[XFree86] Display problem

2003-12-17 Thread Ivan Todorov
I know that this forum is only for discussing xfree86 server problems but can you help with this error, please.Can you tell me in which file do the display variable have to be put?
I get a "cannot find display:" error when i try to start any X based application like xcalc or xclock for example.   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

[XFree86] Problem

2003-12-12 Thread Ivan Todorov
Can anyone tell me why i get a no dsiplay found when i run a xcalc. My X server is runnig fine but this error prevents me from starting anything thah uses the X server.   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

[XFree86] Please help. Don't know $DISPLAY variable.

2003-12-11 Thread Ivan Todorov

 don't know what the $DISPLAY variable should be and wherer it have to be place(in which file). I get an "Cannot find display: " error whenever i try to start a X application like xcalc for example. Please tell me where i should the put the $DISPLAY. I'm new to linux an X. Any help would be appreciated.   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

[XFree86] Eroor "Can't open display:"

2003-11-25 Thread Ivan Todorov
Hello, everybody.I'm new to this mailing list. Can anyone help with this error message: "Can't open display:". My PC's charachteristics are:
Video card(adapter): NVidia Riva TNT 2. 
Monitor: Philips 105S, 15 inch. 
I'm running XFree86 v.4.2.0 configured via the "X -configure" command. I start the XFree86 server in 800x600x16 resolution but i can't run any program running on X because of this error. I've tried putting the line "DISPLAY=:0.0" to my .bashrc file and to the Xsession but it still fails. Please someone help me with this error.Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo!