Hi everybody,

I have recently bought myself a virtual RootServer and searched the web for a 
comfortable way to manage it.
The virtual console window provided by my Webhost provider works, but it's only 
very basic.

My setup:

Debian Wheezy

X2GoClient v. (Qt - 4.8.6) on Windows 7 (German keyboard)
Keyboard settings:
Modell: pc105   Tastaturlayout:de   Variante:de

My problem is that the AltGr-key is not working.
Whatever settings I choose for the keyboard, pressing AltGr++ will result in 
"+" instead of "~". Same goes for "|", "@", etc.
I am pretty sure it's no problem with the server because running a KDE editor 
(Kate) or a XTerminal in the console window my Webhost provider offers works 
fine: pressing AltGr++ and Space gives me the tilde "~" symbol.
So, I assume the X2GoClient software does not send the correct keycode to the 

I have searched the web for hours to find a solution for this problem but to no 
avail. :-(

Thanks for your support.

Best Regards,

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