Masih ingat John Nash, jenius periah nobel yang kisahnya
diangkat menjadi film berjudul "beautiful mind"?? baru-baru 

dia menyatakan perlunya emas sebagai standar moneter duniakarena nilainya yang 
tak lekang oleh inflasi.
konsep ini kurang lebih sama digunakan dalam ekonomi syariah 
yang dipraktikkan di masa nabi Muhammad ratusan tahun lalu:

”Ali bin Abdullah bercerita kepada kami, Sufyan menceritakan 
kepada kami, Syahib bin 
Gharqadah menceritakan kepada kami, 
ia berkata : saya mendengar 
penduduk bercerita tentang ’Urwah, 
bahwa Nabi Muhammad memberikan 
uang satu Dinar kepadanya 
agar dibelikan seekor kambing 
untuk beliau; lalu dengan uang 
tersebut ia membeli dua ekor 
kambing, kemudian ia jual satu 

ekor dengan harga satu Dinar. Ia 
pulang membawa satu Dinar 

dan satuekor kambing. Nabi 
mendoakannya dengan keberkatan 

dalam jual belinya. Seandainya ‘Urwah 
membeli debupun, ia 

pasti beruntung”(H.R.Bukhari)

dari hadits tersebut bisa dilihat bahwa harga 
pasaran kambing 
yang wajar di zaman Rasulullah 
adalah satu Dinar (sekitar 
Rp1.250.000) . sekarangpun, 
dengan ½ sampai 2 Dinar 

(Rp1,2 juta sampai Rp2,5 juta) kita bisa membeli kambing 

dimanapun di seluruh 
artinya setelah lebih dari 14 abad, daya beli uang emas (dalam 

kasus ini, dinar) tak berubah. 
beda jauh dengan uang kertas.
dulu di 1980-an, Rp5.000 bisa buat membeli satu pizza 

ukuran kecil, sekarang uang yang sama tak cukup untuk 

membeli pizza ukuran mini. 
bahkan, pizza palsu dari melamin pun sepertinya tak cukup 
dibeli dengan Rp5.000. 

A Beautiful Mind Indeed: Nobel Economist Says More Stable 
Currency Needed

John Nash, who won the 1994 Nobel Prize in economics, praised the 
gold standard in a recent talk at Fordham. 

Contact: Janet Sassi

Nash said that various interest groups that 
subscribe to Keynesian, or short-term, economic theories have sold the public 
the notion that inflation is acceptable or that "bad money is better than good 
Such a notion, he said, led to the dangerous 
proliferation of bad mortgage loans--loans made on the gamble that house values 
would continue to rise and eventually turn a profit.
"A fixed-rate 30-year mortgage would be reasonable 
under the gold standard," Nash said. "Now, there are variable rates, and 
adjustables, and convertibles, and it is very complicated" for homeowners to 
figure out what they are getting into. 
In fact, Nash said, nobody really knows the depth 
of the financial crisis. More than 200 members of the Fordham community 
converged upon the Flom Auditorium on Oct. 14 to hear John Forbes Nash Jr., 
Ph.D., winner of the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, talk about 
solutions to the downturn in the national and global economy.
Nash told the audience that such financial crises 
would be less likely to occur if there was some international monetary 
such as the gold standard or competition among worldwide currencies, to curb 
inflation and prevent the rise of mortgage abuses.
He expressed some skepticism about a government 
bailout as a solution. “I get the impression that the government is not ready 
do anything that is really beyond a short-term basis,” said Nash, a senior 
research mathematician at Princeton. “[But] we need a natural stability of 
Nash said that various interest groups that 
subscribe to Keynesian, or short-term, economic theories have sold the public 
the notion that inflation is acceptable or that “bad money is better than good 
money.” Such a notion, he said, led to the dangerous proliferation of bad 
mortgage loans--loans made on the gamble that house values would continue to 
rise and eventually turn a profit.
“A fixed-rate 30-year mortgage would be reasonable 
under the gold standard,” Nash said. “Now, there are variable rates, and 
adjustables, and convertibles, and it is very complicated” for homeowners to 
figure out what they are getting into.
In fact, Nash said, nobody really knows the depth 
of the financial crisis. Having an internationally oriented money standard 
promote better quality currencies and less inflation, he added. Nash further 
said that any such new international 
monetary system should be democratically determined, and cited the recent vote 
in Swedennot to abandon the Krona for the Euro.
Nash shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize with two 
other economists for research in game theory, a method of predicting behavior 
strategic social situations and a tool now widely used by economists and 
His academic notoriety was catapulted into 
celebrity status in 2001 when he and his wife, Alicia, became the subject of 
movie "A Beautiful Mind." The film was nominated for eight Oscars and won four. 
The movie, part of which was filmed in the basement of Keating Hall, documents 
Nash’s seminal contributions to game theory and mathematics and his subsequent 
25-year struggle with schizophrenia.
The event was also attended by special guest 
Charles Soludo, Ph.D., governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Dominick 
Salvatore, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Economics, introduced Nash and 
Saludo to the standing-room- only crowd and concurred with the need for a new 
international regulatory system more in tune with today’s global economy. 

“The entire financial sector has to be regulated, 
but those regulations cannot be specific,” Salvatore said. “Money is fungible. 
You have to be comprehensive, but general.”
Reform starts at home, Salvatore argued. “We need 
less exotic derivatives and much more transparency. And the U.S.has to live 
within its means. We save practically nothing at the individual level . . . we 
have a huge trade deficit and we are mortgaging our future.” 
The event was part of the Distinguished Lecture 
Series hosted by Fordham’s Center for International Policy Studies. Founded in 
1841, Fordham is the Jesuit University of New York, offering exceptional 
education distinguished by the Jesuit tradition to approximately 14,700 
in its four undergraduate colleges and its six graduate and professional 
It has residential campuses in the Bronxand 
Manhattan, a campus in Westchester, and the Louis Calder Center Biological 
Station in Armonk, N.Y.10/08










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