[WSG] css snippet

2004-10-19 Thread Bennie Shepherd
I tried pasting this code
  1. |* {|
  2. | padding:0;|
  3. | margin:0;|
  4. |}|
to my css  and get and  error  when I try to validate it.
Am I just dense?   :o)
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[WSG] css Snippet

2004-10-19 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Guess when I copied the code from the site I got more than the code.. :o)
It worked fine after copying the snippet from the email. Thanks for the 
help and links.

Did you paste it in exactly as you show below? If so, your sample would not
have worked as you had some odd characters in the rule set. Try this
(whitespace and line breaks are up to the individual as they are ignored
* { padding:0; margin:0; }
It might be worthwhile reading some basic info about rule sets to get you
The * in this case is the universal selector:
  1. |* {|
  2. | padding:0;|
  3. | margin:0;|
  4. |}|
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[WSG] Dotted line.

2004-10-22 Thread Bennie Shepherd
This is what is giving the dotted line...
dt a:hover {
border-bottom: 1px #FFCC00 dotted;
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[WSG] Shifting

2004-10-28 Thread Bennie Shepherd
I had that same problem with I IE6. I switched from % to pix in vertical 
padding and margins and it took care of the problem.

I'm having difficulties with that IE shift bug thing.
The one where the content moves when you hover over a link.
I've tried adding _height:100%; _line-height:100%; _width:100%
To every element in the div to no avail.
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[WSG] Another site review

2004-11-04 Thread Bennie Shepherd
I would like to get comments on my site.
Thanks guys...
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[WSG] re: Another site review

2004-11-04 Thread Bennie Shepherd
is this a language declaration? html lang=en xml:lang=en 
and also not sure what the lables are for the form pages.

 I would like to get comments on my site.
It looks fine in winXp ie and firefox, the code is all valid and
accessible (though it could use a language declaration)  on most of
the pages.  The mailing list page which needs to be set up with labels
at the least and so does the search page, etcd.  - so it's the form
pages that aren't accessible.
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Re: [WSG] Another site review

2004-11-04 Thread Bennie Shepherd
The doc type is at the top of the page and the site validates xhtml strict.
Are you sure you validated the right site? :o)
On 11/4/2004 1:51:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looks sharp - but doesn't validate. No doctype?? Oh, wait...it's
 further down the page, should be right up top before anything else.
 Otherwise the validator defaults to HTML 4.01 Transitional, and with
 that you have some invalid markup to fix.

 Leslie Riggs

 Bennie Shepherd wrote:

  I would like to get comments on my site.
  Thanks guys...
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Re: [WSG] Well since everybody...

2004-11-04 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Wonder where  the site is located :o)
On 11/4/2004 2:35:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems today is check my page day so I wondered if you would like to
 check my page too. The products (produkter) is not done yet but the rest
 should work fine.

 I thought a lot about tab index. Is there any need for them... unless
 you want to direct tabbers a certain way round the pages?

 I'm also very unsure about the access keys. (I have one skip to
 content - accesskey=S) I read a lot about access keys and most of it
 was actually negative! What to do?

 If this is way OT I apologize and please disregard this post then.


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Re: [WSG] Screen resolution problems with main page

2004-11-11 Thread Bennie Shepherd
A little padding might do the job..
On 11/11/2004 7:31:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone


 Have just discovered that the main page does not look good at a
 resolution of 1024x768. I have been working in 800x600. One problem is
 the background image in the header stopping too short and being
 replaced by the background color (I could perhaps change the background
 color to white so that this is not noticeable) but the main issue is
 the length of the page.

 In 800x600 the page fills the screen so that practically no vertical
 scrolling is required. I wanted the navbar to be completely visible at
 all times so haven't got a lot of content elsewhere on the page. The
 subsequent pages are not a problem as they will have lots of content and
 so fill the screen vertically. However, the main page stops about
 halfway down in 1024x768 which looks awful.

