[xmail] "SmartDNSHost" and "ErrCode = -256"

2011-01-24 Thread Rob Arends
Hello everyone,


I've recently upgraded from Win2k+Xmail 1.25 to RHEL5.5 + Xmail 1.27.  

This is also on a new hosting provider in a new city.

So much has changed.


I used to be able to send to this person @ dinglepartners.com.au


However now I get error 256.


Immediately I assumed there was a DNS issue and did a manual DIG and checked
the DNS settings.

They all seem fine, so here I pose the question to you all in case I missed


Below is all the detail I gathered in my checking.

It looks like the A-Record is being favoured over the MX, but I know that
Davide did some work on the DNS resolver in recent versions to improve the
DNS logic.


Does anyone have any ideas.


Much appreciated.


Rob :-)


*** SLOG partial *


[PeekTime] 1295882102 : Tue, 25 Jan 2011 02:15:02 +1100


ErrCode   = -256

ErrString = Remote DNS server failed

SMAIL SMTP-Send EDNS = "dinglepartners.com.au" SMTP = "a.com.au" From =
"x...@a.com.au" To = "bb...@dinglepartners.com.au" Failed !

SMTP-Error = "Remote DNS server failed"

SMTP-Server = "dinglepartners.com.au"



*** NDR to sender *


[<01>] Error sending message
[1295702662847.42261940.6183.9ecb5.c.d.com.au] from [d.com.au].


Mail From: 

Rcpt To:   

Server: []


[<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:

The maximum number of delivery attempts has been reached



*** SERVER.TAB dns *


"SmartDNSHost"  ";"



*** OS level DNS setting *** (matches SmartDNSHost)


# cat /etc/resolv.conf 





*** Manual DNS lookup from server running Xmail


# dig dinglepartners.com.au



dinglepartners.com.au.  86400   IN  A


# dig dinglepartners.com.au mx



dinglepartners.com.au.  61140   IN  MX  10

dinglepartners.com.au.  61140   IN  MX  20


# dig cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 



cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 900 IN A

cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 900 IN A

cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 900 IN A

cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 900 IN A

cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 900 IN A

cluster8.us.messagelabs.com. 900 IN A


# dig cluster8a.us.messagelabs.com.



cluster8a.us.messagelabs.com. 900 INA

cluster8a.us.messagelabs.com. 900 INA

cluster8a.us.messagelabs.com. 900 INA


*** Check of Xmail DNS cache *

find /var/MailRoot/dnscache/ -type f | grep messagelabs

find /var/MailRoot/dnscache/ -type f | grep dingle

find /var/MailRoot/dnscache/ -type f | grep portplus


Nothing showed




xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] "SmartDNSHost" and "ErrCode = -117"

2011-01-24 Thread Davide Libenzi
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010, fcxm...@aquinet.net wrote:

> Hello Davide
> Due to too many 'dns zone' with dns servers responding badly, causing normal
> xmail dns mx resolver to fail with "no domain or misconfigured dns servers",
> and since manual lookups using our internal dns give the good response, I
> tried to set SmartDNSHost
> Then, doing so I have some problems sending to some 'sub' domains like the
> example bellow :
> ErrCode   = -117
> ErrString = DNS recursion not available
> SMAIL SMTP-Send EDNS = "MOH.GOV.MY" SMTP = "X" From = "XXX@XXX" To =
> "x...@moh.gov.my" Failed !
> SMTP-Error = "DNS recursion not available"
> SMTP-Server = "MOH.GOV.MY"
> SmartDNSHost entry is like this :
> "SmartDNSHost""aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:udp;aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:tcp"
> The same internal dns server is used as a redirector dns server for our
> internal network, and any internal workstation can resolve the mx for this
> domain with success
> What can be the cause ?

Long delay answer :)
When you add something to the SmartDNSHost, XMail believes that is a 
"friendly" DNS host, which can resolve recursive queries for it.
So XMail sets the recursion bit in the DNS query, which the error above 
show it being rejected by the server.

- Davide

xmail mailing list

Re: [xmail] Knowing who is failing Auth Logins

2011-01-24 Thread Davide Libenzi
On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Rob Arends wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m running xmail 1.27 on RHEL5.5
> The SMTP logs are showing a single AUTH=EFAIL:TYPE=LOGIN every hour at xx:00 
> hours.
> It is coming from the same PC I believe, although IP changes, the ISP and 
> area indicated by the
> rDNS suggests it is the same PC.
> Most mail clients attempt POP3 more than once an hour, so I’m suspicious.
> The logs don’t indicate the username in the login attempt.
> Is there any way to report on the username that is being used in the attempt.
> If nothing else I can contact the user. 
> However if it is a low speed dictionary attack, I’d like to be able to 
> identify that and take
> some action.

Yeah, I can see that as being useful. Will add to my queue.

- Davide

xmail mailing list