
I need to setup mailbox that gets all the emails for the domain - i.e. 

I use one account, let's say [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in aliases.tab I have: 

The problem is that if e-mail is sent to let's say [EMAIL PROTECTED], there 
is no header (except To: that is irrelevant) that would contain the 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address. The X-Deliver-To header contains 

Thus when customer downloads the entire domain e-mails and would like to 
have his internal mailserver (FTGate) to sort it into mailboxes, he has no 
chance to do it.

I know of the solution to setup all the mailboxes (including 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]") on the XMail and set the 
"redirect[TAB][EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailproc command - then X-Deliver-To 
header is allright. But isn't there any solution that would work without 
setting up the particular e-mails on XMail?

Thank you,

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