[XeTeX] shrinkability and stretchability of interword space with default monotype font

2016-01-24 Thread jfbu

some years ago I noticed that the interword space with the 
default monotype font had some stretchability and shrinkability,
which results in problems in verbatim environments when
the line is long enough to go into the right margin.

I raised an issue there


which was not very well formulated, and besides I probably
posted at the wrong place, as this isn't a fontspec issue, 
as stressed again by recent comment by David there:


Should I raise an issue on http://sourceforge.net/p/xetex/bugs/ ?

please CC to my address as I don't currently subscribe to the list,



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Re: [XeTeX] shrinkability and stretchability of interword space with default monotype font

2016-01-24 Thread jfbu

Le 24/01/2016 16:49, Philip Taylor a écrit :

What is "the default monotype font", please ?

the one selected by \ttfamily under LaTeX or by \tt
under Plain TeX in absence of any specific font loading


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Re: [XeTeX] shrinkability and stretchability of interword space with default monotype font

2016-01-24 Thread jfbu

Le 24/01/2016 16:49, Philip Taylor a écrit :

What is "the default monotype font", please ?

sorry about my earlier reply, I am busy with other things

this formulation dates back to my report on fontspec issue tracker

hence "default monotype font" is what got selected by \ttfamily in this MWE:





Without fontspec cmtt10 is selected and no problem,
with fontspec Latin Modern Mono, and there is problem.

As Herbert (and Will on the fontspec github site)
noticed, with fontspec+\setmonofont no problem.

Again, please disregard my earlier message,


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Re: [XeTeX] shrinkability and stretchability of interword space with default monotype font

2016-01-24 Thread jfbu

Le 24 janv. 2016 à 16:49, Philip Taylor  a écrit :

> What is "the default monotype font", please ?


sorry about the confusion.

I understand now, I made the error four years ago in the title
of my fontspec report. I was meaning to say "monospace". 

And currently I don't know why "monotype" or "teletype" come
to my mind in this context.

Then today I only copied without thinking my earlier formulation,
hence perpetuating the error.

PS to Herbert: please CC to me if you reply as I don't subscribe to the list.

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[XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-24 Thread jfbu

test file

% Tested with TeXLive 2016, up-to-date.

% xetex

% result otherwise with luatex:
% (I don't know how to load font with luatex without luaotfload.sty)
%\input luaotfload.sty



xetex: 5.25pt 2.625pt 1.75pt

Requested font "[lmmono10-regular.otf]" scaled 1000
 -> /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmmono10-regula
 [1] )

luatex:5.25pt 0.0pt 0.0pt

% Local variables:
% TeX-engine: xetex
% End:

The stretch and shrink causes issues in code listings.

This impacts LaTeX now that Unicode engines
use the Latin Modern fonts in opentype format by
default with it.

LaTeX test file:





% Local variables:
% TeX-engine: xetex
% End:

xelatex: 5.25pt2.625pt1.75pt  "[lmmono10-regular]:"
lualatex:5.25pt0.0pt0.0pt [lmmono10-regular]:


PS: as I don't currently subscribe to the list, could you please
CC my address if replying thanks.


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Re: [XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-25 Thread jfbu

Le 25 janv. 2017 à 10:50, Ulrike Fischer  a écrit :

> There was once a long discussion about this xetex problem around
> here http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2011-February/020072.html


[somewhat peripheral question]

in http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2011-February/020099.html
(and also in one earlier post) in the thread pointed out by Ulrike,
Matthew Skala commented on a WordSpace issue with fontspec.

Has this issue been fixed since in fontspec ?


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Re: [XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-25 Thread jfbu

Le 25 janv. 2017 à 11:13, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :

> It seems equally clear to me that the fault cannot lie in the fontspec 
> package,
> since it can be demonstrated with a pure XeTeX example as Jean-François
> has shewn ...  Whether the fault lies in the XeTeX engine or in the font is 
> moot,
> I believe.
> It might be set in the font and XeTeX just reads it. I do not know how to 
> look inside the font but I heard somewhere, that such mono fonts do exist. 

