Re: Service Name's soap:address location

2003-11-10 Thread Nirmal Mukhi


This is a bit unusual. Maube you should
check the version of wsdl4j.jar you have, and upgrade to the latest version
(available from
Or you can just check the WSDL4J source for the JAR that you have (you
can just get a snapshot of the tree from the date your JAR was created
using CVS) and check what the appropriate method name is. Maybe I got the
nethod name wrong, so don't take my word for the syntax of the code.


"Leo Barcenas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/07/2003 01:05 AM
Please respond to wsif-user
       Re: Service  Name's soap:address

Hi Nirmal,
It's me again.
Again thanks for this information.
I tried the code you suggested to
me below. But,
I guess my the library that I'm using
is old. I was able 
to get right until:
Service service = def.getService(new QName("foo","bar");
// accesses service named foo:bar

But, the "service" does
not have the getExtensibilityElements
that you wrote. I'm using the WSIF 2.0 API
version. Are there any upper 
version that I shoud install. Or any Jar
files that I should dowload?
Again many thanks.
- Original Message - 
From: Nirmal

Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: Service Name's soap:address location


You can modify the service endpoint in the WSDL definition programmatically.
Here is some sample code which should do this (not compiled or tested,
but it should be approximately correct). This uses the standard WSDL API
being defined in JSR110 (see
for the reference implementation). 

WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); 
WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader(); 
Definition def = reader.readWSDL(null,"sample.wsdl");

Service service = def.getService(new QName("foo","bar");
// accesses service named foo:bar 
List extElements = service.getExtensibilityElements();

SOAPAddress address = (SOAPAddress) extElements.get(0); // this assumes
that there is only one extensibility element under , viz.

Now the definition (def) can be used by WSIF to create a WSIFService that
will attempt to invoke the service whose SOAP endpoint is http://newURI.

Hope that helps, 

"David Seager"
10/30/2003 08:13 AM

Please respond to wsif-user 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


        Subject:        Re: Service
 Name's soap:address location

Hi Leo,

That WSDL shouldn't execute correctly from a remote client, as localhost
will resolve to the machine it's being run on. The best way is to store
WSDL on a web server on the remote server machine, with the location set
with the remote server's hostname. Then point the client at the WSDL on
remote server.

However, if you know which provider gets used, there are methods on some
override the location URL. In the WSIFPort_ApacheAxis class, in the Apache
Axis provider, there is a setEndPoint method which will do the trick. Here
is my code which changes the URL to something else:

     String wsdlLocation = "http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws?wsdl";
     WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
     WSIFService service = factory.getService(wsdlLocation, null,
null, null);
     WSIFPort p = service.getPort();

     // override port
     WSIFPort_ApacheAxis pA = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis)p;
     pA.setEndPoint(new URL("http://localhost:8081/axis/Expire.jws"));

     o = p.createOperation(operation);

     m1 = o.createInputMessage();
     m2 = o.createOutputMessage();
     m3 = o.createFaultMessage();

     boolean ok = o.executeRequestResponseOperation(m1, m2, m3);

The WSDL referenced defines the Expire service to be at
http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws. However, the above code sends the
request to the address in the override call. This only works if the
provider being used is Apache Axis.


David Seager
IBM Hursley

"Leo Barcenas"              
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:      
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            
   Subject:  Service  Name's soap:address

Re: Service Name's soap:address location

2003-11-06 Thread Leo Barcenas

Hi Nirmal,
It's me again.
Again thanks for this 
I tried the code you suggested to me 
below. But,
I guess my the library that I'm using is 
old. I was able 
to get right until:
Service service = 
def.getService(new QName("foo","bar"); // accesses service named 
But, the "service" does not have the 
getExtensibilityElements method 
that you wrote. I'm using 
the WSIF 2.0 API version. Are there any upper 
version that I shoud 
install. Or any Jar files that I should dowload?
Again many 

  - Original Message - 
  Nirmal Mukhi 
  Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 
  2:18 AM
  Subject: Re: Service Name's 
  soap:address location
  You can modify the service endpoint in 
  the WSDL definition programmatically. Here is some sample code which should do 
  this (not compiled or tested, but it should be approximately correct). This 
  uses the standard WSDL API being defined in JSR110 (see 
  for the reference implementation). WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader(); 
  Definition def = 
  reader.readWSDL(null,"sample.wsdl"); Service service = def.getService(new QName("foo","bar"); // accesses 
  service named foo:bar List extElements 
  = service.getExtensibilityElements(); SOAPAddress address = (SOAPAddress) extElements.get(0); // this assumes 
  that there is only one extensibility element under , viz. 
  soap:address address.setLocationURL("http://newURI"); Now the definition (def) can be used by WSIF to create 
  a WSIFService that will attempt to invoke the service whose SOAP endpoint is 
  http://newURI. Hope that 
  helps, Nirmal. 

