Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-25 Thread Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user
declared in /etc/resolv.conf may also have an effect.

As per the above, I think issue 1 is a further symptom of the remaining 2 & 3 
issues - so will disappear to the extent that you can prevent the inappropriate 
DNS update attempts. On the plus side, these updates both should fail and do 
fail, which means that, other than the log message, they aren’t a problem.

We’d need someone who knows about how makedns actually works to know exactly 
how we should be doing it!


Dr. Jonathan Diprose>>
 Tel: 01865 287837
Research Computing Manager
Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
Oxford OX3 7BN

From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user []
Sent: 22 September 2019 19:23
To: xCAT Users Mailing list
Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
Subject: Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

Jon, I was an amateur.

You already said the exactly string that I need to make DNS update with the 
grant policy. Sorry for this mess. I was able to understand exactly what’s 
going on in this website:

zonesub: The RR name being updated must match anything containing the zone name 
(as it appears in the zone clause containing this update-policy), including 
subdomains (any labels on the left) of this zone name. The optional tname field 
must be omitted when using this form.


Anyway the issue 1. is still valid and happening.

Solving the issues for 2 and 3, I’ve came through another issue: the external 
DNS name is added to the internal DNS with the domain appended, so I got the 
following registry:


On 22 Sep 2019, at 14:52, Vinícius Ferrão>> wrote:

Hello Jon, I’m having issues with the setup.

First the enhancement things that may be welcoming for you:
# chdef -t site externaldns=1

With this in place you can only use makedns instead of makedns -e. I think it’s 
a good idea to set it up to avoid messing with the local named daemon. In case 
of you forgetting to put -e in makedns command.

Now the bad things.
1. Makedns insists in updating zones that I do not have control. For instance, 
the external domain name and the reverse IP of the external name:

Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating<>. 
with entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating<>. 
with entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating<>. 
with entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating<>. 
with entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
There’s a way to skip this zones? This happens because of my external addresses.

2. For reasons unknown I can’t make the grants for the internal zone:

Sep 22 14:48:04 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: 'CLUSTER.IQ.UFRJ.BR' unexpected
Sep 22 14:48:04 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: zone<> failed to parse policy 
Sep 22 14:48:04 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: zone<> disabling all updates 
because of error in update policy configuration: unexpected token
I’m using this policy in<>;

grant CLUSTER.IQ.UFRJ.BR krb5-self * A; grant CLUSTER.IQ.UFRJ.BR krb5-self * 
; grant CLUSTER.IQ.UFRJ.BR krb5-self * SSHFP; grant xcat_key 

3. The same thing happens for the reverse zone:

Sep 22 14:50:35 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: '' unexpected
Sep 22 14:50:35 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: zone failed 
to parse policy string
Sep 22 14:50:35 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: zone 
disabling all updates because of error in update policy configuration: 
unexpected token
Sep 22 14:50:35 hpclab named-pkcs11[21244]: update_zone (syncrepl) failed for 
master zone DN 
',cn=dns,dc=cluster,dc=iq,dc=ufrj,dc=br'. Zones 
can be outdated, run `rndc reload`: unexpected token

Using the policy in the reverse zone:
grant CLUSTER.IQ.UFRJ.BR krb5-subdoma

Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-24 Thread Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user
Jon, I’ve figured, at least for my case, all the issues:

Issue 1: was solved removing the public IP address and hostname from the 
/etc/hosts file. So when makedns is does not complains anymore about the 
reverse and forward public zones.

Issues 2 and 3: the ridiculous name was 
fixed automatically after solving 1.

So what I think is happening: xCAT does not read from it’s database to run 
makedns. It depends on /etc/hosts… the public network still exists in the lsdef 
-t network command:

[root@hpclab ~]# lsdef -t network
10_0_0_0-255_255_255_0  (network)
146_164_29_0-255_255_255_0  (network)

What do I have now? I think I will try a redeploy with those modified settings 
to see what’s happen. More issues will come, I think when deploying FreeIPA in 
a manner that xCAT makedns’ likes.

That’s it for the server part.

Let me ask another thing: how the clients authenticate? I’m using stateless 
images an this is and issue since I can’t run ipa-client-install on the chroot 

I was thinking in running ipa-client-install unattended everytime a node boots. 
But this isn’t really well documented and tested. Some solution may come with 
force re-enrollment:

But it’s not tested yet…


On 23 Sep 2019, at 09:00, Jon Diprose>> wrote:

Hi Vinícius,

As I said, still some oddities!

