RE: [Xpert]CT 69030 support

2002-05-17 Thread Rob Taylor

umm, Adrian Cox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) did some work on a multihead 69030
driver for my company a while back . I dont know if it ever got integarted into
the main tree, and AFAIK it may only work with our custom board ;-), but its
worth asking him about.

Rob Taylor

 -Original Message-
 Of Amaury Jacquot
 Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 3:31 PM
 Subject: [Xpert]CT 69030 support

 I am interested in using the following Single board computer,

 and would like to have info about the support for the graphic chip CT69030.
 I have found on the site that the CT69000 is supported, but no
 mention of the 69030.



 keithp, hi there, hope you're doing well.

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RE: [Xpert]Re: Where Should I Be Sending Patches?

2002-05-15 Thread Rob Taylor

I though i should point out that you already have a volunteer to set up a bug
database: Kurt Wall ( see ).

Rob Taylor

 -Original Message-
 Of Mike A. Harris
 Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 5:16 PM
 Cc: Owen Taylor; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Xpert]Re: Where Should I Be Sending Patches?

 On Tue, 14 May 2002, Owen Taylor wrote:

  Be patient.
  We're all busy with other things, and there are plenty of patches still
  waiting in the queue. Please don't resend anything.
 Can I suggest, as a long term goal, having a publically viewable bug
 tracker / patch queue?
 At least from my point of view, the current system isn't working very
 If I find a bug in XFree86 (say,, which turned up 5
 minutes ago :-), it's frequently not clear how to proceed.
 Yes, I can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]; b
 bug report. But in either case it feel like a complete shot in the
  - I can't check on the status of my bug-report/patch.
  - I can't give someone else an URL to go to check on the the status.
  - I can't meaningfully give updates ... sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
saying you know the patch I sent 2 months ago. Forget it, it turns
out to have been faulty hardware at least seems like it won't
work very well.
  - There isn't any reliable way of telling if/when my bug has been applied.
  - If the person dealing with the bug report / patch wants to get
further information, they have communicate with me privately,
 I understand very well that something like bugzilla is considerable
 amount of sysadmin work to set up and maintain that would take away
 from someone's hacking. And there simply may not be the resources
 But for GTK+ and GNOME, we find it an extremely valuable tool to have this
 stuff public ... not a panacea ... I still get plenty of people
 annoyed at me for slow response to GTK+ patches, but at least they see
 a milestone for the bug, and know it hasn't been lost.

 I agree completely.  We (Red Hat) receive a lot of bug reports
 against XFree86, many of which we just do not have the manpower
 to fix/look into, other distributions no doubt have the same
 problem.  I think a lot of these problems end up falling between
 the cracks.

 What makes things a bit worse, is that a bug reported to a distro
 vendor that ends up getting fixed by that vendor, generally gets
 fixed in that one distribution at that point in time, and doesn't
 necessarily propagate to other vendors, or back to in
 a timely manner, or at all.  Without pointing any fingers at
 anyone, some vendors are great with submitting patches back to
 XFree86 while others don't bother it seems IMHO.  This puts more
 work on each distro vendor, to harvest patches from the other
 vendors packages also.

 When submitting a patch upstream, you sometimes do get immediate
 feedback on a particular patch, and sometimes do not.  I never
 quite know if a patch I've submitted for example is applied, if
 the problem was fixed in a different way, or is still in
 someone's queue.

 I fully realize that everyone receiving the patches have full
 time jobs themselves, and don't have time to respond to the
 number of patches right away or apply them, since this is often
 the case for myself as well.

 The problem is though, that bugfixing/patching seems to not scale
 well at all.  I've submitted 40-45 patches about a week ago or
 so, and I've had some feedback from a few core team members about
 a few of the patches, which was greatly appreciated.  Many of the
 other patches I presume are in a main queue, or have been taken
 and put in personal patch queues of a given developer to look at
 in the future when they're working on that area of code and/or
 have time, etc.  At least that is probably what I would do if I
 was receiving the patches this way.

 When a patch does eventually get applied though, one has to hope
 to catch it in a changelog message.  I read changelogs and am on
 the CVS commits mailing list, however I'm sure many others are
 not, and would just appreciate knowing in a simple manner that
 their patch was applied or not, and if rejected, perhaps a

 In the past I've experimented with submitting patches a bit, and
 I've found that submitting patches in an ongoing fashion as they
 are made, tends to not get them applied sooner unless it is a
 rather important issue with a straightforward fix.  For our 7.3
 development cycle I decided to submit the whole storm of patches
 all at once to save myself some work as I figured the bulk of the
 patches I was submitting, most likely would only be applied to
 the head of CVS, and probably only just before 4.3.0 was
 released.  Submitting them in one shot was much less work than

RE: [Xpert]Where Should I Be Sending Patches?

2002-05-14 Thread Rob Taylor

This is all very well, but i sent patches to [EMAIL PROTECTED] nearly 3 weeks
ago and i've had nothing back apart from an automatic response! does *ANYONE*
read it?

Rob Taylor

 -Original Message-
 Of Dr Andrew C Aitchison
 Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 10:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [Xpert]Where Should I Be Sending Patches?

 On Tue, 14 May 2002, Ulrich Hertlein wrote:

  Micah Galizia wrote:
   I have no idea where I should be submitting patches to code for, but I
   managed to get DRM working under 2.5.15 with my radeon.
  To come back to the subject is this list the right place to post
  patches? I've made some modifications to the elographics driver to get
  it to work with a CarrollTouch touchscreen that I'd like to submit...


