I am not sure if this is off topic or not. If it is off topic, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have an HP IPAQ HW6955 PDA running Mobile Speak Pocket (MSP) and want to start designing web pages for the Windows Mobile Platform. When I contacted Microsoft about this, I was told to check the CD that came with the IPAQ and to also contact HP. Microsoft active Sync is okay for viewing and modifying files, but is not great for seeing my work on a P4 2.4GHz Windows XP SP2 PC. I realize I need to find an emulator, however, where do I find it?

Love Hayden (Super Duper Guide Dog)and
The harness attachment Angus MacKinnon
MacKinnon Crest Saying
Latin -  Audentes Fortuna Juvat
English - Fortune Assists The Daring
Web page http://www.infoforce-services.com

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.
George Washington

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