I know about lmvtt, for T1 encoding which is a "variable" variant of lmodern 
mono font
for traditional TeX engine, but this has to be requested by specific option,

also Michael Sharpe's newtxtt has such an option (and I use such a "variable 
mono font extensively in a package doc)

Perhaps Latin Modern Mono has it in the font, and luaotfload intercepts this so 
one does not see the phenomenon in the plain LuaTeX example,

Anyway, this will now break all XeLaTeX documents with verbatim parts, and 
default fonts, since the LaTeX 2017/01/01 recently uploaded to CTAN.

Arguably most XeLaTeX users will have set-up their own choice of fonts in
the document, thus the impact may not be that big "in the wild".



Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-28 Thread jfbu
> Three related issues were filed in the fontspec bug tracker, one of which
> has been closed:
>   https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/issues/97
>   https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/issues/98
>   https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/issues/99


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Re: [XeTeX] misaligned math if \smash used in subscripts

2017-02-14 Thread jfbu

just to point out that there is interesting effect if the
very first \smash. is simply replaced by an x

\hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{x} % or also _{\hbox{x}}
\hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{\smash.}
\hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{\smash.}


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Re: [XeTeX] misaligned math if \smash used in subscripts

2017-02-14 Thread jfbu
Le 14/02/2017 à 15:42, Herbert Schulz a écrit :
>> On Feb 14, 2017, at 2:36 AM, jfbu  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> just to point out that there is interesting effect if the
>> very first \smash. is simply replaced by an x
>> \hrule
>> $$
>> \hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{x} % or also _{\hbox{x}}
>> \hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{\smash.}
>> \hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{\smash.}
>> $$
>> \hrule
>> Jean-François
> Howdy,
> I only see a single sub-scripted x from the first line. This is with a fully 
> updated TeX Live 2016 originally installed by the MacTeX package.

Hi Herb

I should have reproduced David's lines selecting an OpenType font

\font\m= "[latinmodern-math.otf]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT;" at 10pt
\font\sm= "[latinmodern-math.otf]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT;" at 7pt
\font\ssm= "[latinmodern-math.otf]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT;" at 5pt


\Umathcode`.= 0 0 `.

The code snippet

>> \hrule
>> $$
>> \hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{x} % or also _{\hbox{x}}
>> \hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{\smash.}
>> \hbox{$\left)\vbox to15pt{}\right.$}_{\smash.}
>> $$
>> \hrule

in my post was supposedly following those lines

The effect is that the presence of the x changes the size of the second
parenthesis, Also tested on TL2016.



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[XeTeX] problem with discretionary

2017-03-12 Thread jfbu

the problem is already fixed at XeTeX 0.6 but it shows
with 0.2 (TL2015), I tried to browse the commit history
at sourceforge to check which commit fixed that,
but I am not familiar enough with the repository, and besides
it could have been fixed as a collateral and perhaps a test
file needs to be added. So here we go:

% succeeds with:
% This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.6 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded
% format=xetex 2017.2.16)

% fails with:
% This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.2 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded
% format=xetex)
% ! Improper discretionary list.
%  }
% ;->\discretionary {\char `\;}
%  {}{\char `\;}
% l.12 a;

\catcode`@ 11
\XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
% Local variables:
% TeX-engine: xetex
% End:

as you see from the notation this originated in use of polyglossia+french

the problem depends on the contents of the {\nobreak\thinspace} data,
with other data it does not show.

don't be alarmed by my strange \discretionary, it is here for
demonstration, original differs a bit.

So my query is which version of XeTeX fixed that issue ? (was it fixed
at initial TL2016 ? I only have a mature TL2016)



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Re: [XeTeX] are the intercharclasses mentioned in interchar.pdf correct?

2017-03-27 Thread jfbu

Le 27 mars 2017 à 18:36, David Carlisle  a écrit :

> For newer xetex the package needs to be updated for the larger range,
> the test used in teh latex format
> is
> \ifdim\the\XeTeXversion\XeTeXrevision\p@>0.3\p@
>  \chardef\e@alloc@intercharclass@top=4095
> \else
>  \chardef\e@alloc@intercharclass@top=255
> \fi

hi David,

I don't know the details here but


it looks a bit of luck that it jumps at 0.4.

Just in case people need to distinguish 0.8 from 0.9
or 0.5 from 0.6 if that is actually relevant
to XeTeX and want to copy this method ;-)


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Re: [XeTeX] problem with discretionary

2017-12-03 Thread jfbu

I need some help to identify which XeTeX release fixed 
that problem, the mwe is

\catcode`@ 11
\XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%

In  real life it appeared in a Polyglossia+French context
with the semi-colon make active to insert a \discretionary
similar to the above. There is no issue in lualatex.

