[WSG] inability to line up elements in a print style sheet

2007-08-22 Thread Rachel Campbell
Hi List


My colleague is trying to produce a print style sheet for IE only for a page
of student results which will vary considerably in length from one student to
another.  He's using JS to work out how much of the table can be displayed on
each page, and has marked the follow up page with the place where he'd like
the continuing table to start on page 2.  He's using absolute positioning to
position the elements and has calculated that at 72dpi and A4, the page is
exactly 1040px high, so if it printed reliably, he'd be able to position
everything exactly.

Needless to say, it isn't working.  Does anyone have any ideas whether this
can be achieved using css (or any other method)?

Many thanks for any suggestions

Rachel Campbell

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[WSG] help, please!!

2005-04-25 Thread Rachel Campbell
Hello all,
I've been developing a site based on the Ruthsarian layouts and it's 
working ok except in IE 6.0, where there's a problem which is leaving me 
baffled, so I'm hoping that someone will be able to help.

The site is http://www.ely.anglican.org/parishes/camgsm/new_site/index.html
The css is at 

The problem is that the header doesn't always display at all on some pages, 
such as 
There isn't a problem if you set IE's options to refresh on every visit to 
the page, but that's not going to help most people!

I'd be really grateful if anyone could come up with some suggestions as to 
what's going on.
Many thanks

Rachel Campbell
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[WSG] IE problem at small window size

2005-02-28 Thread Rachel Campbell
This is my first post, but I've read the list for ages and learnt masses - 
thanks very much.

I have a problem with IE at small window size (640 x 480) when the content 
of the page gets shunted underneath the menu bar on the left.  You should 
be able to see it happening on

the css is at
I've tried all sorts of things to stop it happening (this isn't the only 
page it occurs on) but have run out of ideas.  Any help would be greatly 

Thanks very much
Rachel Campbell
Web Assistant, Information Services
01223 363271 ext 2026
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for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] IE problem at small window size

2005-02-28 Thread Rachel Campbell

At 14:22 28/02/05 +0100, you wrote:
Rachel Campbell wrote:
I have a problem with IE at small window size (640 x 480) when the 
content of the page gets shunted underneath the menu bar on the left.
 You should be able to see it happening on 
A large enough negative back margin on div#leftcolumn will keep IE/win
from pushing down the main content.
However, IE/win will then also need to display the rest of the page like
other browsers do, so you need to set height: auto on div#leftcolumn, or
else the footer will jump around.
You also need to feed IE/win with a new HasLayout trigger.
The total fix:
div#leftcolumn {margin-right: -163px; height: auto}
@media all {
* html div#wrapper2 {height: 0;}
Your page is now close to identical in Opera, Firefox and IE6.
I've just noticed that this fix makes #footer come up the page; 
unfortunately it needs to stay at the bottom of the page, below 
#leftcolumn.  Any ideas as to how that can be achieved?

Many thanks

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Rachel Campbell
Web Assistant, Information Services
01223 363271 ext 2026
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list  getting help