Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691610]: Magnitude of contact normal force

2020-06-30 Thread Leonard
Question #691610 on Yade changed:

Status: Answered => Open

Leonard is still having a problem:
Hi Jan,

Thanks for your reply.

1. The maximum force is IMO not a very good indicator.
>> Yes, I use maximum force here to say that I really got a small magnitude of 
>> ForceN.  

2. You can easily check confinement, number of interactions and average

Could you please explain more about how to relate these 3 values?
For my case, the size of sample is 0.07*0.07*0.14 (m), the size of particle is 
around 6 mm (from 2 to 9 mm), the number of spheres is 7000, the number of 
contacts is 13219 (at this moment), the average ForceN is around 5 N, the 
deviatoric stress q at this moment is around 160 kPa, the confinement is 100 


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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691584]: About periodic simple shear

2020-06-30 Thread Lei Hang
Question #691584 on Yade changed:

Status: Answered => Solved

Lei Hang confirmed that the question is solved:
Thanks Jan Stránský, that solved my question.

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691610]: Magnitude of contact normal force

2020-06-30 Thread Jan Stránský
Question #691610 on Yade changed:

Status: Open => Answered

Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:

you cannot directly just compare young, confinement and force, they have
different units.

Size of particles plays important role.
E.g. if you have half particle size, there are 4 times more particles on the 
same area to transmit the pressure, so the inter-particle forces will be 4 
times smaller.

Also the maximum force is IMO not a very good indicator, there could be
one "crazy" particle or interaction with much higher force then the rest
of simulation (it is dynamic simulation after all), some average or mean
or median or some distribution characteristics would IMO make more sense
than plain maximum value.

You can easily check confinement, number of interactions and (average?)
forces if the values roughly makes sense (and that you e.g. did not make
mistake in physical units interpretation).


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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691584]: About periodic simple shear

2020-06-30 Thread Jan Stránský
Question #691584 on Yade changed:

Status: Open => Answered

Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:

> O.cell [1] 
> hSize [2] 
> "Base cell vectors (columns of the matrix)" [2].
> O.cell [1] 
>  hSize [3]
> components of velocity gradient [4]
> trsf is deformation gradient [5]
> stress here is matrix form of Cauchy stress tensor [6].

This is the standard approach on this forum to "cite" references summarized at 
the end of the message (or at the end of a previous message in the thread)
Full links in the text looks messy and also this way you can easily reference 
one link at multiple places (like O.cell here)

> Does "hsize" mean the size of cell?

no, see [2] :-), where it states that hSize is "Base cell vectors
(columns of the matrix)". I.e. vectors of the edges of the cell.

> Does "diagonal terms" mean the size of cell?

In case of diagonal matrix, the diagonal terms represent size. In
general case not.

> O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,0,.1, 0,0,0, 0,0,0)
> Here, how to determine it shears in xz?
> Why is it in the xz plane rather than in other planes?

because the only non-zero term is at index (0,2), corresponding to xz
(0=x,2=z) shear component, which is shear in xz plane.

> Why is it shearing rather than rotating?

just because it is..
see e.g. [7], section "2D Transformations" (or google "2x2 matrix mapping scale 
skew rotation"). It is for 2D, which easier to understand and does not differ 
from 3D much.
velGrad is "roughly" (in "small strain sense") time derivative of deformation 
gradient (see [4] for full definition and relation).



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[Yade-users] [Question #691610]: Magnitude of contact normal force

2020-06-30 Thread Leonard
New question #691610 on Yade:


I am working on a triaxial compression test using rigid walls under 100 kPa 
confining pressure, and I am interesting to see the contact normal force 
distribution. I use i.phys.normalForce.norm() to get ForceN of each 
sphere-sphere contact. Here I got the following questions:

1. The maximum normal contact force I got is about 40 N (under 100 kPa 
confining pressure), while the data I found in other papers usually could be 
several kN (such as 8 kN). Why there is such a big difference?

2. I guess one possible reason might be the young's module (E) of the material. 
But I use E = 2e8 Pa which is at the same magnitude of the E used in the papers 
I refer to, it should not lead to such a difference.

Do you have any ideas of why the forceN I get is so low? Or the result is just 
like this?

Many thanks!

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691584]: About periodic simple shear

2020-06-30 Thread Lei Hang
Question #691584 on Yade changed:

Status: Answered => Open

Lei Hang is still having a problem:
Thank you for your answer! I have some other questions.

1. What is the meaning of the numbers(2,3,4,5) in
"hsize[2]","hsize[3]","velocity gradient [4]","deformation gradient
[5]"? Are they the order of attributes in this script? Does "hsize" mean
the size of cell? Does "diagonal terms" mean the size of cell?

