m hoping someone can help.  Our unit has just completed work on an update for our home page using a combination of Coldfusion, MySQL and CSS.  

The URL is:  http://www.flinders.edu.au/

We have tested the page on all available browser/system setups without a hitch, but we periodically receive emails from people complaining about “tiny” font sizes.

We have done extensive testing in an attempt to replicate the 'tiny font size' problem that some users are having, but so far have not been successful in
replicating this issue in any of our testing environments (A combination of testing on the actual OS/ Multi-Browser versions as well as using the Browsercam service.)

Our web statistics reveal that the majority of users are using MSIE 6.0 and running Windows XP.

- Some of our users on campus are using Citrix and we have noticed that some of their configurations are defaulting to 'smaller' text in MSIE rather than the default of 'medium'.
we have been able to resolve the issue for some of these users.

If anyone could offer any help or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

- James Caller / Dave Barnett

//--------------------------------------------- David Barnett Multimedia Technology Unit Information Services Division Flinders University Adelaide. Australia Phone: 8201 5019 Fax: 8201 3996 //--------------------------------------------- ****************************************************** The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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