It is currently seen at Python upstream (CPython) when
they try to build French docs (via Sphinx)


and it would be nice to pinpoint which XeTeX release
precisely is ok. I know 0.2 is bad and 0.6 is good,
but can't easily bisect.



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Re: [XeTeX] problem with discretionary

2017-12-03 Thread jfbu
Thanks Zdeněk!

Should I thus conclude from this that polyglossia + French is currently broken ?
indeed the file gloss-french.ldf uses hardcoded 255 at various locations.

I am a bit lost though because my test mwe

\catcode`@ 11
\XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%

compiles fine with current XeTeX, but not with TL2015 XeTeX.

(the @ thing is only to stay close to control sequence names from 

To clarify, the \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}} is analogous to
the kind of things Sphinx does in verbatim listings to allow linebreaks,
but isn't the exact thing.

Anyway, it does not originate from polyglossia nor
gloss-french.ldf but is a Sphinx add-on inside code listings.

If the problem can be solved by a patch at macro level, that would
be best, because it would allow the CPython internationalization
team to build their PDF docs without worrying about which XeTeX
they use, I notice some of their team uses Debian 2013.



Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:01, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :

> Hi,
> please, notice that the number of character classes was increased from 256 to 
> 4096, so 255 no longer works as a boundary but 4095 must be used. I use the 
> following code that I took from some other package:
> \edef\CSat{\the\catcode`\@} % in order to work in plain XeTeX
> \catcode`\@=11
> \ifdefined\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>   \chardef\CSboundary=\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
> \else
>   \ifdefined\XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping
> \chardef\CSboundary=4095 %
> \def\newXeTeXintercharclass{%
>   \e@alloc\XeTeXcharclass\chardef
>   \xe@alloc@intercharclass\m@ne\@ucharclass@boundary}
>   \else
> \chardef\CSboundary=255
>   \fi
> \fi
> \catcode`\@=\CSat
> Afterwards I use \CSboundary instead of a fixed number. It thus works both 
> with the old and new XeTeX.
> Zdeněk Wagner
> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
> 2017-12-03 10:19 GMT+01:00 jfbu :
> Hi,
> I need some help to identify which XeTeX release fixed
> that problem, the mwe is
> \catcode`@ 11
> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french@punctthin
> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
>  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
> \catcode`;\active
> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
> a;b
> \bye
> In  real life it appeared in a Polyglossia+French context
> with the semi-colon make active to insert a \discretionary
> similar to the above. There is no issue in lualatex.
> It is currently seen at Python upstream (CPython) when
> they try to build French docs (via Sphinx)
> https://bugs.python.org/issue31589
> and it would be nice to pinpoint which XeTeX release
> precisely is ok. I know 0.2 is bad and 0.6 is good,
> but can't easily bisect.
> Best,
> Jean-François
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
>   http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] problem with discretionary

2017-12-03 Thread jfbu

Only to point out frenchb.ldf (babel-french) does indeed

  \ifdim\the\XeTeXversion\XeTeXrevision pt<0.4pt
\FB@nonchar=255 \relax
\FB@nonchar=4095 \relax

whereas I see no similar thing in gloss-french.ldf

There seems to be two problems now, whereas
I only had one initially

- my mwe does not compile with xetex 0.2

- possibly, polyglossia-french has an issue with
xetex 0.4 and later


Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:58, jfbu  a écrit :

