Re: [Xpert]xdm setup

2002-05-15 Thread Andy Sparrow

> I have installed XFree86 4.2 and KDE3 on a FreeBSD box running 2 PII 450mz 
> processors.
> The problem: xdm only seems to work on ttyv8.

Check the output of 'man XFree86' again.

Working as designed; if you don't specify a virtual tty, it'll grab the first 
one not running a getty. I'll bet you've got the default vtty's 0 thru 7 set 
up in /etc/ttys.

> logout only brings up another 
> login screen and does not return to the terminal.

'man XFree86'.

Working as designed. Xdm is a session manager. It doesn't run X once and exit. 
Use startx or xinit if you want that (depracated: *dm is the way to go, IMHO).

> Logging in as the 
> superuser brings up KDE3 and the only way out is by hitting F1.

??? Depends on how your X session is getting started, and what the 'Go Away' 
key is for KDE. I don't use KDE.

> If I log in 
> as any user, I get the xconsole and another set-up screen.

Sounds like you're getting logged out, e.g. either your X or your KDE session 
is failing for some reason. Check your error log. Look in '/var/log', 
particularly at 'xdm-errors.log'.

Also check .xsession-errors in your home directory. One of these will have the 
error output from KDE when you run as a regular user. I'd guess that you need 
to set up some kind of environment for it. Look for permissions errors etc.

> How can I set up xdm to come up on another terminal and so it will close an 
> return to the terminal when I logout?

You can't, AFAIK. I'd suggest you don't use xdm for that, because it is a 
Display Manager, and it will Manage the Display... :-)

Actually, this can make it a bear to debug X problems, if the X server won't 
run for example, because xdm will start X, the server will exit, you'll switch 
back to a text mode and xdm will start X again...

Just use Ctrl-Alt-Fx to switch to virtual terminal x-1 (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F1 
switches to vty0, the first one you see when you boot the machine).

> And how to set up xdm to switch to 
> other windows managers to try them out?

I use 'wdm', which offers a drop-down list of window managers to try out. 
However, I mostly use it now because I like the pretty appearance at login, 
because I've been using WindowMaker for years (small, fast, intuitive, 
non-intrustive & pretty).

> I have searched the net and the man pages and nothing seems to work. :((
> Phil




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[Xpert]xdm setup

2002-05-15 Thread P. Jourdan

I have installed XFree86 4.2 and KDE3 on a FreeBSD box running 2 PII 450mz 
The problem: xdm only seems to work on ttyv8. logout only brings up another 
login screen and does not return to the terminal. Logging in as the 
superuser brings up KDE3 and the only way out is by hitting F1. If I log in 
as any user, I get the xconsole and another set-up screen.
How can I set up xdm to come up on another terminal and so it will close an 
return to the terminal when I logout? And how to set up xdm to switch to 
other windows managers to try them out?
I have searched the net and the man pages and nothing seems to work. :((

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