Re: [wsjt-devel] General communication: Not Happy ....

2016-11-01 Thread Joe Taylor
Hi Steve,

Sorry that you found the canned response accompanying rejection of your 
post to wsjt-devel from an un-subscribed email address to be rude.  As I 
recall, that message simply says that posts are accepted only from 
registered subscribers.

We have found this restriction to be necessary in order to keep out 
spam.  The same restriction applies to  We 
assume that users of WSJT-X who are interested in contributing to the 
program's evolution and improvement will subscribe to one of these lists.

Users as people are important to us, and we do our best to be responsive.

With best wishes,

-- 73, Joe, K1jT

On 10/31/2016 3:02 PM, Stephen Ireland wrote:
> I actually have a complaint – re attitudes.
> I will re-state a section of the “Release Notes” for the very latest
> WSJT-X Build:
> Final Comments
> --
> Remember that you are using a pre-release version of WSJT-X. We will
> be grateful for any and all reports from test users; these will surely
> help us to make further improvements to WSJT-X. The most helpful bug
> reports describe the problem clearly and include a complete recipe to
> reproduce it. Feature requests are also welcome. Send your reports
> to  , or to
> the developers list
> .
> Well folks, I did just that – and I received back what most would
> consider a rather rude “Bounce” from “The Moderator”…. Twice… and for
> being CONSTRUCTIVE and doing as asked (but not from this account).
> Now for the part some will find “unpleasant”… But I think that it is
> necessary for us all as a wake-up call.
> I realise that everyone working here is a volunteer, and is doing
> FANTASTIC TECHNICAL work. But please remember – Amateur Radio is only
> part technical – its main focus is *_PEOPLE in a technical, regulated
> activity_*.
> Being a volunteer is not an excuse for shabby interpersonal skills…. Nor
> is the excuse that you receive hundreds of emails a day…. Especially in
> a PEOPLE-based activity.
> Technicians, generally, are very creative people and are great at
> designing, building and making things … yet most unfortunately are not
> necessarily great with people and inter-personal communication from my
> extensive experience in these fields. We are shocking with
> internet-based communication and email…. This is clearly evident as we
> accept call-sign exchanges and no do promote QSO longevity or numbers in
> groups as ways of winning competitions….
> There is a case study that we all should observe: I think that most are
> aware that Amateur Radio in Australia at the moment is in a state of
> chaos. From my view (and I have said this to their faces) too many great
> Technicians trying to represent and manage people the wrong way –
> putting technical and sectional interests first rather than managing the
> people (and their finances) as the priority. Entrenchment…. This
> attitude may have succeeded pre-internet – but it does not wash with the
> general community these days.
> As another example, how many times have we seen great works from
> amateurs destroyed on their death at their own, egotistical request?
> That is NOT the spirit of growth. That is not the spirit of AR. That is
> not my perception of the spirit of AR.
> I also note that there are undertones to what is happening in Australia
> starting to pop up in other nations. This is because PEOPLE, and dealing
> decently with PEOPLE, has been completely forgotten. Dealing with and
> accepting alternate views – and criticisms - is difficult – but it
> creates vibrancy. Look at the magnificent creative efforts that came out
> of Apple during its most chaotic period? Yet it took a great people
> person, Steve Jobs, to manage this creativity.
> If we want AR to descend COMPLETELY into chaos and fade away into
> oblivion then we continue to treat the PEOPLE within AR the way we have
> been treating people. Keep on sending the sharp, aggressive toned
> responses. But beware - better people-persons will lobby Governments and
> eat-away at our rights as they are easier to deal with and less hassle.
> We cannot let that happen collectively.
> [ Same goes for me in this argument… as I just don’t sit back and let
> things go. I jump and deal with things…. I am far from being a great
> people person ]
> I await the abuse, flame and then attempts at ignoring my calls for
> posting this (  – a regular
> JT9 DX-op on 40m). But that will just prove my point.
> *_Please consider PEOPLE when responding to them, especially when your
> guidelines ask for response. People first – all else next._*
> I ask the moderators to let this through in the name of being
> constructive – and as a wake-up call to all Amateurs.
> 73
> Steve Ireland
> License Assessor: 

Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X v1.7-rc2

2016-11-01 Thread C. Gary Rogers
OK apparently i already had this allocation:

> Last login: Tue Nov  1 03:12:38 on ttys000
> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ sysctl -A | grep shmmax
> kern.sysv.shmmax: 33554432
> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ 

So it must be something else.