> Thanks Zdeněk!
> Should I thus conclude from this that polyglossia + French is currently 
> broken ?
> indeed the file gloss-french.ldf uses hardcoded 255 at various locations.
> I am a bit lost though because my test mwe
> \catcode`@ 11
> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french@punctthin 
> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
>  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
> \catcode`;\active
> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
> a;b
> \bye
> compiles fine with current XeTeX, but not with TL2015 XeTeX.
> (the @ thing is only to stay close to control sequence names from 
> gloss-french.ldf)
> To clarify, the \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}} is analogous to
> the kind of things Sphinx does in verbatim listings to allow linebreaks,
> but isn't the exact thing.
> Anyway, it does not originate from polyglossia nor
> gloss-french.ldf but is a Sphinx add-on inside code listings.
> If the problem can be solved by a patch at macro level, that would
> be best, because it would allow the CPython internationalization
> team to build their PDF docs without worrying about which XeTeX
> they use, I notice some of their team uses Debian 2013.
> Best
> Jean-François
> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:01, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> please, notice that the number of character classes was increased from 256 
>> to 4096, so 255 no longer works as a boundary but 4095 must be used. I use 
>> the following code that I took from some other package:
>> \edef\CSat{\the\catcode`\@} % in order to work in plain XeTeX
>> \catcode`\@=11
>> \ifdefined\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>>   \chardef\CSboundary=\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>> \else
>>   \ifdefined\XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping
>> \chardef\CSboundary=4095 %
>> \def\newXeTeXintercharclass{%
>>   \e@alloc\XeTeXcharclass\chardef
>>   \xe@alloc@intercharclass\m@ne\@ucharclass@boundary}
>>   \else
>> \chardef\CSboundary=255
>>   \fi
>> \fi
>> \catcode`\@=\CSat
>> Afterwards I use \CSboundary instead of a fixed number. It thus works both 
>> with the old and new XeTeX.
>> Zdeněk Wagner
>> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
>> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
>> 2017-12-03 10:19 GMT+01:00 jfbu :
>> Hi,
>> I need some help to identify which XeTeX release fixed
>> that problem, the mwe is
>> \catcode`@ 11
>> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
>> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french@punctthin
>> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
>>  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
>> \catcode`;\active
>> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
>> a;b
>> \bye
>> In  real life it appeared in a Polyglossia+French context
>> with the semi-colon make active to insert a \discretionary
>> similar to the above. There is no issue in lualatex.
>> It is currently seen at Python upstream (CPython) when
>> they try to build French docs (via Sphinx)
>> https://bugs.python.org/issue31589
>> and it would be nice to pinpoint which XeTeX release
>> precisely is ok. I know 0.2 is bad and 0.6 is good,
>> but can't easily bisect.
>> Best,
>> Jean-François
>> --
>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
>>   http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] problem with discretionary

2017-12-03 Thread jfbu


regarding the character class issue 

(which isn't directly the one
I had reported at http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2017-March/027056.html
and again at top of this re-newed thread)

github user eg9 already did a report upstream


as far as I can tell, the issue remains unresolved.



Le 3 déc. 2017 à 12:21, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :

> I do not know the exact revision of the change. The code which I sent tests 
> the features, not the revision number.
> Zdeněk Wagner
> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
> 2017-12-03 12:18 GMT+01:00 jfbu :
> Only to point out frenchb.ldf (babel-french) does indeed
>   \ifdim\the\XeTeXversion\XeTeXrevision pt<0.4pt
> \FB@nonchar=255 \relax
>   \else
> \FB@nonchar=4095 \relax
>   \fi
> whereas I see no similar thing in gloss-french.ldf
> There seems to be two problems now, whereas
> I only had one initially
> - my mwe does not compile with xetex 0.2
> - possibly, polyglossia-french has an issue with
> xetex 0.4 and later
> Jean-François
> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:58, jfbu  a écrit :
>> Thanks Zdeněk!
>> Should I thus conclude from this that polyglossia + French is currently 
>> broken ?
>> indeed the file gloss-french.ldf uses hardcoded 255 at various locations.
>> I am a bit lost though because my test mwe
>> \catcode`@ 11
>> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
>> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french@punctthin 
>> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
>>  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
>> \catcode`;\active
>> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
>> a;b
>> \bye
>> compiles fine with current XeTeX, but not with TL2015 XeTeX.
>> (the @ thing is only to stay close to control sequence names from 
>> gloss-french.ldf)
>> To clarify, the \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}} is analogous to
>> the kind of things Sphinx does in verbatim listings to allow linebreaks,
>> but isn't the exact thing.
>> Anyway, it does not originate from polyglossia nor
>> gloss-french.ldf but is a Sphinx add-on inside code listings.
>> If the problem can be solved by a patch at macro level, that would
>> be best, because it would allow the CPython internationalization
>> team to build their PDF docs without worrying about which XeTeX
>> they use, I notice some of their team uses Debian 2013.
>> Best
>> Jean-François
>> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:01, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> please, notice that the number of character classes was increased from 256 
>>> to 4096, so 255 no longer works as a boundary but 4095 must be used. I use 
>>> the following code that I took from some other package:
>>> \edef\CSat{\the\catcode`\@} % in order to work in plain XeTeX
>>> \catcode`\@=11
>>> \ifdefined\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>>>   \chardef\CSboundary=\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>>> \else
>>>   \ifdefined\XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping
>>> \chardef\CSboundary=4095 %
>>> \def\newXeTeXintercharclass{%
>>>   \e@alloc\XeTeXcharclass\chardef
>>>   \xe@alloc@intercharclass\m@ne\@ucharclass@boundary}
>>>   \else
>>> \chardef\CSboundary=255
>>>   \fi
>>> \fi
>>> \catcode`\@=\CSat
>>> Afterwards I use \CSboundary instead of a fixed number. It thus works both 
>>> with the old and new XeTeX.
>>> Zdeněk Wagner
>>> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
>>> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
>>> 2017-12-03 10:19 GMT+01:00 jfbu :
>>> Hi,
>>> I need some help to identify which XeTeX release fixed
>>> that problem, the mwe is
>>> \catcode`@ 11
>>> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
>>> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french@punctthin
>>> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
>>>  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
>>> \catcode`;\active
>>> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
>>> a;b
>>> \bye
>>> In  real life it appeared in a Polyglossia+French context
>>> with the semi-colon make active to insert a \discretionary
>>> similar to the above. There is no issue in lualatex.
>>> It is currently seen at Python upstream (CPython) when
>>> they try to build French docs (via Sphinx)
>>> https://bugs.python.org/issue31589
>>> and it would be nice to pinpoint which XeTeX release
>>> precisely is ok. I know 0.2 is bad and 0.6 is good,
>>> but can't easily bisect.
>>> Best,
>>> Jean-François
>>> --
>>> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
>>>   http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] problem with discretionary

2017-12-03 Thread jfbu
Sorry for noise as


has been merged upstream.

The question now is when will this make its way to CTAN or TeXLive.

As far as I can tell CTAN has 1.42.4 and the above was merged into 1.42.5.

(this is secondary topic to this thread, though)



Le 3 déc. 2017 à 15:34, jfbu  a écrit :

> Hi,
> regarding the character class issue 
> (which isn't directly the one
> I had reported at http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2017-March/027056.html
> and again at top of this re-newed thread)
> github user eg9 already did a report upstream
> https://github.com/reutenauer/polyglossia/issues/145
> as far as I can tell, the issue remains unresolved.
> Best,
> Jean-François
> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 12:21, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :
>> I do not know the exact revision of the change. The code which I sent tests 
>> the features, not the revision number.
>> Zdeněk Wagner
>> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
>> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
>> 2017-12-03 12:18 GMT+01:00 jfbu :
>> Only to point out frenchb.ldf (babel-french) does indeed
>>   \ifdim\the\XeTeXversion\XeTeXrevision pt<0.4pt
>> \FB@nonchar=255 \relax
>>   \else
>> \FB@nonchar=4095 \relax
>>   \fi
>> whereas I see no similar thing in gloss-french.ldf
>> There seems to be two problems now, whereas
>> I only had one initially
>> - my mwe does not compile with xetex 0.2
>> - possibly, polyglossia-french has an issue with
>> xetex 0.4 and later
>> Jean-François
>> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:58, jfbu  a écrit :
>>> Thanks Zdeněk!
>>> Should I thus conclude from this that polyglossia + French is currently 
>>> broken ?
>>> indeed the file gloss-french.ldf uses hardcoded 255 at various locations.
>>> I am a bit lost though because my test mwe
>>> \catcode`@ 11
>>> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
>>> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french@punctthin 
>>> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french@punctthin
>>>  \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french@punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
>>> \catcode`;\active
>>> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
>>> a;b
>>> \bye
>>> compiles fine with current XeTeX, but not with TL2015 XeTeX.
>>> (the @ thing is only to stay close to control sequence names from 
>>> gloss-french.ldf)
>>> To clarify, the \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}} is analogous to
>>> the kind of things Sphinx does in verbatim listings to allow linebreaks,
>>> but isn't the exact thing.
>>> Anyway, it does not originate from polyglossia nor
>>> gloss-french.ldf but is a Sphinx add-on inside code listings.
>>> If the problem can be solved by a patch at macro level, that would
>>> be best, because it would allow the CPython internationalization
>>> team to build their PDF docs without worrying about which XeTeX
>>> they use, I notice some of their team uses Debian 2013.
>>> Best
>>> Jean-François
>>> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:01, Zdenek Wagner  a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> please, notice that the number of character classes was increased from 256 
>>>> to 4096, so 255 no longer works as a boundary but 4095 must be used. I use 
>>>> the following code that I took from some other package:
>>>> \edef\CSat{\the\catcode`\@} % in order to work in plain XeTeX
>>>> \catcode`\@=11
>>>> \ifdefined\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>>>>   \chardef\CSboundary=\e@alloc@intercharclass@top
>>>> \else
>>>>   \ifdefined\XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping
>>>> \chardef\CSboundary=4095 %
>>>> \def\newXeTeXintercharclass{%
>>>>   \e@alloc\XeTeXcharclass\chardef
>>>>   \xe@alloc@intercharclass\m@ne\@ucharclass@boundary}
>>>>   \else
>>>> \chardef\CSboundary=255
>>>>   \fi
>>>> \fi
>>>> \catcode`\@=\CSat
>>>> Afterwards I use \CSboundary instead of a fixed number. It thus works both 
>>>> with the old and new XeTeX.
>>>> Zdeněk Wagner
>>>> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
>>>> http://icebearsoft.eu

