Re: Multiple Monitors, Same Workspaces

2008-09-19 Thread Clayton Shepard
I will play with this more, but I still am skeptical that it will do what I
am describing.

In the past when I tried this it seemed as though either each monitor
displayed a separate set of workspaces (you couldn't have both monitors
sharing workspaces), the application bar extended across both monitors as
one one workspace, or the second monitor just added extra resolution to the
workspace you were on.

Thanks for your help,

xorg mailing list

Re: Multiple Monitors, Same Workspaces

2008-09-19 Thread Clayton Shepard
Yes, but that won't display the application bar on each monitor or allow you
to rotate workspaces independently will it?



On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 08:57:13 -0500
> "Clayton Shepard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...  I don't believe this anywhere near the functionality that I am
> talking
> > about.  If I am mistaken please elaborate on how to do it with xrandr.
> Set the virtual desktop nice and large in size, define both displays as
> pointing to the same desktop and then xrandr will let you decide which
> rectangle of the display is on each monitor (and these may overlap)
> On Fedora you just select multihead in system-config-display to do this.
> Once you've got the virtual desktop then xrandr will let you move
> displays around with xrandr --output whatever --pos XxY
> You need drivers which support randr 1.2 and I believe currently you need
> a video card with multiple outputs - you can't do this across two cards,
> but that may have changed by now.
> Alan
> --
> Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3200 x 1200, maximum 4096 x 2048
> VGA connected 1600x1200+1600+0
> TMDS-1 connected 1600x1200+0+0
xorg mailing list

Re: Multiple Monitors, Same Workspaces

2008-09-19 Thread Clayton Shepard
Well it certainly isn't a checkbox...  and I haven't found any tutorials on

It seems like it may need so driver cooperation too.  Does X already have
the ability to add viewpoints to an existing instance?



P.S.  Should have been "I don't believe this has" on that last email...

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 08:06:34AM -0500, Clayton Shepard wrote:
> >
> >
> > Basically in a multiple monitor setup I would like each monitor to be a
> > viewport to the same instance of X and same set of workspaces.  Each
> monitor
> > could view any available workspace independently of the other monitors.
>  If
> > two monitors are displaying the same workspace then their views are
> cloned.
> > GDM and Compiz already handle windows larger than workspaces as well as
> > windows spanning workspaces which would make this setup very, very,
> > versatile.
> >
> > I think the brainstorm has a more elaborate description; hopefully you
> > understand what I am trying to convey.
> >
> > So I guess basically my question is what would it take to do this, and is
> it
> > possible?
> I'm sure Compiz could do this, in theory.
> (This is actually what I initially expected when I first started
> experimenting with dual-head.)
> Marius Gedminas
> --
> C++ is a loaded machine gun helpfully pointed at your feet with the safety
> off.
>-- ChaosDiscord on Slashdot
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFI06qYkVdEXeem148RAk0GAJwIiyduCqDcvDJ+2VhB/F3aHdx6RgCfcozp
> RxO/HekiBqkyz1kPTT6t1w0=
> =qDY6
> ___
> xorg mailing list
xorg mailing list

Re: Multiple Monitors, Same Workspaces

2008-09-19 Thread Clayton Shepard
...  I don't believe this anywhere near the functionality that I am talking
about.  If I am mistaken please elaborate on how to do it with xrandr.



On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So I guess basically my question is what would it take to do this, and is
> it
> > possible?
> man xrandr
> No idea if the proprietary drivers support it but this all seems to just
> work with current Fedora/Xorg/Intel hardware. Only specific problem I'm
> aware of is that if the virtual desktop is > 2048 pixels wide you
> currently get 2D but not 3D acceleration - which is being worked on.
> Alan
xorg mailing list

Multiple Monitors, Same Workspaces

2008-09-19 Thread Clayton Shepard
I am assuming that this modification would have to be a collaborative effort
between X and GDM/KDE or whatever desktop manager is being used, but I
really do not know enough to say.  It may even have affects on the window
manager too...  hopefully you guys can tell me.

I filed this idea on Ubuntu's brainstorm a while back, but I would like to
hear the developers thoughts, and see if it is technically feasible.

Basically in a multiple monitor setup I would like each monitor to be a
viewport to the same instance of X and same set of workspaces.  Each monitor
could view any available workspace independently of the other monitors.  If
two monitors are displaying the same workspace then their views are cloned.
GDM and Compiz already handle windows larger than workspaces as well as
windows spanning workspaces which would make this setup very, very,

I think the brainstorm has a more elaborate description; hopefully you
understand what I am trying to convey.

So I guess basically my question is what would it take to do this, and is it


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