> On Oct 31, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Steven Franke  wrote:
> sysctl -A | grep shmmax

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Re: [wsjt-devel] call3.txt

2016-11-01 Thread Joe Taylor
On 11/1/2016 6:54 PM, Relu Jianu wrote:
> Is there a mechanism of updating the call3.txt list?
> Thanks
> 73 Relu NJ9R

Everyone's working habits of band, mode, location, etc., are different. 
  The callsign database is best maintained by you, yourself, using the 
"Add" button on the WSJT or WSJT-X main window.

-- 73, Joe, K1JT

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] call3.txt

2016-11-01 Thread Relu Jianu
Is there a mechanism of updating the call3.txt list?
Thanks73 Relu NJ9R--
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[wsjt-devel] parsed_input error

2016-11-01 Thread Black Michael
I just submitted a pull request for Nate that fixed an apparently long standing 
buffer overflow in rigctl_parse and rotctl_parse.When connecting rigctl to 
rigctld over the network rigctld was aborting with an fscanf arg error.  The 
\dump_state that rigctl sent was overflowing the buffer.This didn't happen on 
the version downloadable from hamlib...but did on the WSJT-X versions.  
Different compilers/libraries may explain why one and not the other.
Here's the patch for Bill if he wants to apply it to his branch.

de Mike W9MDB
Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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Re: [wsjt-devel] README

2016-11-01 Thread Alessandro Gorobey
Hi Mike,

I perfectly understood your message, but in a so complex and continuous 
evolving project where a lot of code and ideas changed in the years.
So some can be missed

There is also a jt9.txt (see r2820 and r2678) that refer to a 
jt9- or wsjtx_changelog.txt that stuck to r3323

Several thousand use the programs with exceptional results.

Il 01/11/2016 16:17, Black Michael ha scritto:
> Noticed the README is a tad out-of-date.
> Should there just be a pointer to go read the introduction.adoc in there
> along with the other project info?
> Otherwise seems like it's just a copy/paste from the introduction to the
> README with a bit of added info.
> de Mike W9MDB


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Re: [wsjt-devel] Mode chars

2016-11-01 Thread Black Michael one who has never read the manual I understand your concern :-)And I 
am one who reads instructions typically.I use manuals as reference and simply 
expect to be able to search for questioned information.So unique string chars 
like that should appear.  I had not idea it was related to VHF.The VHF checkbox 
also explains (I guess) why calls that had my callsign in them weren't showing 
up on the Rx Frequency window.
I'll probably never do the EME stuff...not really of interest to me...I got 
enough projects for the foreseeable future...Should there be some sanity check 
with the VHF box? there any logic that can warn you that you have it 
checked when you more-than-likely don't want it?  Like on non-VHF bands
de Mike W9MDB 

  From: Joe Taylor 
 To: WSJT software development  
 Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 8:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Mode chars
Hi Mike,

On 10/31/2016 11:30 PM, Black Michael wrote:
>>> What's up with "#*" modes?
>> #* ==> JT65 mode, normal sync achieved
>> ## ==> JT65 mode, reverse sync ==> EME 'OOO' signal report.
>> It would appear that you have VHF features enabled ??

> Yup...that would be it...was testing a bug report earlier and forgot to
> turn it off.
> Shouldn't some mentiong of that be in the manual?  Couldn't find "#*"
> anywhere.

Probably yes.  Especially with all the new VHF+ features in WSJT-X, 
there are a considerable number of new things that need to be explained 
for new users.  (Those familiar with the older program WSJT already know 
most of them.)

In the User Guide I've been trying to tread a fine line between 
including "enough" detail but not making the document so long that 
nobody will read it.  The optimum balance may not yet have been achieved.

    -- Joe, K1JT

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
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wsjt-devel mailing list

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Mode chars

2016-11-01 Thread Joe Taylor
Hi Mike,

On 10/31/2016 11:30 PM, Black Michael wrote:
>>> What's up with "#*" modes?
>> #* ==> JT65 mode, normal sync achieved
>> ## ==> JT65 mode, reverse sync ==> EME 'OOO' signal report.
>> It would appear that you have VHF features enabled ??

> Yup...that would be it...was testing a bug report earlier and forgot to
> turn it off.
> Shouldn't some mentiong of that be in the manual?  Couldn't find "#*"
> anywhere.

Probably yes.  Especially with all the new VHF+ features in WSJT-X, 
there are a considerable number of new things that need to be explained 
for new users.  (Those familiar with the older program WSJT already know 
most of them.)

In the User Guide I've been trying to tread a fine line between 
including "enough" detail but not making the document so long that 
nobody will read it.  The optimum balance may not yet have been achieved.

-- Joe, K1JT

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
Training and support from Colfax.
Order your platform today.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X v1.7-rc2

2016-11-01 Thread C. Gary Rogers
Ok thanks will give it a try tonight. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 1, 2016, at 4:30 AM, Ulderico Arcidiaco  
> wrote:
> Gary,
> just remove the leading $ character before the sysctl command. The $ in the 
> command line that you copied is the console prompt, not part of the command.
> But $ is also used to represent variables in Unix, so $sysctl assumes a 
> completely different meaning. Because the $sysctl variable doesn't exist, it 
> is translated into an empty string and skipped. The next thing in line would 
> then be "-A", that would be treated as if it was a command, a non-existent 
> command for that matter, hence the "-A: command not found" error message.
> Ulde IK2TYL
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 1 Nov 2016, at 08:16, C. Gary Rogers  wrote:
>> so i went into terminal and here is the result…I must be doing something 
>> wrong…Not a coder:
>>> Last login: Mon Oct 31 19:52:17 on ttys000
>>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
>>> -bash: -A: command not found
>>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
>>> -bash: -A: command not found
>>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ kern.sysv.shmmax: 33554432
>>> -bash: kern.sysv.shmmax:: command not found
>>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ 
> --
> Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
> Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
> With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
> Training and support from Colfax.
> Order your platform today.
> ___
> wsjt-devel mailing list
Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X v1.7-rc2

2016-11-01 Thread Ulderico Arcidiaco

just remove the leading $ character before the sysctl command. The $ in the 
command line that you copied is the console prompt, not part of the command.

But $ is also used to represent variables in Unix, so $sysctl assumes a 
completely different meaning. Because the $sysctl variable doesn't exist, it is 
translated into an empty string and skipped. The next thing in line would then 
be "-A", that would be treated as if it was a command, a non-existent command 
for that matter, hence the "-A: command not found" error message.


Sent from my iPad

> On 1 Nov 2016, at 08:16, C. Gary Rogers  wrote:
> so i went into terminal and here is the result…I must be doing something 
> wrong…Not a coder:
>> Last login: Mon Oct 31 19:52:17 on ttys000
>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
>> -bash: -A: command not found
>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
>> -bash: -A: command not found
>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ kern.sysv.shmmax: 33554432
>> -bash: kern.sysv.shmmax:: command not found
>> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ 
Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
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wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X v1.7-rc2

2016-11-01 Thread C. Gary Rogers
so i went into terminal and here is the result…I must be doing something 
wrong…Not a coder:

> Last login: Mon Oct 31 19:52:17 on ttys000
> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
> -bash: -A: command not found
> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
> -bash: -A: command not found
> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ kern.sysv.shmmax: 33554432
> -bash: kern.sysv.shmmax:: command not found
> Charless-MacBook-Pro:~ charlesrogers$ 

> On Oct 31, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Steven Franke  wrote:
> Hi Gary and Bill,
> I’ve been building and running without problems on both 10.11 and 10.12. 
> Perhaps it’s worth noting that when I recently build wsjt-x for the first 
> time on a new machine, I had to increase the shared memory allocation in 
> order to get it to run. I think that the default allocation was about 4MB and 
> I increased it to 32MB. I wonder if this could be causing Gary’s problem? 
> Here’s what I have now on the Mac that is connected to my rig:
> $sysctl -A | grep shmmax
> kern.sysv.shmmax: 33554432
> Steve
>> On Oct 31, 2016, at 8:25 AM, John Nelson  wrote:
>> Hi Bill and Gary,
>> I’m running rc2 (local build) without JT9  problems on MacBook with 10.11.6
>> SIGILL:  Illegal Instruction?
>> — John G4KLA
>> --
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> --
> Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
> Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
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Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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