Xen/IA64 Healthiness Report

Nightly testing still meet several issues. I reported a bug about "xm list" 
after try to create 4 XenU guest at the same time. 

Testing Environment:
Platform: Tiger4
Processor: Itanium 2 Processor
Logic Processors number: 8 (2 processors with Due Core)
PAL version: 8.15
Service OS: RHEL4u3 IA64
VTI Guest OS: RHEL4u2 & RHEL4u3
XenU Guest OS: RHEL4u2
Xen IA64 Unstable tree: 11265:3e54734e55f3
Xen Schedule: credit
VTI Guest Firmware MD5: b6277539d86d785d8859ea2f99cf6013

Summary Test Report:
  Total cases: 15
  Passed:    10
  Failed:     5

Detailed test cases info:
One_VTI_without_vif                __fail__(Note1)
One_VTI                           pass
One_XenU                         pass
Two_VTI_Coexist                   __fail__
One_VTI_and_One_XenU           pass
Two_XenU_Coexist                 pass
One_VTI_4096M                   pass
VTI_Network                       __fail__(Note2)
XenU_Network                     pass
One_SMP_XenU                   pass
One_SMP_VTI                     __fail__ (Note1)
UP_VTI_LTP                       pass
VTI_Kernel_Build                   pass
Four_VTI_Coexist                  __fail__ (Note3)
VTI_Windows                      pass

1. "kenel panic":nightly test met the kernel panic in 2 cases ( SMP_VTI and 
2. Network failed in this Cset, in case VTI_network creating passed but ping 
3. Multi_VTI_Coexist failed to be created, both in 2_VTI and 4_VTI. But 2_VTI 
coexist testing can pass manual testing. 4 VTI domains coexisting testing 
can pass, if using SMP xen0.

The last stable changeset:

Best Regards,
Yongkang (Kangkang) 永康

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