I am currently working on a liquid format for my site.

Just doing up the header at the moment. It is ok in FF but IE6 is not happy
with it. I have yet to check with other browsers so the focus in on these 2
browsers at the moment.

In FF I have no issues with things going whacky when I hover on links. But
on IE6, when I hover on those browser icons, things gets shifted sideways.
It only happens on the browser icons not the navigation's links.

Another thing is that I do not need to specify a width on the navigation's
div but I have to do it for IE6 and possibly Opera when I get to that

The problem is that if I specify a width then the navigation will not be
floated nicely to the right because of I have li floated to left to display
the li in proper flow.

I want to be able to have the li in nav to be in one line when people choose
medium and one size bigger in IE. If only IE can do without a width then it
will work like what I want like in FF.


Please ignore a lot of that css files as they are not in used at the moment
or optimised. 

The one to look at is layout.css, nav.css and ie-win.css

If anyone has better solution for the browser icon on hover bug for IE, you
have my deepest gratitude!

Oh I am checking the page on Windows only now.

Cheers ::::: Jaime

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