 Is there any way around this? I have been reading up on various
 solutions including js about which I know nothing and am hoping for a
 simple fix. LOL



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Re: [WSG] Last nights Sydney meeting

2004-11-12 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Hope I'm # 10,000 :o) sorry, had to do it.
On 11/12/2004 7:58:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There was a good turn-out to Sydney's WSG meeting last night - with 
over 24
 people braving the pounding rain.

 Scott Parsons did a great presentation on CSS Diagnosis - a detailed
 breakdown into CSS problem solving and bug hunting

 Resources will be posted in the near future.

 Oh, and the WSG is just about to record its 10,000th post to the list
 (I think this is post 9,999).


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Re: [WSG] css scrolling

2004-11-12 Thread Bennie Shepherd
   Would you check the site again? I removed the css scrolling, 
hope that was the problem.

On 11/13/2004 12:39:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/12/04 9:21 PM Bennie Shepherd sent
 this out:

  I'm playing around with css scrolling and would like to know if 
there is
  a way to stop the scrolling
  list from resetting to the top of the list in IE 6 or just jumping
  back up the list in FF.

 Unrelated, but after clicking and scrolling around and clicking etc. in
 Safari, eventually the page goes numb - no scrolling, no clicking, no
 rollovering works.


 Rick Faaberg

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Re: [WSG] Some links for light reading (17/11/04)

2004-11-17 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Looks good in netscape 7.1
On 11/17/2004 7:30:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 EDS has certainly gone with CSS, and the site is clean, simple, and
 engaging, but someone forgot to test the site in Netscape 7.02 because
 navbar is producing a nasty effect.


  EDS goes full CSS:
  More on EDS's launch:
  The Mobile Web:
  The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks and Hacks, Chapter 2 -
  Text Styling and Other Basics:
  Tableless forms:
  Well Styled - some interesting articles:
  Patrick Griffiths teaching XHTML and CSS in London:
  f*** you markup purists (warning - swearing!):
  Goodbye Yellow Right Double Angle Bracket:

  Write great code. Get an iPod:
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Re: [WSG] Web Standards Eye Candy: http://www.scottschiller.com/

2004-11-23 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Worked fine for me.. FF 1
On 11/23/2004 8:53:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kathryn Ross wrote at Tue, 23 Nov 2004 11:59:29 +1100:

  document http://www.scottschiller.com/

 Firefox's busy wheel has been spinning on this for over a half hour now
 without putting any text on a page. Anyone else?
 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or
 prohibiting the free exercise thereof... U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

 Felix Miata *** http://members.ij.net/mrmazda/auth/

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Re: [WSG] another problem with new site

2004-11-27 Thread Bennie Shepherd
I see the css in netscape 7.1 using a regular ISP.
On 11/27/2004 5:19:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geez, and here I thought I had covered all the bases...*sigh*

 I've been getting several emails from visitors saying they're using AOL
 or Netscape 7.1 and they're not seeing the CSS.

 I'm completely lost
 with this one. Any thoughts?


 Dr. Zeus Web Development
 content without clutter

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Re: [WSG] Images in Nav, Splash Screens.

2004-12-01 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Did ya sign up so you could enter? :o)
On 12/1/2004 1:19:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess this one wins the gold medal: http://www.italdenim.com.

 Bert Doorn wrote:

  Bailout rates up to 71% have been reported with some splash pages.

 Dejan Kozina Web Design Studio
 Dolina 346 (TS)
 I-34018 Trst/Trieste - Italy
 tel./fax: +39 040 228 436
 cell.: +39 348 7355 225
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Re: [WSG] Checking in as many browsers as possible

2004-12-18 Thread Bennie Shepherd
You can go down to netscape 4.7 here: 

On 12/18/2004 2:12:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In addition to making sure our codes adhere to standards, we also face
 unenviable task of making sure they appear right in as many UAs are
 possible. Therefore, I reckon
 it's not too far off topic here when I ask
 what are the usual browsers to check against and how in tarnation do 
some of
 you guys manage to maintain so many of them.

