Re: [WSG] User Preference Script

2005-01-19 Thread Tony Aslett
Hi Kornel,
That looks very similar to something I saw not long ago at alistapart.
It's a fine solution, but you still need to pre-define each rule in a 
stylesheet and there will be browser that don't support the technique.

Kornel Lesinski wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 19:34:58 +1000, Tony Aslett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I would love some feedback on a User Preference Script

Because Opera is not able to modify stylesheet rules,
I've been looking for a different solution, and I found one -
use multiple classes on :

body.smallfont {font-size: small;}
body.verdana {font-family: verdana,sans-serif;} {color: red;} #something.else {color: red;}
This way you don't need to have lots of alternate stylesheets.
You could even put all such rules in a default stylesheet
and have "classic" style switcher additionally.
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[WSG] User Preference Script

2005-01-19 Thread Tony Aslett
Hi All,
I would love some feedback on a User Preference Script

Reports of support from Mac browser and early IE would be especially 
useful to me at the moment.

Please provide responses Off List unless you think others would benefit 
from it in some way.

Tony Aslett
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Re: [WSG] CSS rules & quirks database

2004-09-23 Thread Tony Aslett
Paul Novitski wrote:
At 05:00 PM 9/23/2004, Tony Aslett wrote:
I created a list of CSS properties and  browsers that support them
Excellent work, Tony.  Are you storing this in an SQL database?
Thanks Paul,
Yes it's stored in a MySQL database.
I'd like to see some other layers of information added to a database 
such as yours.  For instance, in addition to generalizing None, Part, 
or Full support of a property by various browsers, I'd also like to 
specify exactly how they differ, since all browsers that "support" a 
particular feature may not do so in the same way.

There are also quirks that don't quite come in the category of 
"support" but are critical nonetheless, such as the way IE requires 
there to be a background-color in order to render certain elements 
Comments were meant to take care of browser quirks,  so far there is 
only a couple of properties that have had comments added.
Hopefully over time more will be added.

Other quirks, such as IE's maverick box model, would be difficult to 
categorize in a listing of properties but could probably be referenced 
under such properties as margin & padding.

Again comments should be able to take care of that.
There are certain phenomena that occur when several properties and 
elements interact, and it would be great to be able to find out what 
the database knows about, say, a UL nested inside a DIV when its LIs 
have float: left.
Cross referencing properties would be possible but not on the database 
in it's current form. It really wasn't in my initial design to be able 
to cross reference properties and it would increase the complexity quite 
a lot.


Tony Aslett
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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Re: [WSG] CSS rules & quirks database

2004-09-23 Thread Tony Aslett
Hi Paul,
I created a list of CSS properties and  browsers that support them
It still needs a little work refining and adding content.
The idea was to get the community (members of the CSS Forum) behind it 
and have them add to the content.
Once logged in you can add / edit content and levels of browser support 
or make a comment.
Eventually I will get around to finishing it off, it's on my to do list.

Tony Aslett
Paul Novitski wrote:
Drowning as I am in the unending flood of details about CSS -- what 
works and what doesn't on which browsers, and how to make a particular 
effect work cross-browser -- I've started conceiving a database to 
augment my maxed-out cerebrum.

Such a database could be queried for suggestions of how to accomplish 
a given presentational task, to advise about the cross-browser issues 
of particular elements, and to provide links to source material and 
demos on the net.  Ultimately it might be made into a validator to 
help folks pinpoint problems in their markup.  It would contain the 
kinds of details that are imparted daily on this glorious list, 
although I cannot imagine it ever rendering CSS listserves obsolete 
because of the endless fountain of human invention they convey.

Before I get too far into this project, I'm wondering:
- Is anyone else working on this kind of thing?
- Would you like to join a working group to discuss its feasibility 
and implementation?

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Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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Re: [WSG] Anyone know of any good DOM tutorials?

2004-09-03 Thread Tony Aslett
Hi Seona,
Mozilla has really good DOM resources
This might be specifically what you want

Tony Aslett
Seona Bellamy wrote:
Hi guys,
Anyone know where I can find a good, easy to follow online tutorial on using
the DOM to control elements on a webpage? Specifically, I need to change the
class of an element to a different class.

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To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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Re: [WSG] Table-Free Design

2004-08-16 Thread Tony Aslett
Hi John,
You could also try out the css layout generator

John Horner wrote:
If I want to find solid building blocks for a table-free layout, where 
should I start?

I mean, I know there are hundreds of websites, but the recommendations 
of this group ought to be particularly useful.

The thing is, I want a lot! In terms of the page, I'm simply looking for
 * banner
 * three-column flexible layout for the main content
 * footer
but I'm hoping that the page doesn't exhibit any strange behaviours 
when the page gets too small/content gets too bit, like DIVs 
overlapping each other or disappearing to the bottom of the page, and 
I'm even hoping that the layout can be content-first, nav-second in 
the source.

I was also hoping that the CSS can be relatively straightforward and 
not consist of 147 nested @import statements full of 
high-pass/low-pass filters and box model hack code etc.

Am I asking too much? I won't be trying to support Netscape 4, if that 

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Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
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To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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