[zamanku] Fw: [proletar] Scandal exposes Islam's weakness

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
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Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

- Forwarded Message 
Sent: Thursday, 20 November, 2008 13:04:00
Subject: [proletar] Scandal exposes Islam's weakness

http://www.atimes. com/atimes/ Front_Page/ JK18Aa01. html

Nov 18, 2008 

Scandal exposes Islam's weakness
By Spengler 

Did you hear about the German Gnostic?
He couldn't keep a secret. 

Just such a Teutonic mystic is Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a German 
convert to Islam who teaches Muslim theology at the University of Munster. 
Kalisch recently laid a Gnostic egg in the nest of Islam, declaring that the 
Prophet Mohammed never existed, not at least in the way that the received 
version of Islamic tradition claims he did. Given that Kalisch holds an 
academic chair specifically funded to instruct teachers of Islam in Germany's 
school system, a scandal ensued, first reported in the mainstream 
English-language press by Andrew Higgins in the November 15 edition of the Wall 
Street Journal. 

On closer reading, Kalisch offers a far greater challenge to Islam than the 
secular critics who reject its claims. The headline that a Muslim academic has 
doubts over the existence of the Prophet Mohammed is less interesting than why 
he has such doubts. Kalisch does not want to harm Islam, but rather to expose 
what he believes to be its true nature. Islam, he argues, really is a Gnostic 
spiritual teaching masquerading as myth. Kalisch's heretical variant of Islam 
may be close enough to the religion's original intent as to provoke a 
re-evaluation of the original sources. 

A labor of love from inside the fortress of Islamic theology may accomplish 
what all the ballistas of the critics never could from outside the walls. 
Koranic criticism, I have argued for years (here and elsewhere - You say you 
want a reformation? Asia Times Online, August 5, 2003) is the Achilles' heel of 
the religion. That argument has been made about Christianity for years by 
Elaine Pagels and other promoters of Gnostic Gospels, and it is dead wrong. 
In the case of Islam, though, it might be dead accurate. 

Kalisch is a Gnostic, a believer in secret spiritual truths that undergird the 
myths manufactured for the edification of the peasantry. But he is a German 
Gnostic, and therefore feels it necessary to lay out his secrets in thorough 
academic papers with extensive footnotes and bibliography. It is a strange and 
indirect way of validating the dictum of the great German-Jewish theologian 
Franz Rosenzweig: Islam is a parody of Judaism and Christianity. 

It is in weird little byways of academia such as Kalisch wanders that the great 
battles of religion will be fought out, not at academic conferences and photo 
opportunities with the pope. For example: the Catholic Islamologists who 
organized the November 4-7 meeting of Catholic and Muslim scholars in Rome 
envision incremental reforms inside Islam through a more relaxed Turkish 
version (see A Pyrrhic propaganda victory in Rome Asia Times Online, November 
12, 2008 and Tin-opener theology from Turkey Asia Times Online, June 3, 2008). 
Despite their best efforts at an orderly encounter with Islam, events have a 
way of overtaking them. Last March, Pope Benedict personally received into the 
Catholic faith the Egyptian-born Italian journalist Magdi Allam at the Easter 
Vigil. In September, Kalisch dropped his own bombshell. In a way, it is 
longer-acting and more deadly. 

A small group of Koran scholars, to be sure, has long doubted Mohammed's 
existence. Their scholarship is sufficiently interesting, though, to question 
whether it is worthwhile exposing the alleged misdeeds of the Prophet Mohammed, 
who may not have existed in the first place (The Koranic quotations trap Asia 
Times Online, May 15, 2007). Earlier this year, I reported on the progress of 
the critics, as well as belated emergence of a treasure-trove of photocopies of 
Koranic manuscripts hidden away by Nazi Islamologists (Indiana Jones meets the 
Da Vinci Code Asia Times Online, January 18, 2008). The Nazis had a Gnostic 
interest in Islam (call them Gnazis). The manuscripts and copies are now 
under the control of mainstream scholars at the University of Berlin, with deep 
ties to Arab countries. 

Kalisch is the first Muslim scholar to dispute the Prophet's existence, while 
continuing to profess Muslim. If the Prophet did not exist, or in any case did 
not dictate the Koran, then it might be that the Koran was truly inspired by 
God, a great narration from God, but it was not dictated word for word from 
Allah to the Prophet, he told a German newspaper. A German Protestant who 
converted to Islam as a teenager in search of a religion of reason, 

Re: [zamanku] Fw: [proletar] Scandal exposes Islam's weakness

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Mamat Suryanto
Aku tidak setuju bahwa Allah yang disembah orang Islam hanyalah Allah fiktif. 
Tuhan memang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata semua sepakat. Orang non-Islam 
melihat Tuhan dari mata hati, yang tampak Tuhan yang penuh kasih dan sejuk. 
Tapi Muhammad mencari Alloh dari kacamata nafsu yang bergemuruh dan bergelora, 
jelas yang tampak Alloh yang kejam dan penuh nafsu seks.