[XeTeX] Ghostscript 9.53

2021-02-20 Thread jfbu

Recently I updated Ghostscript and it is now at 9.53.3

It seems xelatex compilation stalls and possibly never
completes on some documents which I have been given
and use pstricks. Here is a shortened console output

$ xelatex foo.tex 
This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.92 (TeX Live 2020) (preloaded 
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4
L3 programming layer <2021-02-06>

 uses animate package and pstricks

 [2] (./foo.aux)

which looks good but then I get about a hundred

    WARNING: .setopacityalpha is deprecated (as of 9.53.0) and will be 
removed in a future release
    See .setfillconstantalpha/.setalphaisshape for the improved solution

which are emitted slower and slower and slower
until finally I have to kill the job

   WARNING: .setopacityalpha is deprecated (as of 9.53.0) and will be 
removed in a future release
   See .setfillconstantalpha/.setalphaisshape for the improved solution
^C(see the transcript file for additional information)
Error 2 (driver return code) generating output;
file foo.pdf may not be valid.
Transcript written on foo.log.

With the latex+dvips+ps2pdf route, compilation succeeds
but the ps2pdf steps output abouts 220 warnings as above to stdout

Also I have to use the -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY else the ps2pdf crashes,

I did not know whether to post this to tlbuild or here.
I did a quick check of archives of past few months.
Quite probably the Ghostscript thing has been discussed probably
one or two years ago.
I understand my install is double-faced.
On the texlive side it is darwin-legacy.

However I felt there was a specific xetex issue because
I have to CTRL-C with xelatex, not with ps2pdf.


[XeTeX] latin-1 encoded characters in commented out parts trigger log warnings

2021-02-21 Thread jfbu

consider this


and call it xexstring.tex

Then xelatex xexstring triggers 136 warnings of the type

Invalid UTF-8 byte or sequence at line 35 replaced by U+FFFD.

Looking at file


I see that this matches with use of latin-1 encoded characters in comments.

Notice that it is a not a user decision here to use a latin-1
encoded file.

In fact I encountered this in a file I was given where
xstring package was loaded by another package.



Re: [XeTeX] Ghostscript 9.53

2021-02-23 Thread jfbu

I realize only now thanks to mail of Akira
and also testing by a friend on a system
with older Ghostscript that the file I reported
problems with actually is not XeTeX compatible
even with older Ghostscript.

I focused on gs 9.53.3 due to all warnings

But my friend reports compilation is very
slow also with older gs (I don't know the version)
Then when compilation completes the animation
in the pdf is broken.

At my locale, compilation also finally completes
after 2 to 3 minutes. And the pdf animation
(from animate package and pstricks code)
is even more broken. (this might be the 9.53.3 effect).

In brief, my alarm was unwarranted as the problem
existed earlier.