  "David Seager" 
10/30/2003 08:13 AM Please respond to wsif-user 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]         cc:       
  Subject:        Re: Service  Name's 
soap:address locationHi Leo,That WSDL shouldn't execute correctly from a 
  remote client, as localhostwill resolve to the machine it's being run on. 
  The best way is to store theWSDL on a web server on the remote server 
  machine, with the location setwith the remote server's hostname. Then 
  point the client at the WSDL on theremote server.However, if you 
  know which provider gets used, there are methods on some tooverride the 
  location URL. In the WSIFPort_ApacheAxis class, in the ApacheAxis 
  provider, there is a setEndPoint method which will do the trick. Hereis my 
  code which changes the URL to something else:    
   String wsdlLocation = 
   WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();  
     WSIFService service = factory.getService(wsdlLocation, null, 
  null,null, null);     WSIFPort p = 
  service.getPort();     // override port  
     WSIFPort_ApacheAxis pA = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis)p;    
  URL("http://localhost:8081/axis/Expire.jws"));     o = 
  p.createOperation(operation);     m1 = 
  o.createInputMessage();     m2 = 
  o.createOutputMessage();     m3 = 
  o.createFaultMessage();     boolean ok = 
  o.executeRequestResponseOperation(m1, m2, m3);The WSDL referenced 
  defines the Expire service to be athttp://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws. 
  However, the above code sends therequest to the address in the override 
  call. This only works if theprovider being used is Apache 
  Axis.Regards,David SeagerIBM HursleyInternet 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
         "Leo Barcenas"           
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             
   Service  Name's soap:address location         
         30/10/2003 11:33           

Re: Service Name's soap:address location

2003-11-05 Thread Leo Barcenas

Hi Nirmal,
Thanks for the information.
manually changed the WSDL soap:address at the moment but, I'll use this 

to programmatically change it.  

This is very useful. I'll try this 
Again thanks.
- Original Message - 

  Nirmal Mukhi 
  Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 
  2:18 AM
  Subject: Re: Service Name's 
  soap:address location
  You can modify the service endpoint in 
  the WSDL definition programmatically. Here is some sample code which should do 
  this (not compiled or tested, but it should be approximately correct). This 
  uses the standard WSDL API being defined in JSR110 (see 
  for the reference implementation). WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader(); 
  Definition def = 
  reader.readWSDL(null,"sample.wsdl"); Service service = def.getService(new QName("foo","bar"); // accesses 
  service named foo:bar List extElements 
  = service.getExtensibilityElements(); SOAPAddress address = (SOAPAddress) extElements.get(0); // this assumes 
  that there is only one extensibility element under , viz. 
  soap:address address.setLocationURL("http://newURI"); Now the definition (def) can be used by WSIF to create 
  a WSIFService that will attempt to invoke the service whose SOAP endpoint is 
  http://newURI. Hope that 
  helps, Nirmal. 

  "David Seager" 
10/30/2003 08:13 AM Please respond to wsif-user 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]         cc:       
  Subject:        Re: Service  Name's 
soap:address locationHi Leo,That WSDL shouldn't execute correctly from a 
  remote client, as localhostwill resolve to the machine it's being run on. 
  The best way is to store theWSDL on a web server on the remote server 
  machine, with the location setwith the remote server's hostname. Then 
  point the client at the WSDL on theremote server.However, if you 
  know which provider gets used, there are methods on some tooverride the 
  location URL. In the WSIFPort_ApacheAxis class, in the ApacheAxis 
  provider, there is a setEndPoint method which will do the trick. Hereis my 
  code which changes the URL to something else:    
   String wsdlLocation = 
   WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();  
     WSIFService service = factory.getService(wsdlLocation, null, 
  null,null, null);     WSIFPort p = 
  service.getPort();     // override port  
     WSIFPort_ApacheAxis pA = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis)p;    
  URL("http://localhost:8081/axis/Expire.jws"));     o = 
  p.createOperation(operation);     m1 = 
  o.createInputMessage();     m2 = 
  o.createOutputMessage();     m3 = 
  o.createFaultMessage();     boolean ok = 
  o.executeRequestResponseOperation(m1, m2, m3);The WSDL referenced 
  defines the Expire service to be athttp://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws. 
  However, the above code sends therequest to the address in the override 
  call. This only works if theprovider being used is Apache 
  Axis.Regards,David SeagerIBM HursleyInternet 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
         "Leo Barcenas"           
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             
   Service  Name's soap:address location         
         30/10/2003 11:33           
                   Please respond 
    Hello!I would like to ask about the 
  WSDL file used in WSIF. In 