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, Jusfiq Hadjar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Jusfiq Hadjar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [zamanku] Fw: [proletar] Scandal exposes Islam's weakness
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 1:39 PM

Saya rasa berita ini bagus di sampaikan ke berbagai mailing list... 

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

- Forwarded Message 
From: Sunny [EMAIL PROTECTED] se
To: Undisclosed- Recipient@ yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, 20 November, 2008 13:04:00
Subject: [proletar] Scandal exposes Islam's weakness

http://www.atimes. com/atimes/ Front_Page/ JK18Aa01. html

Nov 18, 2008 

Scandal exposes Islam's weakness
By Spengler 

Did you hear about the German Gnostic?
He couldn't keep a secret. 

Just such a Teutonic mystic is Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a German 
convert to Islam who teaches Muslim theology at the University of Munster. 
Kalisch recently laid a Gnostic egg in the nest of Islam, declaring that the 
Prophet Mohammed never existed, not at least in the way that the received 
version of Islamic tradition claims he did. Given that Kalisch holds an 
academic chair specifically funded to instruct teachers of Islam in Germany's 
school system, a scandal ensued, first reported in the mainstream 
English-language press by Andrew Higgins in the November 15 edition of the Wall 
Street Journal. 

On closer reading, Kalisch offers a far greater challenge to Islam than the 
secular critics who reject its claims. The headline that a Muslim academic has 
doubts over the existence of the Prophet Mohammed is less interesting than why 
he has such doubts. Kalisch does not want to harm Islam, but rather to expose 
what he believes to be its true nature. Islam, he argues, really is a Gnostic 
spiritual teaching masquerading as myth. Kalisch's heretical variant of Islam 
may be close enough to the religion's original intent as to provoke a 
re-evaluation of the original sources. 

A labor of love from inside the fortress of Islamic theology may accomplish 
what all the ballistas of the critics never could from outside the walls. 
Koranic criticism, I have argued for years (here and elsewhere - You say you 
want a reformation? Asia Times Online, August 5, 2003) is the Achilles' heel of 
the religion. That argument has been made about Christianity for years by 
Elaine Pagels and other promoters of Gnostic Gospels, and it is dead wrong. 
In the case of Islam, though, it might be dead accurate. 

Kalisch is a Gnostic, a believer in secret spiritual truths that undergird the 
myths manufactured for the edification of the peasantry. But he is a German 
Gnostic, and therefore feels it necessary to lay out his secrets in thorough 
academic papers with extensive footnotes and bibliography. It is a strange and 
indirect way of validating the dictum of the great German-Jewish theologian 
Franz Rosenzweig: Islam is a parody of Judaism and Christianity.. 

It is in weird little byways of academia such as Kalisch wanders that the great 
battles of religion will be fought out, not at academic conferences and photo 
opportunities with the pope. For example: the Catholic Islamologists who 
organized the November 4-7 meeting of Catholic and Muslim scholars in Rome 
envision incremental reforms inside Islam through a more relaxed Turkish 
version (see A Pyrrhic propaganda victory in Rome Asia Times Online, November 
12, 2008 and Tin-opener theology from Turkey Asia Times Online, June 3, 2008). 
Despite their best efforts at an orderly encounter with Islam, events have a 
way of overtaking them. Last March, Pope Benedict personally received into the 
Catholic faith the Egyptian-born Italian journalist Magdi Allam at the Easter 
Vigil. In September, Kalisch dropped his own bombshell. In a way, it is 
longer-acting and more deadly. 

A small group of Koran scholars, to be sure, has long doubted Mohammed's 
existence. Their scholarship is sufficiently interesting, though, to question 
whether it is worthwhile exposing the alleged misdeeds of the Prophet Mohammed, 
who may not have existed in the first place (The Koranic quotations trap Asia 
Times Online, May 15, 2007). Earlier this year, I reported on the progress of 
the critics, as well as belated emergence of a treasure-trove of photocopies of 
Koranic manuscripts hidden away by Nazi Islamologists (Indiana Jones meets the 
Da Vinci Code Asia Times Online, January 18, 2008). The Nazis had a Gnostic