"> In the "Checkstress()" part, it changes to "O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,0,.1, 
0,0,0, 0,0,0)"
now it is changed to shear:
diagonal terms are zero = no change of size
non-diagonal terms are non-zero = some shear or rotation (in this case only 
one, xz, non-diagonal term is non-zero = shear in xz plane)."   
Here, how to determine it shears in xz? Why is it shearing  rather than 
rotating? Why is it in the xz plane rather than in other planes?

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691560]: contact normal is not spherical

2020-06-30 Thread Jan Stránský
Question #691560 on Yade changed:

Status: Open => Needs information

Jan Stránský requested more information:
> some codes are listed here:

instant replay:
please read [1] and provide a MWE* illustrating result and how you measured 
"contact normal".
To not-just-guess (out of mny possible reasons), we need your code.

*M = minimal
*W = working (complete is a necessary condition)


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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691584]: About periodic simple shear

2020-06-30 Thread Jan Stránský
Question #691584 on Yade changed:

Status: Open => Answered

Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:

first of all, I am not sure if periodic simulations are a good very first 
starting point to learn Yade..
The previous scripts are OK?

> 1.What is the meaning of "O.cell.hSize=Matrix3(2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2)"?

it assign Matrix3(2,0,0, 0,2,0, 0,0,2) object to O.cell [1] as its hSize
[2] attribute

> What is the meaning of the numbers in the Matrix?

"Base cell vectors (columns of the matrix)" [2].
In this case, diagonal terms are "normal size" (i.e. 2x2x2), zero non-diagonal 
terms means no skew and no rotation
(non-diagonal terms control skew and/or rotation)

> 2."pack.regularHexa(pack.inAlignedBox((0,0,0),(2,2,2)),radius=.1,gap=0,color=(0,0,1))".
>  What is the meaning of the "color=(0,0,1)"? In some other scripts I also see 
> "color=(1,1,1)"

color of resulting particles

(in ideal case, the documentation should tell that **kw are keywords
passed to utils.sphere function. You are welcome to improve the
documentation! :-)

> 3.What is the meaning of "O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(-.1,0,0, 0,-.1,0, 0,0,-.1)"?

you assign Matrix3(-.1,0,0, 0,-.1,0, 0,0,-.1) object to O.cell [1] as its hSize 
[3] attribute.
The components are components of velocity gradient (in matrix form).
In this case, only diagonal negative terms it is isotropic compaction.

> What is the meaning of the numbers in the Matrix?

components of velocity gradient [4]
The indexing of the components is very similar to those of deformation gradient 
(O.cell.trsf), see below.

> In the "Checkstress()" part, it changes to "O.cell.velGrad=Matrix3(0,0,.1, 
> 0,0,0, 0,0,0)"

now it is changed to shear:
diagonal terms are zero = no change of size
non-diagonal terms are non-zero = some shear or rotation (in this case only 
one, xz, non-diagonal term is non-zero = shear in xz plane).

> 4.What is the meaning of "O.cell.trsf[0,2]" in the "checkDistorsion" part? 
> What do the numbers in the "trsf" mean?

trsf is deformation gradient [5] of the cell
trsf[0,2] means its xz shear part (see below)

> stress=sum(normalShearStressTensors(),Matrix3.Zero)
> 5.In 
> "plot.addData(exz=O.cell.trsf[0,2],szz=stress[2,2],sxz=stress[0,2],tanPhi=(stress[0,2]/stress[2,2])
>  if stress[2,2]!=0 else 0,i=O.iter)" part,What is the meaning of the number 
> in the "streess[]"? For example, "stress[2,2]" or "stess[0,2]"

stress here is matrix form of Cauchy stress tensor [6]. Indices are 0=x, 1=y, 
stress[2,2]  means stress_zz, i.e. normal z component
stress[0,2] means stress_xz, i.e. shear xz component

The indices corresponds to those of hSize, velGrad and trsf (where it is
related to strain/strain-rate counterpart)



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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #691593]: avoid this message : "The constructor with a shareWidget is deprecated, use the regular contructor instead."

2020-06-30 Thread Luc OGER
Question #691593 on Yade changed:

Status: Open => Solved

Luc OGER confirmed that the question is solved:
Dear Jérôme

thanks for the hint where to find the 'solution': it is effectively
inside the libQGLviewer 2.7.0 to 2.7.2 library, especially inside the

#ifndef DOXYGEN
/*! These contructors are deprecated since version 2.7.0, since they are not
 * supported by QOpenGlWidget */

/*! Constructor. See \c QGLWidget documentation for details.

All viewer parameters (display flags, scene parameters, associated objects...)
are set to their default values. See the associated documentation.

If the \p shareWidget parameter points to a valid \c QGLWidget, the QGLViewer
will share the OpenGL context with \p shareWidget (see isSharing()). */
QGLViewer::QGLViewer(QWidget *parent, const QGLWidget *shareWidget,
 Qt::WindowFlags flags)
: QOpenGLWidget(parent, flags) {
  qWarning("The constructor with a shareWidget is deprecated, use the regular "
   "contructor instead.");

now I will try to find a solution

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