Yes, I too failed with what I thought should be the correct explicit zone 
specification but found that zonesub probably did what I was expecting. We need 
a FreeIPA DNS expert to answer that one.

I think some of issue 2 & 3 comes down to having the xCAT networks and nics 
tables set up appropriately. For me, I think I see that nics whose associated 
networks record points to a different nameserver don’t result in an update 
attempt. I get a message of the form:

Ignoring host xxx-lan, it does not belong to any nets defined in networks table 
or the net it belongs to is configured to use an external nameserver.

where xxx is a node that xCAT knows about, with a secondary nic with suffix 
‘-lan’ and  associated with a networks record in turn configured with a 
different nameserver, that nameserver not being the IPA instance in 
/etc/resolv.conf that xCAT is trying to update. I also think this extends to 
any aliases on such nics, which is where I configure the “real” external 

But yes, the non-local /etc/hosts entries that I haven’t told xCAT about end up 
with the internal domain appended to their fq-external-dn hostname. I think 
this is a fail-down from what you saw with your issue 1 forward zone failures - 
xCAT fails with just the external name and then tries again with the internal 
domain appended. In practice, it makes no difference until such time as the A 
record IPA returns has the wrong IP and I’ve dealt with it by manually purging 
such entries from IPA. The behaviour is predictable, so fixing it is 
scriptable, not that I’ve done it.

At some point I’ll tell xCAT about everything I’m interested in and see if that 
helps. It may in fact be that I only see such internal-domain-appended updates 
going to IPA for domains not declared in the networks table. The search domains 
declared in /etc/resolv.conf may also have an effect.

As per the above, I think issue 1 is a further symptom of the remaining 2 & 3 
issues - so will disappear to the extent that you can prevent the inappropriate 
DNS update attempts. On the plus side, these updates both should fail and do 
fail, which means that, other than the log message, they aren’t a problem.

We’d need someone who knows about how makedns actually works to know exactly 
how we should be doing it!


Dr. Jonathan Diprose>>
 Tel: 01865 287837
Research Computing Manager
Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
Oxford OX3 7BN

From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user []
Sent: 22 September 2019 19:23
To: xCAT Users Mailing list
Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
Subject: Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

Jon, I was an amateur.

You already said the exactly string that I need to make DNS update with the 
grant policy. Sorry for this mess. I was able to understand exactly what’s 
going on in this website:

zonesub: The RR name being updated must match anything containing the zone name 
(as it appears in the zone clause containing this update-policy), including 
subdomains (any labels on the left) of this zone name. The optional tname field 
must be omitted when using this form.


Anyway the issue 1. is still valid and happening.

Solving the issues for 2 and 3, I’ve came through another issue: the external 
DNS name is added to the internal DNS with

Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-23 Thread Jon Diprose
Hi Vinícius,

As I said, still some oddities!

Yes, I too failed with what I thought should be the correct explicit zone 
specification but found that zonesub probably did what I was expecting. We need 
a FreeIPA DNS expert to answer that one.

I think some of issue 2 & 3 comes down to having the xCAT networks and nics 
tables set up appropriately. For me, I think I see that nics whose associated 
networks record points to a different nameserver don’t result in an update 
attempt. I get a message of the form:

Ignoring host xxx-lan, it does not belong to any nets defined in networks table 
or the net it belongs to is configured to use an external nameserver.

where xxx is a node that xCAT knows about, with a secondary nic with suffix 
‘-lan’ and  associated with a networks record in turn configured with a 
different nameserver, that nameserver not being the IPA instance in 
/etc/resolv.conf that xCAT is trying to update. I also think this extends to 
any aliases on such nics, which is where I configure the “real” external 

But yes, the non-local /etc/hosts entries that I haven’t told xCAT about end up 
with the internal domain appended to their fq-external-dn hostname. I think 
this is a fail-down from what you saw with your issue 1 forward zone failures - 
xCAT fails with just the external name and then tries again with the internal 
domain appended. In practice, it makes no difference until such time as the A 
record IPA returns has the wrong IP and I’ve dealt with it by manually purging 
such entries from IPA. The behaviour is predictable, so fixing it is 
scriptable, not that I’ve done it.

At some point I’ll tell xCAT about everything I’m interested in and see if that 
helps. It may in fact be that I only see such internal-domain-appended updates 
going to IPA for domains not declared in the networks table. The search domains 
declared in /etc/resolv.conf may also have an effect.

As per the above, I think issue 1 is a further symptom of the remaining 2 & 3 
issues - so will disappear to the extent that you can prevent the inappropriate 
DNS update attempts. On the plus side, these updates both should fail and do 
fail, which means that, other than the log message, they aren’t a problem.

We’d need someone who knows about how makedns actually works to know exactly 
how we should be doing it!


Dr. Jonathan Diprose>>
 Tel: 01865 287837
Research Computing Manager
Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
Oxford OX3 7BN

From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user []
Sent: 22 September 2019 19:23
To: xCAT Users Mailing list
Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
Subject: Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

Jon, I was an amateur.

You already said the exactly string that I need to make DNS update with the 
grant policy. Sorry for this mess. I was able to understand exactly what’s 
going on in this website:

zonesub: The RR name being updated must match anything containing the zone name 
(as it appears in the zone clause containing this update-policy), including 
subdomains (any labels on the left) of this zone name. The optional tname field 
must be omitted when using this form.


Anyway the issue 1. is still valid and happening.

Solving the issues for 2 and 3, I’ve came through another issue: the external 
DNS name is added to the internal DNS with the domain appended, so I got the 
following registry:


On 22 Sep 2019, at 14:52, Vinícius Ferrão>> wrote:

Hello Jon, I’m having issues with the setup.

First the enhancement things that may be welcoming for you:
# chdef -t site externaldns=1

With this in place you can only use makedns instead of makedns -e. I think it’s 
a good idea to set it up to avoid messing with the local named daemon. In case 
of you forgetting to put -e in makedns command.

Now the bad things.
1. Makedns insists in updating zones that I do not have control. For instance, 
the external domain name and the reverse IP of the external name:

Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating 29.164.146.IN-ADDR.ARPA. with 
entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating<>. 
with entry '', error was REFUSED. See more details in system log.
Error: [hpclab]: Failure encountered updating<>. 
with entry

Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-22 Thread Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user
ctly this at the moment. My experience so far is that:
>> - xCAT’s ‘makedns -e’ uses TSIG to update at least the first dns server in 
>> the master’s /etc/resolv.conf
>> - xCAT’s TSIG key appears to be hmac-md5
>> + I’d like to know if I could go to hmac-sha512 instead but I think that may 
>> be hardcoded as the hashing function declaration isn’t in the omapi entry of 
>> the password table, just the secret
>> - 
>> <>
>>  basically applies
>> - add the xcat_key stanza to the /etc/named.conf files and ‘rndc reload’ on 
>> all FreeIPA replicas
>> - for the relevant FreeIPA forward zones the update-policy ‘grant xcat_key 
>> zonesub A CNAME;’ is required in addition to whatever is already there
>> + if you are doing that at the command line, ‘ipa dnszone-show 
>> --all’ shows the existing policy
>> + note that ‘ipa dnszone-mod --update-policy …’ replaces and does 
>> not append
>> - for the relevant FreeIPA reverse zones the update-policy ‘grant xcat_key 
>> zonesub PTR;’ is required in addition to whatever is already there
>> - those may not be the most appropriate policy wordings but they work for me
>> - ‘ipa dnszone-mod --dynamic-update true’ is required for both 
>> forward and reverse zones
>> - the ‘@’ records and Authoritative Server settings that FreeIPA creates by 
>> default may need adjusting if those defaults are not reachable by your xCAT 
>> master
>> - you can test the talking-to-FreeIPA bit without any of the xCAT stuff 
>> using the ‘nsupdate’ command
>> - I haven’t yet attempted to enrol my xCAT master as an IPA client so I’ve 
>> no idea if kinit’ing with appropriate privilege would make the TSIG key work 
>> unnecessary - I don’t know if xCAT can speak GSS-TSIG
>> ‘makedns -e’ now almost works for me - it updates the all IPA dns records 
>> that I am expecting from my xCAT config and a few more I wasn’t expecting 
>> from having manually added stuff to my /etc/hosts, all without touching the 
>> existing local config. It is still returning an exit code of 1 so there’s 
>> still something to track down, but I think that is now down to 
>> inconsistencies and oddities in my xCAT config and /etc/hosts file, 
>> complicated by my particular setup not being authoritative for some domains 
>> I use.
>> I also ship fully-populated /etc/hosts files to all our xCAT-managed nodes, 
>> so I’m hoping for a seamless changeover when redirecting the nodes to the 
>> FreeIPA DNS instances instead of the one on the xCAT master.
>> I hope that helps and I’d appreciate hearing about anything you learn along 
>> the way!
>> Jon
>> --
>> Dr. Jonathan Diprose>>
>>  Tel: 01865 287837
>> Research Computing Manager
>> Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
>> Oxford OX3 7BN
>> From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user [ 
>> <>] 
>> Sent: 11 September 2019 15:32
>> To: xCAT Users Mailing list
>> Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
>> Subject: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT
>> Hello,
>> I’ve came across this documentation page:
>> <>
>> And it says specifically that I can use an external DNS server.
>> So the point is, with this option xCAT does not even use the shipped BIND?
>> Can it coexist with another BIND daemon on the same machine?
>> I’m interested in installing FreeIPA and enabling DNS integrated Zones, so 
>> FreeIPA handles the DNS service.
>> Thanks,
>> ___
>> xCAT-user mailing list
>> <>
>> <>

