Now I know why I never write in. Ten minutes after sending this I found the problem,,, rather fixed it.
Overflow hidden on the wrapper did the trick, something was forcing the site wider.
Spent hours not being able to fix it, write to the list and find it in ten minutes.
Conclusion? Looks like the way to fix the unsolvable is to write to the group, even if no body answers the answer comes anyways  lol
----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 3:10 AM
Subject: [WSG] Horizontal Menu- Site Check

Hi all,
I have a large site launch in a few days at a big show in Germany.
Now I have the top menu with a 10-12px gap at the end which I cannot remove no matter what I do. Its only in IE (figures). If I try making it wider it breaks, and is perfect in FF.
It has to be a padding issue but cannot figure it out.
Page is fixed width, 770px.
html and css is here:
If anyone has an idea it would be really appreciated.
Bruce Prochnau
BKDesign Solutions

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