Re: [Xpert]upgrade

2002-08-16 Thread Matt Piechota

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, sjb wrote:

> Well .. I took the plunge and moved everything aside, installed .. and
> it still seems to work ;-)

The main thing I'd be afraid of is some OSs (Debian GNU/Linux and Gentoo,
in particular) and Apps like to put things in /usr/X11R6 as oppsed to

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Is the XFree development stuck in a dead end?

2002-07-14 Thread Matt Piechota

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

> I know there have been countless discussions on the X messaging system, but
> most of them missed the point. That is that such a messaging system
> introduces an enormous amount of complexity. As far as I know the only reason
> for having the X messaging system is the remote display feature. But I guess
> that less than 5% of the XFree users are actually using this feature and
> there are already other solutions like VNC available.

Fully realizing that I'm probably in the 5%, remote display is always a
sticking point for me with MS-indows machines.  Especially when just
before you're talking about making graphical tools for configuration.  If
I can't display the tool remotely and have to go from desk to desk, I
might as well be using MS-Windows. :)

> The main problem with a new graphics API would be to keep backward
> compatibility with the current application base. But this problem is easy to
> solve by just porting XFree to the new API, the way it is done for OS X and
> Windows.

I had this though just the other day.  I think in the long run, you're
right, as long as there's some method of remote display.  Of course, I
look at things as an administrator/support person in a large installation.
Remote display is much nicer, for using a graphical config on someone desk
(rare), but moreso so people can run matlab (for example) on the 8-cpu 2GB
RAM machine in the lab with the display on their desk.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]adding more keyboards and mice

2002-05-23 Thread Matt Piechota

On Thu, 23 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nicer? I don't think so. What's cheaper, smaller, easier - a VGA and a
> monitor, or a case, power supply, mainboard, CPU, memory, ethernet,
> the electricity it eats, the noise it generates, the cables it needs,
> a VGA and a monitor? Of course, both solutions have their merit... If
> you need distance more than just a few meters, certainly the terminal
> server is the better/only solution.

There's more to it than that, albiet in little ways.  Who gets sound?  Who
Gets floppy/cdrom?  I'll admit that I don't hang out in internet cafes, so
those may not be available anyways normally.  Plus, you mention VGA and
monitor which you'll need anyways.

I'll not trying to compeletly tear down the idea.  I don't think it's a
terrible one, to be honest.  Although if it were me, I'd save myself the
hassle and either build a low-grade PC, or buy a network computer (about

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]nv DVI support

2002-05-07 Thread Matt Piechota

I think I remember seeing Mark Vojkovich mention that he checked in
experimental support for the DVI interface with the nv driver (not the
binary nvidia one).  Has anyone tried it?  I'd like to run XFree86 on
Solaris, but the only way to get my card/flatpanel to work (so far) has
been with the binary driver in Linux or FreeBSD.  Or if someone knows of a
Solaris 8 x86 kernel mod equlivalent to NVdriver that work work as well.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Need help getting X to run at 1920x1440

2002-04-10 Thread Matt Piechota

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Yuri van Oers wrote:

> IIRC XFree86 4.2.0's "nv" driver is able to do 1920x1440.
> You could also check out
> That project is about getting the binary NVIDIA driver going on FreeBSD. I
> understand they've accomplished quite a bit already.

It works for me.  It'll the binary driver well enough to use the DVI port
(at 1600x1024).  It's worth giving it a try.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]xfree advancements

2002-03-18 Thread Matt Piechota

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Jared Lyvers wrote:

> firstly, thanks for use of bandwidth. secondly, read an article the
> otherday about Linux dying on the desktop and OSX w/ darwin taking its
> place.


> I currently use linuxfromscratch w/ xf 4.1 freetype and cups.  this has
> allowed me to have the best version of Linux that I have ever run.
> However, it would be even better w/ updates that would allow easier
> modifications of the system.
> this could also speed up the creation of applications for Linux, making
> it an even better developing OS.

My two cents:
X isn't Linux's problem on the desktop.  It's perfectly good, and at least
as good as MSWindows (better, of course in my humble opinion).  The only
outward feature it gives away to OSX is transparency (and not the faux
transparency you see in gterm or whatnot).

What OS X/Darwin has that Linux will never have is a cetralized design.
Open source, for all it's good points, is really bad about being easy to
use over the entire OS.  Certain parts are really easy (SWAT for samba,
for instance), but somethings are much more difficult[0].  And even if
someone (gnome and kde have done good things) tries, there's always some
problems due to having to make things work for different distributions.
Apple made Darwin and OS X in house, so it all fits.  And they weren't
afarid to mess with things (XML config files, for instance) to make their
GUI tools easier to create and use.

[0] CUPS, for instance.  Or X if you have a funky config (it took me weeks
to get my GF3/SGI 1600SW to work[1])

[1] After editing my own config file and installing the Binary Drivers for
DVI to work.  And I do this for a living.  AvgJoe isn't going to manage
it.  Thank, BTW, to the list for the info to get it working.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: problems installing Woody on Ultra1

2002-03-16 Thread Matt Piechota

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Frank Van Damme wrote:

> How can a sparc be remote booted? x86 use etherboot or a bootable network
> card but sparcs?

It's something along the line of 'boot net' from the prom.  You can also
boot from CD (if available), or tape.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Console strangeness with GF3+Nvidia Drivers

2002-02-22 Thread Matt Piechota

I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this:
I'm running a GF3 Ti200 DVI + SGI Multilink/1600SW panel, Xfree4.2R, and
Linux 2.4.17 or FreeBSD 4.5, and the nvidia 2314 binary drivers.
Everything in X works fine (GLX, etc), but when I exit out (either by
killing X or Ctrl-Alt-Fx), the console is "fuzzy", as if the pixel clock
is off by a little.  When the machine is booting, everything is fine, but
as soon as I run X, this happens.  I don't have a screenshot or anything
(is there a way to screenshot the console?), but if some one is really
interested, I could try a camera on it.