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
xCAT-user mailing list

Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-22 Thread Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user
 defaults are not reachable by your xCAT 
> master
> - you can test the talking-to-FreeIPA bit without any of the xCAT stuff using 
> the ‘nsupdate’ command
> - I haven’t yet attempted to enrol my xCAT master as an IPA client so I’ve no 
> idea if kinit’ing with appropriate privilege would make the TSIG key work 
> unnecessary - I don’t know if xCAT can speak GSS-TSIG
> ‘makedns -e’ now almost works for me - it updates the all IPA dns records 
> that I am expecting from my xCAT config and a few more I wasn’t expecting 
> from having manually added stuff to my /etc/hosts, all without touching the 
> existing local config. It is still returning an exit code of 1 so there’s 
> still something to track down, but I think that is now down to 
> inconsistencies and oddities in my xCAT config and /etc/hosts file, 
> complicated by my particular setup not being authoritative for some domains I 
> use.
> I also ship fully-populated /etc/hosts files to all our xCAT-managed nodes, 
> so I’m hoping for a seamless changeover when redirecting the nodes to the 
> FreeIPA DNS instances instead of the one on the xCAT master.
> I hope that helps and I’d appreciate hearing about anything you learn along 
> the way!
> Jon
> --
> Dr. Jonathan Diprose>> 
> Tel: 01865 287837
> Research Computing Manager
> Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
> Oxford OX3 7BN
> From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user [] 
> Sent: 11 September 2019 15:32
> To: xCAT Users Mailing list
> Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
> Subject: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT
> Hello,
> I’ve came across this documentation page:
> <>
> And it says specifically that I can use an external DNS server.
> So the point is, with this option xCAT does not even use the shipped BIND?
> Can it coexist with another BIND daemon on the same machine?
> I’m interested in installing FreeIPA and enabling DNS integrated Zones, so 
> FreeIPA handles the DNS service.
> Thanks,
> ___
> xCAT-user mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
xCAT-user mailing list

Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-15 Thread Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user
Jon, thank you so much.

I will take sometime to test this changes with your comments. I will report 
back to the list.

Really, this message was awesome.

Thank you one more time.

> On 12 Sep 2019, at 06:11, Jon Diprose  wrote:
> Hi Vinícius,
> I am looking at exactly this at the moment. My experience so far is that:
> - xCAT’s ‘makedns -e’ uses TSIG to update at least the first dns server in 
> the master’s /etc/resolv.conf
> - xCAT’s TSIG key appears to be hmac-md5
> + I’d like to know if I could go to hmac-sha512 instead but I think that may 
> be hardcoded as the hashing function declaration isn’t in the omapi entry of 
> the password table, just the secret
> - 
> <> 
> basically applies
> - add the xcat_key stanza to the /etc/named.conf files and ‘rndc reload’ on 
> all FreeIPA replicas
> - for the relevant FreeIPA forward zones the update-policy ‘grant xcat_key 
> zonesub A CNAME;’ is required in addition to whatever is already there
> + if you are doing that at the command line, ‘ipa dnszone-show 
> --all’ shows the existing policy
> + note that ‘ipa dnszone-mod --update-policy …’ replaces and does 
> not append
> - for the relevant FreeIPA reverse zones the update-policy ‘grant xcat_key 
> zonesub PTR;’ is required in addition to whatever is already there
> - those may not be the most appropriate policy wordings but they work for me
> - ‘ipa dnszone-mod --dynamic-update true’ is required for both 
> forward and reverse zones
> - the ‘@’ records and Authoritative Server settings that FreeIPA creates by 
> default may need adjusting if those defaults are not reachable by your xCAT 
> master
> - you can test the talking-to-FreeIPA bit without any of the xCAT stuff using 
> the ‘nsupdate’ command
> - I haven’t yet attempted to enrol my xCAT master as an IPA client so I’ve no 
> idea if kinit’ing with appropriate privilege would make the TSIG key work 
> unnecessary - I don’t know if xCAT can speak GSS-TSIG
> ‘makedns -e’ now almost works for me - it updates the all IPA dns records 
> that I am expecting from my xCAT config and a few more I wasn’t expecting 
> from having manually added stuff to my /etc/hosts, all without touching the 
> existing local config. It is still returning an exit code of 1 so there’s 
> still something to track down, but I think that is now down to 
> inconsistencies and oddities in my xCAT config and /etc/hosts file, 
> complicated by my particular setup not being authoritative for some domains I 
> use.
> I also ship fully-populated /etc/hosts files to all our xCAT-managed nodes, 
> so I’m hoping for a seamless changeover when redirecting the nodes to the 
> FreeIPA DNS instances instead of the one on the xCAT master.
> I hope that helps and I’d appreciate hearing about anything you learn along 
> the way!
> Jon
> --
> Dr. Jonathan Diprose>> 
> Tel: 01865 287837
> Research Computing Manager
> Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
> Oxford OX3 7BN
> From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user [] 
> Sent: 11 September 2019 15:32
> To: xCAT Users Mailing list
> Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
> Subject: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT
> Hello,
> I’ve came across this documentation page:
> <>
> And it says specifically that I can use an external DNS server.
> So the point is, with this option xCAT does not even use the shipped BIND?
> Can it coexist with another BIND daemon on the same machine?
> I’m interested in installing FreeIPA and enabling DNS integrated Zones, so 
> FreeIPA handles the DNS service.
> Thanks,
> ___
> xCAT-user mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
xCAT-user mailing list

