Akio Takebe wrote:
> Hi, Eddie
> Thank you.
>> I am not a git expert either :( But would you please check if the
>> http_proxy is set correctly? Xiantao'tree support git port I think.
> Yes, I did "export http_proxy=http://xxx.yyy.zzz:XXXX";, then
> git clone, but I cannot download it.
> I could get index.html with "wget
> http://people.valinux.co.jp/~yamahata/xen-ia64/linux-2.6-xen-ia64.git";

Hi, Akio
    We also meet the same issue days ago. Maybe you can use the mirror I
set up in repo.or.cz.  It works well, if you are behind the http_proxy .
 It is easy to use, clone http://repo.or.cz/w/pv_ops_mirror.git, and
checkout the related branches :)

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