Re: [WSG] css and accessibility question

2004-05-12 Thread Brian Foy
Hi Luc,

It's my understanding that if you want the page to validate and pass
some basic 508 stuff, ALT tags must be present for any images that are
included in the page markup.
I have seen before (perhaps ALA?) that if the image is decorative a
simple null would surfice as an ALT tag.
I think this, like most things, involves a bit of preference and I don't
believe there is a definitive answer. Using a CSS image replacement
technique (and there are a few available) is always a valid option but
comes with it's own series of issues (what happens when images are
disabled? etc...)
So what to do? I (notice the preference) tend to use CSS background
images where I can unless the img serves a real purpose, then it's
included in the markup and ALT tagged appropriately.
Hope that helped,


Luc wrote:
 Good evening list,

My  understanding  is  that an image _always_ needs a description for
accessibility  purposes,  even  if  the  image is there for decorative
purposes and adds no important information to the page.
Now,  somebody  told  me  that,  if  the  image  is  there  purely for
decorative  purposes and adds no important information to the page, it
doesn't  need  a description and putting it in CSS as background image
makes  sense.  However, if the image needs a description, it should be
in  the  html  because  it is content. If you do put it in the css and
give a title to the div, it is wrong use of css.
Is this correct and am i wrong?

In the (odd) case i'm right, is there some spec that states that an
image always needs a description?

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Re: [WSG] IE5 v Mozilla

2004-05-12 Thread Brian Foy
Hi Alan,


table width=100%


Alan Milnes wrote:

Can anyone tell me what causes the table under Latest Results not to take
the whole 100% width of the div??



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Re: [WSG] 'It Works in Gecko Browsers ...'

2004-05-19 Thread Brian Foy
I know IE is a *huge* market leader, and I *do* make sure my sites work 
in IE...
I agree fully with the design for compliant browsers first, then go 
back and fix IE* way of doing things. From my own personal experience I 
can tell you it is in fact easier that way. I think it's ill advised 
though to let that get confused with IE is an afterthought

My experience is that clients have the make it look good on my AOL when 
I make internets from home mentality. Most don't understand standards 
and we can't expect them to. They bark back things like don't worry 
about that, we redesign every other year when you mention future 
proofing and just make sure it looks good is the mantra. Because of 
IE's *huge* market share, when the client says just make sure it looks 
good whether they know it or not, they are also adding in IE. After 
all, when they show it to three friends who show it to three friends the 
odds tell us they are all going to be using IE.

My issue is with the simple, often tossed in there has to work in IE 
bit, that in my opinion falls way short of expressing the real world 
business importance of a site looking top notch in IE.

If it's work for a client, It doesn't just have to simply work in IE, 
it's has to *shine*. At the very least a client site should never look 
any worse in IE then it does in a compliant browser. Does an element 
look off?, even a little bit?, fix it for IE even if that means it looks 
a little off in Moz when your done. Neato CSS trick fails in IE? Dump 
it, at that point it's nothing but bloat for the majority who won't see 
it (including your client).

Someday MS will get on the ball (we hope), until then, if we want to 
make sites for the majority, we have to stop looking down our noses at 
IE as a bastard afterthought and start insisting from ourselves that our 
sites look and function brilliantly in IE, every time.


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Re: [WSG] 'It Works in Gecko Browsers ...'

2004-05-19 Thread Brian Foy
One more thing will be required: Web pages need to be better on 
compliant browsers.
So in an effort to coax standards compliance out of MS we should all 
make sites look *beter* in non IE browsers?

I've yet to run across a client who loves standards and MS arm twisting 
so much that they would allow anything other then IE to be the browser 
there site looks *better* in.

It look us long enough to get clients to pay attention to the fact that 
the customer/user is king, and the king, like it or not, uses IE.

We can't have it both ways. Either we are for the user or we are not. 
Keep that in mind the next time your pulling hair out tweaking a clients 
site for IE. Chances are better then good, that IE is the browser that 
is going to hit that site most today, tomorrow and the day after.


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Re: [WSG] Help with Float

2004-05-19 Thread Brian Foy
Hi Sean,
Looks like you have to clear those floats.
Try adding a div with clear: both; just below the last column.
Sean Sullivan-Daley wrote:
I am trying to float 3 columns next to each other.
This appearas to be OK in IE6 but is broken in FireFox.
The columns break out of the container in FireFox.
Here is a link to the Files.
What am I doing wrong?
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Re: [WSG] The F-word (frames that is)

2004-08-06 Thread Brian Foy
Ted Drake wrote:
I'm putting together our new web site css-layout.  There are a few web 
sites that put our site into their frameset.  If they take my lovely 
css-formatted page and stick it in their ugly, poorly styled web page 
built with nasty frames... Could their stylesheet over-ride my style 
sheet or will the separate html of my page withstand the abuse?
Can you tell how happy I am with frames?
The good news is, unless some nasty JavaScript targeting the frame your 
site loads in is put to use, the site that frames you in will do nothing 
other then load your page as is.

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To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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Re: [WSG] Adopting Web Standards - Free briefing for Education and Government

2004-08-06 Thread Brian Foy
Sounds great I can see this being very beneficial, especially if done on
a wide scale.
In the spirit of spreading the knowledge and advocating standards in
Gov't, it would be excellent if once you are done, you could post all of
your slides/notes on the net. If you can go the extra mile and get us a
transcript of the seminar that would be super helpfull in organizing
similar free seminars here in the us.

russ - maxdesign wrote:
Adopting Web Standards
Free briefing for Education and Government
Government and education are at the forefront of the adoption of web
standards. To aid in this process, Web Essentials is hosting this free
briefing, featuring the W3Cs Dean Jackson, and highly respected web
accessibility expert Roger Hudson.
The briefing will be followed by the opportunity to ask any questions of
Roger, Dean, as well as Russ Weakley and John Allsopp, over a drink and a
bite to eat.
There will also be door prizes  :)
Cost: FREE!
Date: Thursday September 2, 2004
Time: 6:00pm for 6.30pm start (refreshments supplied)
Venue: TBA
The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
 Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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The discussion list for
Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004
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