Anyone else see this?  Or is it a peculiarity (SP??) of my setup?

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]GeForce 3 Titanium 500 + flat panel (DVI)?

2002-02-01 Thread Matt Piechota

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Lars-Johan Liman wrote:

> a) This is technically really difficult, or
> b) We don't have access to necessary documentation, or
> c) We just didn't get around to fixing that yet, or
> d) Some other reason?
> Any guesses on the progress of this?

The freebsd version is currently unofficial.  For NetBSD, it's just a
matter that no one has written (that I know of) the kernel module to
utilize the nvidia supplied binaries.  It might be possible to port the
FreeBSD mod to NetBSD, check out for the
Source and such.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]GeForce 3 Titanium 500 + flat panel (DVI)?

2002-02-01 Thread Matt Piechota

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Lars-Johan Liman wrote:

> ... or, as an unpleasant final solution, can you recommend another
> video board that can do 1280x1024 over DVI to a flat panel? Extreme
> graphic power not required, but DVI is.

I have an ATI Radeon VE that runs 1600x1024 pretty well.  As long as you
use a newer XFree, it works without any trouble.  (New-ish is something
after Xfree 4.1).  Only reason I replaced it was I needed more framerate
when killing stuff.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]GeForce 3 Titanium 500 + flat panel (DVI)?

2002-01-31 Thread Matt Piechota

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Lars-Johan Liman wrote:

> Are there any chances in the universe to make a GeForce 3 Titanium 500
> work with a Philips 170 B2B flat panel display through the DVI
> connector? (Or the VGA one, for that matter?)
> If not, what makes the flat panels so hard? Any hints on how to
> calculate the mode lines?

It shouldn't be too hard, as long as you're using FreeBSD or Linux.  The
binary drivers from nvidia work pretty well, other than they didn't DDC
the SGI Multilink automatically.  That shouldn't even be an issue, since
your flat panel is probably 4:3.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Is there a working/supported DVI-graphics-card for Linux?

2002-01-21 Thread Matt Piechota

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Bernt Christandl wrote:

> Then i tried to find out about Linux with XFree86 and DVI-supporting
> graphic-card. But either i tried the wrong "places" or DVI is yet
> an unsupported feature.
> So here are my questions:
> -> is anyone successfully using the Radeon VE with DVI on a LCD-screen
>under Linux?

I have had this card working with mg SGI Multilink (DVI) using a
CVS tree sometime around August 2001.  The XFree 4.1.0 Release did not

I can send you an XF86Config for it, but after I compiled the new source,
I ran xf86cfg and it "just worked".

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]nVidia GF3 + SGI 1600SW DVI

2002-01-19 Thread Matt Piechota

okay, I have the nVidia binary driver running under freebsd 4.5-RC stable
(using Matthew Dodd's kernel module found on  I've gotten to the point where I can get
xf86cfg to come up on the flatpanel, but only in 640x480.  Is there a way
to force the resolution to 1600x1024 (the native resolution), or at least
1280x1024?  I tried with a normal monitor, and all is well.

I'd think that I should install Linux to avoid that variable, but I'm
trying to avoid the rigamarole of having another OS on this machine
(Windows is already a big enough hassle).

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]nVidia GF3 + SGI 1600SW DVI

2002-01-14 Thread Matt Piechota

I read a couple articles from this list in December that made it sound
like there's no support for the DVI port on the GeForce cards without
using the nVidia binary Drivers.  Can anyone verify this?  And is anyone
looking into adding support for those of us who don't use Linux?  (or is
there a way to use the Linux binaries in FreeBSD).

The problem I'm having: when I run xf86cfg (xc tree cvsup'd a couple days
ago), the flatpanel drops into powersave (no signal) mode.  This config is
working fine in Win2k, and the panel used to work in Xfree86 with my
Radeon VE.  I'm running FreeBSD 4.5-RC, and SGI 1600SW panel with the
Multilink adapter, and a PNY GeForce 3 Ti 200.

Matt Piechota

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]X does not start - XFree86 log messages

2001-09-12 Thread Matt Piechota

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Subba Rao wrote:

> There is another identical PC with Slackware 8 Linux running
> X windows successfully. I copied XF86Config to /etc/X11/ and
> I got the errors (after "starttx") listed below. How do I narrow
> down to the required file sets or configuration issues?

How identical?  My experience with that series is PC300GL is a mismash of
parts.  Is the 7-digit part number the same?

The second thing is alot of those had S3 Trio3D chips in them (86c765 or
766 that I've seen), which don't seem to be terribly well supported by
XFree (which is S3's fault, IIRC).

Matt Piechota
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key
AOL IM: cithaeron

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Recommendations for DVI-D card with open drivers?

2001-09-05 Thread Matt Piechota

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Wayne Whitney wrote:

> I'm looking for a good mid-range (under $150) AGP video card with DVI-D
> output. I'm interested in maximizing performance (2D and 3D, although
> mostly 2D) under XFree 4.1.0 at 1280x1024 with open source drivers, no
> binary-only modules.  Any suggestions?

Once the ATI Radeon VE Dualhead drivers get worked out for DVI-D, it will
be nice.  It's a nice enough card.  I haven't tried the more recent
drivers, anyone know if they work correctly yet?

Matt Piechota
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key
AOL IM: cithaeron

Xpert mailing list