Peter Firminger blurted out:

Windows users with low security setting should be aware that the page below has links to load some stuff you really don't want to know about.
Be aware... Hopefully this was out of Paul's hands and can be fixed immediately. Paul?

The first page isn't too bad, although the IFRAME prevents it from validating, and the style attributes on the images to float them right should probably be moved into the style section.

The site though (linked in through that 1x1 IFRAME) is just terrible. It uses frames to put a navigation menu on the left (although the use of frames is understandible since the right frame is to yet another site).

That nav menu doesn't even have a doctype. And then it uses tables for layout, a tiny bit of CSS to style the link text, font tags to style the other text, center tag to center the table, and bgcolor and text attributes on the body tag.

Definitely a "before" site. I'd wait until they've gotten a bit further in their standards conversion before visiting.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the javascript and 1x1 iframe to another page on their site where the possibly nasty javascript lies (I don't know, I didn't look at the tool.html page before the site became unavailable).

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