Friday, January 16, 2009
17:53 Mecca time, 14:53 GMT      
News Middle East
Fatal shooting at West Bank protest
Hamas called for a "day of wrath" in the West Bank over Israel's war on Gaza 

A Palestinian has been shot dead and several others wounded after Israeli 
security forces opened fire during a protest in the West Bank against Israel's 
war in Gaza.

The man died after being shot in the head when clashes broke in the West Bank 
town of Hebron on Friday, medics and witnesses said.

Israeli soldiers had opened fire with live ammunition and rubber bullets after 
youths throwing stones had apparently tried to march towards the 
Israeli-controlled area of the city, witnesses said.

Several other Palestinians were reportedly wounded in the clashes, which came 
after Hamas called earlier in the week for a "day of wrath" on Friday in 
response to Israeli offensive in Gaza.

The Israeli military declared on Thursday that the West Bank would be closed 
off for 48 hours, but demonstrators still gathered in towns across the occupied 

In the town of Jenin, taxi drivers gathered in their vehicles to call for an 
end to the Israeli offensive which has already killed more than 1,130 

Protests have been held across the world every day since the aerial bombardment 
began on December 27.

Kuwait protest

In Kuwait on Friday, more than 5,000 people chanted slogans in support of the 
Palestinian Hamas movement after Friday prayers before marching to the 
parliament building.

"Arabs should use oil and their huge wealth to secure an end to the bloodshed," 
Nasser al-Sane, a Kuwaiti MP, told the gathering.

"It is shameful that they [Arab leaders] are holding a summit while there are 
Israeli flags still flying in Arab countries."

Up to 2,000 Palestinian refugees gathered at the Yarmouk camp in Damascus, the 
Syrian capital, trampling Israeli flags and chanting slogans against the Gaza 

Indian police used tear gas to disperse protesters in Kashmir, while in 
Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, some protesters urged Muslim nations to send 
troops to Gaza.
 Source:     Agencies

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

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