Re: Service Name's soap:address location

2003-11-05 Thread Nirmal Mukhi


You can modify the service endpoint
in the WSDL definition programmatically. Here is some sample code which
should do this (not compiled or tested, but it should be approximately
correct). This uses the standard WSDL API being defined in JSR110 (see for the reference

WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader();
Definition def = reader.readWSDL(null,"sample.wsdl");
Service service = def.getService(new
QName("foo","bar"); // accesses service named foo:bar
List extElements = service.getExtensibilityElements();
SOAPAddress address = (SOAPAddress)
extElements.get(0); // this assumes that there is only one extensibility
element under , viz. soap:address

Now the definition (def) can be used
by WSIF to create a WSIFService that will attempt to invoke the service
whose SOAP endpoint is http://newURI.

Hope that helps,

"David Seager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/30/2003 08:13 AM
Please respond to wsif-user
       Re: Service  Name's soap:address

Hi Leo,

That WSDL shouldn't execute correctly from a remote client, as localhost
will resolve to the machine it's being run on. The best way is to store
WSDL on a web server on the remote server machine, with the location set
with the remote server's hostname. Then point the client at the WSDL on
remote server.

However, if you know which provider gets used, there are methods on some
override the location URL. In the WSIFPort_ApacheAxis class, in the Apache
Axis provider, there is a setEndPoint method which will do the trick. Here
is my code which changes the URL to something else:

      String wsdlLocation = "http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws?wsdl";
      WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
      WSIFService service = factory.getService(wsdlLocation,
null, null,
null, null);
      WSIFPort p = service.getPort();

      // override port
      WSIFPort_ApacheAxis pA = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis)p;
      pA.setEndPoint(new URL("http://localhost:8081/axis/Expire.jws"));

      o = p.createOperation(operation);

      m1 = o.createInputMessage();
      m2 = o.createOutputMessage();
      m3 = o.createFaultMessage();

      boolean ok = o.executeRequestResponseOperation(m1,
m2, m3);

The WSDL referenced defines the Expire service to be at
http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws. However, the above code sends the
request to the address in the override call. This only works if the
provider being used is Apache Axis.


David Seager
IBM Hursley


 "Leo Barcenas"            
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:    
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          

    Subject:  Service  Name's soap:address location
 30/10/2003 11:33              
 Please respond to              



I would like to ask about the WSDL file used in WSIF. In particular,
the soap:address location of the Service name.
I'm just quiet puzzled that some of the files I saw is written the one


Considering the above WSDL syntax, will this be able to correctly execute
from a remote client? If not, is there a way that you can change
into the IP address of the server where the web service is located during
runtime? I've tried it in VB.NET by using the WebReference's URL property
and replacing "localhost" to the server's IP address.

Hoping for your answer.

Many thanks.


Re: Service Name's soap:address location

2003-10-31 Thread Leo Barcenas

Hello David,

Thanks for the information.

I forgot to tell write that I received an exception when I call the
getPort method of the service.
   WSIFPort p = service.getPort();

The exact exception is:

org.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Unable to find an available port
 at org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFServiceImpl.getPort(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFServiceImpl.getPort(Unknown Source)

Is there any way, that I could change the soap:address before I call the
getPort method?

I tried using another way, using the definition file for the service.
Below is a snippet of the code:

   Definition defWSDL = WSIFUtils.readWSDL(null, args[0]);

   WSIFService service = new WSIFService.class();
   service =

Same exception happens with this code. There is probably
another way perhaps to change the definition file. Right after
the readWSDL method. I tried to copy the WSDL file locally,
and change the soap:address to the remote server IP address.
But, same thing happens.
Is there anyway, that I can change the soap:address of Definition

Hoping for your answer.

