Title: Startx shuts down


   I am running Linux Mandrake 9 and at least once a day, sometimes several, the startx will abort and I end up at the Linux login. The version is XFree86 4.2.1.  The error at this point where I am logged into Linux, before I have to do a startx again is:

        client 16 rejected from localhost
        caught signal 11: server aborting

  I am enclosing a copy of the log file and the config file.  Can you please tell me what is all of a sudden causing this to happen?


 I have looked at the XFree86 website and if I have to install a newer version or a even the same version, I'm not sure that I can.  I am new to the Linux community and binaries and such and didn't quite understand how to go about installing.


Attachment: XFree86.log1.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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