Re: [wsjt-devel] (no subject)

2014-04-12 Thread Bill Somerville
On 12/04/2014 07:33, Claude Frantz wrote:
Hi Claude,
 On 04/11/2014 07:40 PM, Greg Beam wrote:

 Hamlib 3 is not part of my current Linux distribution. I have compiled
 and installed it separately.
There some changes that are newer even than the Hamlib 3 main 
repository, currently they are in my fork of Hamlib. They have been 
submitted upstream to the Hamlib team but at the moment Nate N0NB (the 
Hamlib integrator) is moving QTH so has higher priorities.

You can get the sources from my fork by:

git clone git:// u-bsomervi-hamlib
cd u-bsomervi-hamlib
git checkout integration

The integration branch has my very latest tested changes awaiting 
acceptance upstream.

To build Hamlib on Windows you will need the full MinGW install, the one 
bundled with Qt is only really suitable for building Qt projects and 
doesn't contain the GNU tools needed for an autotools project like Hamlib.

You can build it as per Hamlib 3 with:

mkdir ~/build/hamlib
cd ~/build/hamlib
~/src/u-somervi-hamlib/ --prefix ~/local/hamlib --disable-shared
make  make install

 What is the recommended method to tell Cmake to use this Hamlib 3
 include and dynamic modules ?
If you have pkc-config installed then CMake will correctly identify the 
Hamlib version and link it statically. On Windows you can get a cut down 
binary pkg-config (the full package is difficult to install on Windows) 
from which works 
just fine.

Tell CMake about the Hamlib location by adding it to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, 
for example if you have the Qt5 package installed at .../Qt/5.2.1/ then 
on Windows with the Qt5 MinGW tools set up (mingw48_32):

You will probably find it easier to set up a CMake toolchain file for 
compiler and other tool chain location, I use:

# the name of the target operating system

set (QTDIR C:/Tools/Qt/5.2.1)
set (FFTWDIR C:/Tools/fftw-3.3.3-dll32-2)
set (HAMLIBDIR  C:/test-install/hamlib/mingw32)

# where to find required packages

# here is the target environment located
set (CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  ${QTDIR}/mingw48_32)

# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search
# programs in the host environment


mkdir %HOMEPATH%\build\wsjtx\Release
cd build\wsjtx\Release
cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%HOMEPATH%/MinGW-Qt-ToolChain.cmake ^

Then build with:

cmake --build %HOMEPATH%/build/wsjtx/Release --target install -- -kj

That should leave a fully working WSJT-X in %HOMEPATH%\local\wsjtx\bin .

On Linux things are a bit simpler and a toolchain file isn't required; 
so with commands something like:

cd ~/src
git clone git:// u-bsomervi-hamlib
cd u-bsomervi-hamlib
git checkout integration
mkdir ~/build/hamlib
cd ~/build/hamlib
~/src/u-bsomervi-hamlib/autogen --prefix ~/local/hamlib --disable-shared
make  make install
mkdir -p ~/build/wsjtx/Release
cd ~/build/wsjtx/Release
cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.2.1/gcc_64\;~/local/hamlib \
   -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/local/wsjtx \
   -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
cmake --build ~/build/wsjtx/Release --target install -- -kj

 Thanks a lot !

 Best 88 de Claude
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


 The Makefile.linux build method has not worked since 3942 or 2842 cant
 remember which. You need to build it with CMake and you Hamlib3 also.

 I just built r4011 on Ubuntu 14.04 Beta2. I have it monitoring on 10m
 this afternoon. All seems ok,

 Greg, KI7MT

 On 04/09/2014 11:31 PM, Waldek SPdwaONG wrote:

 I have download latest version WSJT-X r4005 from svn adn I have try
 compile on my UBUNTU 13.04 but I have problem follow:
 when I have try compile:

 cd lib/
 make -f Makefile.linux

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Re: [wsjt-devel] (no subject)

2014-04-12 Thread Greg Beam
Hi Bill,

Ok got it.

I'm using a native install of 14.04 so the VM issue not a problem. I'm
also using /proc/cpuinfo to get the core count so should be ok.

