On August 06, 2003, Brandon Wittenburg sent me the following:
> > IANAXE, but I've never seen a laptop that would dual-head with it's external
> > port.  You typically get one, or the other.
> This one does dual-head, I had it going with WinXP the day I bought it.
> But I cannot have Windows XP, I need to run GNU/Linux. There are quite a
> few newer laptops that do dual-head. Right now I know that the hardware
> supports dual-head, and the software supports dual-head. But I cannot
> find why my config isn't working.

I'm running dual-head on my Sony VAIO PCG-GR300 as we speak. It's an
ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY chip. I'm not sure what the Clone options
you've got in there are doing, but as I understand it, Clone usually
means same picture on both heads, which mine seems to do on it's own
if I don't configure it for dual-head.

Anyway, my XF86Config is available at

Only thing I can't do is use accelerated OpenGL, since running both
heads takes up too much memory, and my poor laptop doesn't have all
tat much video RAM. :(

Chip Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           http://www.chocobo.cx/chip/
GCM/CS d+(-) s+:++ a22>? C++ UB++++$ P+++$ L- E--- W++ N@ o K- w O M+
V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ R@ tv@ b++@ DI++++ D+(-) G++ e>++ h>++ r-- y?
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