 -- From xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/README: 

 3.4  Xpert

 If instead you are the lone developer who is improving XFree86 on an ad hoc
 basis for your particular environment (I want to get my mouse or video card
 to work), and need a specific question asked then you should go over to our
 Xpert list where such questions are raised and answered by our technical
 development staff.  Remember you do not have to be a member to write fixes to
 our code base and if your changes are discrete and self-contained the volume
 of developer mail may just be too noisy.

 Once your work is finished (coded, debugged and documented) please send your
 fix to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  This will ensure that they are included in
 future releases. And thanks!  You make this truly an Open group.

 Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison   Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge

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RE: [Xpert]Xinerama and Mouse Clicks

2002-05-02 Thread Rob Taylor

I've seen bugs like this in the matrox drivers before. As i recall its a bug in
handling caching bitmaps in video memory (the cached bitmap is only accessible
to one of the pipes). try a newer matrox driver (from their site) if no luck
mail a bug report to matrox.


 -Original Message-
 Of Mark Vojkovich
 Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:08 AM
 To: Eric Liedtke
 Subject: Re: [Xpert]Xinerama and Mouse Clicks

 On Wed, 1 May 2002, Eric Liedtke wrote:

  Problem 1)
  When I would log into a Sun box export DISPLAY to my box and run HP
   openview's network presenter app(ovw). I had problems with sections
   the map  just not being drawn. If I grabbed one of the icons in the
   and swept it across the section where there should be icons they
  would show
   up until I let go of the icon and the window was redrawn, at which
  point they
   would disappear again. After trying all sorts of things I restarted
  X on a single
   monitor and the problem went away. Any guess as to problems or

I'm not aware of such problems in Xinerama.  What Xinerama does
 doesn't exactly match the X11 specification in a few cases, but I
 believe those cases are fairly well understood and shouldn't cause
 any functionality problems.   Is this one of those dualhead cards?
 Maybe it's a driver bug?  You might try it will acceleration turned
 off (Option NoAccel with most drivers) to verify.


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RE: [Xpert]touchscreen

2002-04-30 Thread Rob Taylor

Even if you don't want the functionality of being able to touch both
touchscreens at once theres a bug in xfree86 to do with shifting the focus
between screens on single presses ( the current shifing code assumes that i'll
be able to ignore a move and go one round the main internal event loop before
shifting screens)
I have a patch for this but as i'm not a real x hacker it might have problems,
YMMV. ask me if you want it.

i haven't sent it to any X devlopers cos i have no idea who to send it to...
this is the most opaque open source developent team ever.. you dont even get
repsonses to bug reports..


  I want to use dual touchscreen monitor to show the one application. But
  I want to take input from both screen and at the same time different
  part of the program can be seen in two monitors. Is it possible? How can
  do that?
  Thank you...

 Are you saying you want to be able to touch both monitors at exactly the
 same time and have 2 different parts of the program react appropriately?

 The touch screen drivers can send 2 different types of events, normal
 pointer events and XInput events. This is configurable so you can send
 either one or both at the same time. If your program is written to
 select for and process XInput events, you should be able to do what you
 want. You cann't use the normal pointer events for this as there is only
 one pointer and both touch screens would move it. So if you touch both
 screens at once, the pointer would bounce back and forth and you would
 not get the button press/release behavior you would expect.

 Chris BareMetro Link Incorporated
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RE: [Xpert]Changing what X looks like on startup

2002-02-12 Thread Rob Taylor

here's a context patch to make the default background black (i'm workinng on an
embedded device and the flash of moire was just too messy ;)


--- xc/programs/Xserver/dix/window.cMon Jan 28 15:45:50 2002
+++ xc.orig/programs/Xserver/dix/window.c   Wed Jan 17 22:36:44 2001
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
  *HandleSaveSet, ReparentWindow, MapWindow, MapSubWindows,
  *UnmapWindow, UnmapSubWindows, ConfigureWindow, CirculateWindow,

-static unsigned char _back_lsb[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-static unsigned char _back_msb[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+static unsigned char _back_lsb[4] = {0x88, 0x22, 0x44, 0x11};
+static unsigned char _back_msb[4] = {0x11, 0x44, 0x22, 0x88};

 int screenIsSaved = SCREEN_SAVER_OFF;

 ScreenSaverStuffRec savedScreenInfo[MAXSCREENS];

 -Original Message-
 Of Jim Gettys
 Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:16 PM
 To: Thomas Steffen
 Cc: pesarif; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Xpert]Changing what X looks like on startup

  From: Thomas Steffen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 23 Jan 2002 09:35:45 +0100
  To: pesarif [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [Xpert]Changing what X looks like on startup
  pesarif [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I was just wondering, though, why the XFree86 developers chose a
   black and white background?
  Well, back in the old days, a lot of machines had a 1-bit framebuffer.
  I wouldn't make much sense to use that default background that would
  fail on these, wouldn't it?
  Then again pure black or pure white is not that telling. So by logical
  conclusion, something like 50% grey seems perfect for this purpose.

 Perfect gray patterns don't rubber band worth a d***.

 So I (or Bob) designed the cross hatch, which does.  I have memories
 of doing this, so I think I'm the person.
   - Jim

 Jim Gettys
 Cambridge Research Laboratory
 Compaq Computer Corporation

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[Xpert]problems using CirculateNotify

2002-01-08 Thread Rob Taylor

I'm trying to get an app to respond to CirculateNotify events on xfree86 4.1.0.
I've set up the event_mask of the window appropriately - xwininfo returns
  Someone wants these events:
  Do not propagate these events:
  Override redirection?: No

but I never seem to get a event with type==CirculateNotify out of XNextEvent.

Has anyone got any ideas why this isn't working? Could it be a window manger

Thanks to anyone who can help, this has me completely bamboozled!

Rob Taylor

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