Greg, KI7MT

On 04/12/2014 12:44 PM, Bill Somerville wrote:
 On 12/04/2014 19:36, Greg Beam wrote:
 HI Bill,
 Hi Greg,
 Thanks.  I'm putting everything in /opt for testing and the installer
 makes that easy.

 I forgot to ask about one other thing. I can't find the documentation on
 one of the flags your using:

 -- cmake --build ~/build/wsjtx/Release --target install -- -kj

 the ( -- -kj ) Is that the same as say, make -j5 on quad core box?
 everything after -- is passed to the underlying make tool.

 -k means keep going after errors, I run builds using the emacs compile 
 command and prefer all the errors in the compilation buffer at once.

 -j is use multiple parallel command invocations where possible, the 
 number of parallel processes is determined by make if you don't pass a 
 number. I'm not sure it is related to the available core count, it seems 
 to be unlimited but that's no so bad since compiles are usually i/o 
 bound rather than CPU bound so they tend to wait anyway.

 There is one gotcha I've found with '-j' on virtual machines, it seems 
 to be able to spawn more parallel processes than the vm can handle, so 
 in that case I use '-jn' where n is a couple more that the number of 
 cores assigned to that VM.

 Greg, KI7MT
 On 04/12/2014 12:24 PM, Bill Somerville wrote:
 On 12/04/2014 19:19, Greg Beam wrote:
 Hi Bill,
 Hi Greg,
 Quick Question. Did you install QT5 from the Linux open source installer ?
 I use the open source installer for a vanilla install on all platforms.
 If 5.2.x is in a distribution repository then that is probably the best
 option as it will be picked up without having to specify
 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Having said that I haven't tested that because I
 don't have a machine with 5.2.x available in the relevant repo.
 I used the repo packages, but I think the installer method may be a
 better way to go in the long run.

 Greg, KI7MT

 On 04/12/2014 03:29 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
 On 12/04/2014 07:33, Claude Frantz wrote:
 Hi Claude,
 On 04/11/2014 07:40 PM, Greg Beam wrote:

 Hamlib 3 is not part of my current Linux distribution. I have compiled
 and installed it separately.
 There some changes that are newer even than the Hamlib 3 main
 repository, currently they are in my fork of Hamlib. They have been
 submitted upstream to the Hamlib team but at the moment Nate N0NB (the
 Hamlib integrator) is moving QTH so has higher priorities.

 You can get the sources from my fork by:

 git clone git:// u-bsomervi-hamlib
 cd u-bsomervi-hamlib
 git checkout integration

 The integration branch has my very latest tested changes awaiting
 acceptance upstream.

 To build Hamlib on Windows you will need the full MinGW install, the one
 bundled with Qt is only really suitable for building Qt projects and
 doesn't contain the GNU tools needed for an autotools project like Hamlib.

 You can build it as per Hamlib 3 with:

 mkdir ~/build/hamlib
 cd ~/build/hamlib
 ~/src/u-somervi-hamlib/ --prefix ~/local/hamlib --disable-shared
 make  make install

 What is the recommended method to tell Cmake to use this Hamlib 3
 include and dynamic modules ?
 If you have pkc-config installed then CMake will correctly identify the
 Hamlib version and link it statically. On Windows you can get a cut down
 binary pkg-config (the full package is difficult to install on Windows)
 from which works
 just fine.

 Tell CMake about the Hamlib location by adding it to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH,
 for example if you have the Qt5 package installed at .../Qt/5.2.1/ then
 on Windows with the Qt5 MinGW tools set up (mingw48_32):

 You will probably find it easier to set up a CMake toolchain file for
 compiler and other tool chain location, I use:

 # the name of the target operating system
 set (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows)

 set (QTDIR C:/Tools/Qt/5.2.1)
 set (FFTWDIR C:/Tools/fftw-3.3.3-dll32-2)
 set (HAMLIBDIR  C:/test-install/hamlib/mingw32)

 # where to find required packages

 # here is the target environment located
 set (CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  ${QTDIR}/mingw48_32)

 # adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
 # search headers and libraries in the target environment, search
 # programs in the host environment


 mkdir %HOMEPATH%\build\wsjtx\Release
 cd build\wsjtx\Release
 cmake -D