Re: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT

2019-09-12 Thread Jon Diprose
Hi Vinícius,

I am looking at exactly this at the moment. My experience so far is that:

- xCAT’s ‘makedns -e’ uses TSIG to update at least the first dns server in the 
master’s /etc/resolv.conf
- xCAT’s TSIG key appears to be hmac-md5
+ I’d like to know if I could go to hmac-sha512 instead but I think that may be 
hardcoded as the hashing function declaration isn’t in the omapi entry of the 
password table, just the secret
basically applies
- add the xcat_key stanza to the /etc/named.conf files and ‘rndc reload’ on all 
FreeIPA replicas
- for the relevant FreeIPA forward zones the update-policy ‘grant xcat_key 
zonesub A CNAME;’ is required in addition to whatever is already there
+ if you are doing that at the command line, ‘ipa dnszone-show 
--all’ shows the existing policy
+ note that ‘ipa dnszone-mod --update-policy …’ replaces and does 
not append
- for the relevant FreeIPA reverse zones the update-policy ‘grant xcat_key 
zonesub PTR;’ is required in addition to whatever is already there
- those may not be the most appropriate policy wordings but they work for me
- ‘ipa dnszone-mod --dynamic-update true’ is required for both 
forward and reverse zones
- the ‘@’ records and Authoritative Server settings that FreeIPA creates by 
default may need adjusting if those defaults are not reachable by your xCAT 
- you can test the talking-to-FreeIPA bit without any of the xCAT stuff using 
the ‘nsupdate’ command
- I haven’t yet attempted to enrol my xCAT master as an IPA client so I’ve no 
idea if kinit’ing with appropriate privilege would make the TSIG key work 
unnecessary - I don’t know if xCAT can speak GSS-TSIG

‘makedns -e’ now almost works for me - it updates the all IPA dns records that 
I am expecting from my xCAT config and a few more I wasn’t expecting from 
having manually added stuff to my /etc/hosts, all without touching the existing 
local config. It is still returning an exit code of 1 so there’s still 
something to track down, but I think that is now down to inconsistencies and 
oddities in my xCAT config and /etc/hosts file, complicated by my particular 
setup not being authoritative for some domains I use.

I also ship fully-populated /etc/hosts files to all our xCAT-managed nodes, so 
I’m hoping for a seamless changeover when redirecting the nodes to the FreeIPA 
DNS instances instead of the one on the xCAT master.

I hope that helps and I’d appreciate hearing about anything you learn along the 


Dr. Jonathan Diprose>>
 Tel: 01865 287837
Research Computing Manager
Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine Roosevelt Drive, Headington, 
Oxford OX3 7BN

From: Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user []
Sent: 11 September 2019 15:32
To: xCAT Users Mailing list
Cc: Vinícius Ferrão
Subject: [xcat-user] Removing BIND from xCAT


I’ve came across this documentation page:

And it says specifically that I can use an external DNS server.

So the point is, with this option xCAT does not even use the shipped BIND?

Can it coexist with another BIND daemon on the same machine?

I’m interested in installing FreeIPA and enabling DNS integrated Zones, so 
FreeIPA handles the DNS service.


xCAT-user mailing list