 1) IE 6 (at least 3 versions of them?), IE 5.5, IE/Mac and below (I've
 IE 6 but how do I install IE 5.5 and where do I find it?)
 2) Mozilla/Firefox (no issue finding them here, but usually the install
 instructions advise us not to have more than 1 version of Mozilla etc)
 3) Opera (only got the most recent version but they seem pretty
 throughout the major revisions)
 4) Netscape (anybody still got a copy of that ugly monster 4?
 I'd like to
 have it)
 5) Konqueror
 6) Epiphany
 7) Safari (it's supposed
 to be based on Konqueror so I do my testing based
 on the results from Konqueror due to the lack of a Mac)
 8) PDA UAs (got an IPaq, yay)

 I've never failed to be amazed when somebody does a site review 
listing test
 results with 10 UAs or more. How many

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RE: [WSG] New to this Lark!

2004-12-24 Thread Bennie Shepherd
  Thought I'd let you know that your navigation is broken in FF 1 
and also Opera 7.5
Tried to email you from the site, but the send button wouldn't send.

On 12/24/2004 11:44:02 AM, wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:
 Hi Ian - you know me already (from DO) ;)

 Welcome - I saw your site the other day from the link in your sig, and
 going to mail you about your navigation...

 Your CONTACT link is falling down below the rest of them in Firefox. Let
 know if you want a screenshot.

 Again, welcome and nice to see you here! And a Merry Christmas to you 

 Lori Leach
 Zenful Creations

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Ian Ian
 Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 10:01 AM
 To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
 Subject: [WSG] New to this Lark!

 So, My site is http://www.ianjamescox.com and I'm always looking to
 improve it. Please Take a look at it and comment if you wish!

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[WSG] Site review

2004-12-26 Thread Bennie Shepherd
I've offered to redo this site http://www.g-e-t.me.uk/index.html
and have come up with this as a replacement 
Would like any comments on making the new version better. Thought this 
kid needed a xmas present. :o)

Happy Holidays,
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[WSG] Sorry looking Guestbook :o(

2005-01-04 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Would any of you have and idea as to why my guestbook is so narrow and 
screwed up in IE 6 and Opera? It's using the same html and css as the 
rest of the site. Looks fine in FF 1.

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Re: [WSG] Drop down menu, JavaScript accessibility

2005-01-28 Thread Bennie Shepherd
With java disabled in FF1 the drop downs appear as a long bulleted list 
and of course everthing else get moved around. Doesn't look like the 
same site at all.

On 1/28/2005 2:59:06 AM, wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:
 Hello all,

 We have been operating a drop down menu system on 
 uk for around a year now and in that time, the menu has changed from 
a pure
 JavaScript version to the more accessible and semantic UDM4 (http://www.

 As a local government site, we get tested for accessibility regularly,
 both internally and by external parties, together with our own tests. 
 CMS is still in the dark ages as regards web standards and producing
 accessible code, but
 I've managed to get much of the site valid as possible (Google 
currently indexes 33,700 pages, minus .pdf and .doc files). However one 
of the more recent external tests indicated that the drop down menu was 
failing the site due to the way the menu appears if JavaScript is disabled.

 be interested in any opinions on the menu, with JavaScript enabled and
 disabled. Also, any alternative script or recommendations would be very

 (attending @media 2005)

 Antony Golding
 Principal e-Government Services Officer

 Salford City Council
 Telephone: 0161 793 2232

 DISCLAIMER: The information in this message is confidential and may be

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Re: [WSG] Thumbnail Image overlapping container DIV - Help Please

2005-02-05 Thread Bennie Shepherd
Those thumbnails are rather large for their size. The first one was 
around 120k.

On 2/5/2005 4:04:25 AM, wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:
 On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 17:00:47 +1100, Matt wrote:
  I have a problem with a site that I am working on, in that I have a

 Took forever and a day to load Opera7.54.u1-- gave up, switched to 

 and it crashed the browser.


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