Many thanks.


- Original Message - 
From: "David Seager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: Service Name's soap:address location

> Hi Leo,
> That WSDL shouldn't execute correctly from a remote client, as localhost
> will resolve to the machine it's being run on. The best way is to store
> WSDL on a web server on the remote server machine, with the location set
> with the remote server's hostname. Then point the client at the WSDL on
> remote server.
> However, if you know which provider gets used, there are methods on some
> override the location URL. In the WSIFPort_ApacheAxis class, in the Apache
> Axis provider, there is a setEndPoint method which will do the trick. Here
> is my code which changes the URL to something else:
>   String wsdlLocation = "http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws?wsdl";;
>   WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
>   WSIFService service = factory.getService(wsdlLocation, null, null,
> null, null);
>   WSIFPort p = service.getPort();
>   // override port
>   WSIFPort_ApacheAxis pA = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis)p;
>   pA.setEndPoint(new URL("http://localhost:8081/axis/Expire.jws";));
>   o = p.createOperation(operation);
>   m1 = o.createInputMessage();
>   m2 = o.createOutputMessage();
>   m3 = o.createFaultMessage();
>   boolean ok = o.executeRequestResponseOperation(m1, m2, m3);
> The WSDL referenced defines the Expire service to be at
> http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws. However, the above code sends the
> request to the address in the override call. This only works if the
> provider being used is Apache Axis.
> Regards,
> David Seager
> IBM Hursley
>   "Leo Barcenas"
>   >cc:
>Subject:  Service  Name's
soap:address location
>   30/10/2003 11:33
>   Please respond to

>   wsif-user
> Hello!
> I would like to ask about the WSDL file used in WSIF. In particular,
> the soap:address location of the Service name.
> I'm just quiet puzzled that some of the files I saw is written the one
> below,
>   http://localhost/WSDL/iLON100.WSDL"; />
> Considering the above WSDL syntax, will this be able to correctly execute
> from a remote client? If not, is there a way that you can change
> "localhost"
> into the IP address of the server where the web service is located during
> runtime? I've tried it in VB.NET by using the WebReference's URL property
> and replacing "localhost" to the server's IP address.
> Hoping for your answer.
> Many thanks.
> Leo

Re: Service Name's soap:address location

2003-10-30 Thread David Seager

Hi Leo,

That WSDL shouldn't execute correctly from a remote client, as localhost
will resolve to the machine it's being run on. The best way is to store the
WSDL on a web server on the remote server machine, with the location set
with the remote server's hostname. Then point the client at the WSDL on the
remote server.

However, if you know which provider gets used, there are methods on some to
override the location URL. In the WSIFPort_ApacheAxis class, in the Apache
Axis provider, there is a setEndPoint method which will do the trick. Here
is my code which changes the URL to something else:

  String wsdlLocation = "http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws?wsdl";;
  WSIFServiceFactory factory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
  WSIFService service = factory.getService(wsdlLocation, null, null,
null, null);
  WSIFPort p = service.getPort();

  // override port
  WSIFPort_ApacheAxis pA = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis)p;
  pA.setEndPoint(new URL("http://localhost:8081/axis/Expire.jws";));

  o = p.createOperation(operation);

  m1 = o.createInputMessage();
  m2 = o.createOutputMessage();
  m3 = o.createFaultMessage();

  boolean ok = o.executeRequestResponseOperation(m1, m2, m3);

The WSDL referenced defines the Expire service to be at
http://localhost:8080/axis/Expire.jws. However, the above code sends the
request to the address in the override call. This only works if the
provider being used is Apache Axis.


David Seager
IBM Hursley


  "Leo Barcenas"   


   Subject:  Service  Name's soap:address 
  30/10/2003 11:33 

  Please respond to





I would like to ask about the WSDL file used in WSIF. In particular,
the soap:address location of the Service name.
I'm just quiet puzzled that some of the files I saw is written the one


  http://localhost/WSDL/iLON100.WSDL"; />


Considering the above WSDL syntax, will this be able to correctly execute
from a remote client? If not, is there a way that you can change
into the IP address of the server where the web service is located during
runtime? I've tried it in VB.NET by using the WebReference's URL property
and replacing "localhost" to the server's IP address.

Hoping for your answer.

Many thanks.
