I've got KDE 3.1.0 under X 4.3.0 [kernel 2.4.21], basically it's a Slackware 9.0 with 
a couple of newer packages. 
The funny thing is that wile I was typing something into my browser (mozilla 1.3) my 
finger slipped and I pressed
something (in the vicinity of right Alt, I'm not quite sure though) anyway what 
happened then was that 
_everything_ hanged, the XMMS that was playing some OGG's stopped, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 
didn't work, I couldn't
change terminals, desktops, nothing. Even the "SysRq Magic key" didn't work (though I 
don't know if it's
supposed to work from under X). Anyway the only thing alive were the Caps-Lock and 
Scroll-Lock diodes
that were simultaneously flashing on and off. I don't know, maybe I've pressed some 
auto-destruct mechanism
initiation keys or what?! Anyway I'm mostly interested in what was that what I've 
described. TIA
  Marcin Kosiba
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