I have seen the top screen with everything turned on, and there is so
little space to ADD anything else to it.  Each spot is used by one mode or
another, but of course, not all at the same time, so it looks like wasted
space.  Agreed, the time box and others could be reduced somewhat to give a
few extra pixels to work with.  But overall, its a city block full of urban
development, either in use or future planning.

So here's a shot in the dark to consider.

For instance, if you are in HOUND mode and the red box is at the bottom
center of the screen, maybe you could just click this box and the HOUND
mode would be immediately turned off.  Similar on the EU mode and others
that might pop up or you forget to disable them in your haste to work the
rare DX on normal mode.  Of course, you would have to drill down in the
menus to reactivate them, but it would not take any more screen real estate
to enable the box to be clicked to quickly return to normal operation for
the mode you are using.

Just a thought.  I'm sure there is probably a "no way" reason for this not
to be considered with the underlying code, but still asking (for a friend -

George - WB5JJJ
wsjt-devel mailing list

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