Kym Novan wrote:
Using the 3 column example I mentioned earlier a single 3 column table holding the column content exactly as you want it (if I remember correctly the earlier discussion was about a layout with a fixed width RH column for news and proportional for the left and centre columns) is a lot less messy than the equivalent in pure CSS.

There's definitely a case for this compromise, hybrid approach. I believe that's basically the approach that Jeffrey Zeldman takes in his book. It's certainly a good thing not to see CSS and tables as two diametrically opposed ideas: you can choose the best aspects of both.


Tables do have a certain amount of in-built rigidity. Your example of a three columned layout could be accomplished simply using a single table. But what happens when you decide it should no longer be a three columned layout? What if you want the left column on the right and the right column on the left? You would have to go in and change the markup.

That's a fairly extreme example, I know. But it does highlight one of CSS's biggest advantages: the separation of content and style.

MInd you, if the content isn't well marked-up (read: semantically meaningful) to begin with, then CSS isn't going to help you much when you want to alter the layout.

It took me a while to truly appreciate how working with CSS is like looking at (X)HTML documents in a whole new way. Instead of thinking:
"That's the left-hand column. It contains the navigation."
I find myself thinking:
"That's the navigation. It's on the left (for now)."

That said, each website is different. If you know for a fact that the three column layout won't be changing and you need to get the layout taken care of ASAP, then a simple table is probably your best bet. You just need to be aware that you are, to a certain extent, tying your hands.

I've also simplified my argument a bit. The order of document elements in the page flow can make an enormous difference when you're using floats for positioning (although it's not an issue at all with absolute positioning) so you could still find yourself having to alter the mark-up in order to achieve a different layout.

On balance though, I believe that starting with semantically correct mark-up and well-labeled elements , e.g. ("navigation" rather than "leftcol") significantly reduces the likelihood of ever needing to muck about with the mark-up in the future.

P.S. I've added a subject to this thread: I hope that doesn't count as hijacking :-(

Jeremy Keith

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